Breeders Boutique


Well-Known Member
Lovely specimens Duchie.
Thanks DST, but honestly, this gear, going back to what, 2011 now, has been so great and consistent that I pretty much expect them to be this nice. Deep Blues and Psycho Killer were my favorite back then and it's so good to have them back again in my new garden. The Dippy Ellsy is new to me so I'm looking forward to it.

Speaking of Deep Blues, as I think you're aware, I have some Jake Blues X JTR as well as Jakes Dream in my veg room. I had 8 in total but 5 of them that were rocking it turned out to be males and not sure on the others yet. Anyway, I chopped 4 the males but kept one of the JBXJTR's that looks just like the Deep Blue I had before, with that blue tinge to it, and he's really vigorous so I'm going to keep him going and grab some pollen to use later. He has a sweet citrus smell like tangerines. Anyway, thought you'd like to see him.

Disclaimer. No. I was not paid or coerced to say all these nice things and did so of my own accord...because I love this shit!