When Does Life Begin ...

not to mention the thousands who preform "self" abortions and end up getting sick and sometimes dying.

you cant force people to make a 18 year expensive, life altering commitment after a foolish drunk night or whatever, it just doesnt work like that
Those are ALL late term abortions, Vi.Most abortions occur before this.I didn't expect YOU to stoop to the propaganda spewed out by most right wingers.If it disturbed you so much, you wouldn't gratuitously post such photographs.
More aborted tissue mass:




And yet, another:


40,000,000 times since Roe vs Wade:

yeah vi is pathetic like that,, ive been more insulting to you (which i am sorry for) yet this dude blocks me so he cant read what i write.

he censors the material he chooses to read. like what i post might scare him, or make him think in a bad way... of course he falls for this propaganda bullshit, he is in love with all that shit, censorship too! the guy censors his own material?!?!
It's alright, Chuck, I have a temper too.But Vi, no one likes to see dead babies.The simple fact is, most abortions are early in the pregnancy, before brain developement.Where did you get these pics, rotten.com?If you visit that site,it really doesn't speak well for you.Do you know if these were miscarriages, stillbirths, or medically necessary abortions?Did they give a bio beside each pic?What kind of person takes pictures like that and posts them?What kind of person seeks such pictures out?What do you have to type in the search engine to get those results? What thought process brought you to the conclusion that these pictures proved any real point?
yeah vi is pathetic like that,, ive been more insulting to you (which i am sorry for) yet this dude blocks me so he cant read what i write.

he censors the material he chooses to read. like what i post might scare him, or make him think in a bad way... of course he falls for this propaganda bullshit, he is in love with all that shit, censorship too! the guy censors his own material?!?!
Vi is the thread creator if i remember correctly. so what he has done here is created a thread asking (the word "when" in the title implies a question but the lack of a question mark at the end is confusing) a question he already had a strong opinion on so he could jump on anyones back who argued back and post nasty pictures making people believe abortion is a horrible thing because these pictures looked almost like a baby even though none of those abortions would have been legal.

i think less and less of this dude every time he posts.

lies, those pictures are lies and everything he says is lies.. i dont even care that he cant read this,, he would just sluff it off and continue on thinking he is always right and nothing he has been TOLD is wrong... typical POS
a valuable post but there is just one problem. you say why wait 7-8 months? so what if the mother decides she does not want the baby after 8 months? shes not allowed to abort and that child grows up unwanted?

and what defining moment happens when the woman should no longer be able to abort?

my opinion is when the umbilical cord is cut. this is when the being is sustaining its own life with its own body.

if you are going to use a numerical value like "no abortions after 6 months" you have to have a reason why, otherwise your value means nothing. Not to mention it would be impossible to have even a majority agree on one numerical value of months into pregnancy.

a defining moment needs to happen where you say "NOW this is a life. NOW this being is a sole-entity, NOW this being deserves its own set of rights...
Yah thats fine, like i said later in my post it is a matter of individual rights. But it is hard to deny that late term abortion is pretty sick. I think if it takes the mother 8 months to decide she wants an abortion she should be looking into other options but that is just my opinion, in the end its up to the individual . . . .
It's alright, Chuck, I have a temper too.But Vi, no one likes to see dead babies.The simple fact is, most abortions are early in the pregnancy, before brain developement.Where did you get these pics, rotten.com?If you visit that site,it really doesn't speak well for you.Do you know if these were miscarriages, stillbirths, or medically necessary abortions?Did they give a bio beside each pic?What kind of person takes pictures like that and posts them?What kind of person seeks such pictures out?What do you have to type in the search engine to get those results? What thought process brought you to the conclusion that these pictures proved any real point?

Where he found them is irrelevant, do those images disturb you, Stoney?

We aren't talking about miscarriages, stillbirths, or "medically necessary abortions". 90% of abortions are for convenience only, and the future would-be mothers do not want to see what came out of them, they just want the magic wand to be waved and everything be better.

