Well-Known Member
you are about to face the Bernie Babies
i tried to play nice with them during the general, but they were part of why we lost. so fuck those whiny shitheads.
you are about to face the Bernie Babies
the game is known as unprincipled, shitty politician trying to stay relevant for more of your dollars.
he was never a team player for the DNC, all he did was light it on fire and laugh.
FUCK bernard sandlers.
i tried to play nice with them during the general, but they were part of why we lost. so fuck those whiny shitheads.
Funny. the DNC wasn't playing for anyone but its donor class. And look where that got them?
The truth you can't stand is that Mr Sanders is far closer to what this country needs than either of the two that made the big show.
Oh, the blame game! Can't handle the fact that Shillary wasn't fucking electable on her own merits, can you? People stayed home in droves because they couldn't stand voting for her.
I DID vote for her and I'm still washing my hands.
sanders lost to hillary by more votes than trump did. he lost by 3 million votes, trump lost by about 2.5 million votes.
the pathetic part is that bernie's massive loss to hillary happened with a much smaller subset of voters.
now go on, tell me all about how hillary had it "rigged" in the primary but just forgot to rig the general.
sanders lost to hillary by more votes than trump did. he lost by 3 million votes, trump lost by about 2.5 million votes.
the pathetic part is that bernie's massive loss to hillary happened with a much smaller subset of voters.
now go on, tell me all about how hillary had it "rigged" in the primary but just forgot to rig the general.
"Rigged" is pushing it a bit, but ask yourself a simple question, man: In terms of palatability, do you feel that the cornfed red state masses would have chosen Hil or Bernie, given the (actual) choice? Hil is not very well liked, this isn't my opinion but a fact. (I happen to think she's just fine, one hell of a public servant, but her lack of personality/'government nerd' vibe never did her ANY favors if we are being honest here.)
Do you honestly feel that if Bernie was endorsed/vetted into position that he wouldn't have had a much better chance against the Drumpf that Hil ever could have?
Are you taking misogyny into account and how it oftentimes goes hand-in-hand with racist redneck 'mindsets'? Couple this with the fact that she is not exactly loved by large chunks of the flyover states, and, well.....
yeah, they would have put down their misogyny and voted for a socialist jew whose wife committed bank fraud to rip off the catholic church.
c'mon lou, think about this. uneducated white males voting for an old jewish man?
izzat Vin Diesel?
sanders lost to hillary by more votes than trump did. he lost by 3 million votes, trump lost by about 2.5 million votes.
the pathetic part is that bernie's massive loss to hillary happened with a much smaller subset of voters.
now go on, tell me all about how hillary had it "rigged" in the primary but just forgot to rig the general.
ooooooooh..i'm sooooooo scared of the rrrrrrrumblings and bbbbbodings.
patient? you go sit on the back bench, waves..the GOP is depending on you.
care to make a friendly wager?
my suggestion?..loser washes the winners car 1x per month for the 12 months following the election.
i'll be eagerly anticipating your post.
Hi Sky.
A friendly reminder.
My car is very dirty.
Please proceed at your earliest convenience.
No need for monthly cleaning. Once will suffice.
Sorry, you had to be present to win.
Sorry, you had to be present to win.