What did you accomplish today?

Captain Keg

Well-Known Member
Kids today

I made the mistake of assuming that you could calculate concentrations and adjust from there. I will stop upsetting your preconceptions. Have a fine day.
Talking concentrations is a different thing completely.
I simply made the point, they're not the same thing.
I fail to see how people can't realise that.

A similar thing would be, a Diesel engine will run on kerosene.
It doesn't mean they're the same or that you should, but it works.

You know what...screw it.


Ursus marijanus
Talking concentrations is a different thing completely.
I simply made the point, they're not the same thing.
I fail to see how people can't realise that.

A similar thing would be, a Diesel engine will run on kerosene.
It doesn't mean they're the same or that you should, but it works.

You know what...screw it.
I am familiar with hypochlorite and its storage forms. I know chemistry pretty well. I was a pro lab chemist and currently instruct at the local college. I know what you said, and you made some basic conceptual errors. Your analogy informs me that you came at this from an angle that does not survive scrutiny. The fact that you resent the information I am giving you does not falsify it. How's your day?


Well-Known Mod
Staff member
Talking concentrations is a different thing completely.
I simply made the point, they're not the same thing.
I fail to see how people can't realise that.

A similar thing would be, a Diesel engine will run on kerosene.
It doesn't mean they're the same or that you should, but it works.

You know what...screw it.
If you say so Cap'n Queeg


Well-Known Member
I know you can't reason with them. It's like playing chess with a pidgeon. I can't help but try though. It's hard to hear bullshit and not want to correct it.


Well-Known Member
I cant walk. Damn knee is swelled up and holding fluid. I'm after a buck. A big buck. This will most likely the last year he has big antlers. I know. Don't call me a trophy hunter. I have yet to mount a single kill in my life. I would like one for the wall. This one is a mature buck and had many years of breeding. This year or next will be his last prime year.

I took some pics. Mainly squirrels. I wish I had taken the camera a couple days ago a hawk landed 10 foot from me.
DSC01049.JPG DSC01045.JPG DSC01047.JPG
Those are taken with a Sony cyber-shot with 35x zoom. A very solid mid grade camera. I'm thinking about buying a better one where I can change lenses.

I might be able to change them on the one I have. I'm a typical male, I didn't read the instructions. Just kind of winged until I figured it out.