Do not get mad at Vi for posting the ugly side of what you so vehemently defend. Rest assured no one likes to see it but it must be seen so that you know exactly what is happening. Just like what happened with the Jews in Nazi Germany. They "went away" and the German public did not see the horrible atrocities that were happening. If they watched exactly what was happening they might not have been so for it.

I love your "right-wing propaganda" tactic here. Like some religious nut job photoshopped and fabricated these images to further their cause. This is what it really is, late term yes, however in my opinion it doesn't make a difference if its early or late.
I think if it takes the mother 8 months to decide she wants an abortion she should be looking into other options but that is just my opinion, in the end its up to the individual . . . .

i can definitely agree with this too, but i don't believe enough is being done for children who have no placement for a good foster family and end up getting stuck in a home.

one thing the government could do is make therapy availible FOR FREE to people who are in these kind of situations. a child needs to deal with these emotions at young ages so they dont end up becoming depressed or developing imbalances such as anger issues. Many of these cases lead to suicide, an option no human should EVER have to contemplate
Sad truths are shown if Vi's pictures. We can't deny that but if we can't accept loss and pain we deny life. Not everything is black and white but I can add some joy to my small corner of the world. I think expecting the government to provide a solution is a cop out, I simply do my small service and volunteer a little time and money for the kids that need it in my community. :peace:
Where he found them is irrelevant, do those images disturb you, Stoney?

We aren't talking about miscarriages, stillbirths, or "medically necessary abortions". 90% of abortions are for convenience only, and the future would-be mothers do not want to see what came out of them, they just want the magic wand to be waved and everything be better.

Do not get mad at Vi for posting the ugly side of what you so vehemently defend. Rest assured no one likes to see it but it must be seen so that you know exactly what is happening. Just like what happened with the Jews in Nazi Germany. They "went away" and the German public did not see the horrible atrocities that were happening. If they watched exactly what was happening they might not have been so for it.

I love your "right-wing propaganda" tactic here. Like some religious nut job photoshopped and fabricated these images to further their cause. This is what it really is, late term yes, however in my opinion it doesn't make a difference if its early or late.

like stoney said NO ONE likes to see pics of dead babies... whether those pics were from a late abortion or a miscarrage or still birth etc etc

just because one isnt pro life dosnt mean they like to see pics of dead babies
Oh, pipe down, Zen.You think a point has been made for your side, and it hasn't.Late term abortions are not legal unless the health of the mother is in question.So you guys have proven nothing except that you're heartless enough to use someone else's pain to further your agenda.Yes, it does matter where he got them from.It does matter that every picture be authentic.And it's typical to bring Nazi's up to further a point.Many Germans knew exactly what was happening to the Jews and did nothing.We knew for a long time, and did nothing.It was when Germany declared war on us that we entered into the fight against them.Our original target was Japan, for what they did at Pearl Harbor.So,don't try to act like it was for a righteous reason the U.S. engaged Germany, and then use that in your argument. And where exactly do you see that 90 percent of all abortions are selfish? Data please.Why should a woman be forced to give birth to an unplanned or unwanted pregnancy because YOU or anyone else tries to hold them to the same religious standards that you have?Your precious religion has caused more death and pain than all the medical abortions that have been.
Where he found them is irrelevant, do those images disturb you, Stoney?

We aren't talking about miscarriages, stillbirths, or "medically necessary abortions". 90% of abortions are for convenience only, and the future would-be mothers do not want to see what came out of them, they just want the magic wand to be waved and everything be better.

Do not get mad at Vi for posting the ugly side of what you so vehemently defend. Rest assured no one likes to see it but it must be seen so that you know exactly what is happening. Just like what happened with the Jews in Nazi Germany. They "went away" and the German public did not see the horrible atrocities that were happening. If they watched exactly what was happening they might not have been so for it.

I love your "right-wing propaganda" tactic here. Like some religious nut job photoshopped and fabricated these images to further their cause. This is what it really is, late term yes, however in my opinion it doesn't make a difference if its early or late.
Oh, pipe down, Zen.You think a point has been made for your side, and it hasn't.Late term abortions are not legal unless the health of the mother is in question.So you guys have proven nothing except that you're heartless enough to use someone else's pain to further your agenda.Yes, it does matter where he got them from.It does matter that every picture be authentic.And it's typical to bring Nazi's up to further a point.Many Germans knew exactly what was happening to the Jews and did nothing.We knew for a long time, and did nothing.It was when Germany declared war on us that we entered into the fight against them.Our original target was Japan, for what they did at Pearl Harbor.So,don't try to act like it was for a righteous reason the U.S. engaged Germany, and then use that in your argument. And where exactly do you see that 90 percent of all abortions are selfish? Data please.Why should a woman be forced to give birth to an unplanned or unwanted pregnancy because YOU or anyone else tries to hold them to the same religious standards that you have?Your precious religion has caused more death and pain than all the medical abortions that have been.

The point was made whether you accept it or not. These are the un-wanted products, deal with it.

Who's pain are we are exploiting to further our agenda? Our agenda being that life is precious and should not be tossed away for selfish reasons. Are you saying those images of abortions were from emergency cases? Not all countries have the "third trimester" rule.

And you are wrong on the German thing. A lot of Germans did not know exactly what was happening, they knew they were going away and they could live with that. And why did you go off on the history lesson on me, I know my WW2 history and never did I say we warred Germany because of the holocaust, we didn't even know of the holocaust till we liberated Buchenwald. You are silly to think that. The only reason I brought up the Jew/Germany thing was because its easier to turn a blind eye toward something and not know the realization of it.

Where exactly do I see 90% of abortions are selfish?

Reasons given for having abortions in the United States

Its not my religion that compels me to pro-life. Its my disgust for humanity to toss away life, that hasn't even had a damn chance, for no good reason. You can preach to me all day of all the evils in the world, all the murder and death, pestilence and famine. At least they had a chance. These kids never got to live and had the life snuffed out for the god of convenience. Its sickening that so many people would rather kill, their own child, than to take the responsibility of their actions that resulted life.
The point was made whether you accept it or not. These are the un-wanted products, deal with it.

A human is not a product, it is a human.

Who's pain are we are exploiting to further our agenda?
the people who see those picture and feel pain (something you may not feel) to know a being died at such a young state of existence.
I am not affected by those pictures as objects are meaningless, all that matters is what they stand for, and those pictures of those objects stands for propaganda, a lie, or a stretch of the truth, to make people think a certain way. yes dead fetuses are gross and it will emotially hurt some to see, but no those are not legal abortions. you are taking this to a new sick level and hands downs you are fucked.

Our agenda being that life is precious and should not be tossed away for selfish reasons.
yet so many are dying in iraq for selfish reasons

this random dude is a fucking crock of shit,, did you even read it?

Its my disgust for humanity to toss away life, that hasn't even had a damn chance, for no good reason.
to you there is no good reason, to a mother with a baby in her there may be a REAL good reason.
its my disgust for you to impede on the rights of a woman
Who's pain? The women that had to decide to end that pregnancy.And if it wasn't done for medical reasons, then it was illegal, and why would someone post pics of something illegal like that and try to use that in an argument,which I thought, was about when life begins, not when does it end.No, not all life is precious.Survival of the fittest proves that.And these kids who were unwanted and were born anyway?I bet they're pleased as punch, these children in these Indian Brothels, when the 40 year old man buys their 4 year old body for sex.Just happy as clams, I bet.So very happy they're starving, and infected, and unwanted, and unloved.Now who's turning the blind eye?I ask again...what about the ones who are already here?What if Hitler had been an abortion?Ever see the WALL of baby clothes from all the Jewish babies he gassed?Where are the unwanted children you are PERSONALLY helping?So it's better to be starving and miserable and alive just because your God says so?BTW...your source is from 1987.21 years ago.And only 1900 women were surveyed.Try again.
The point was made whether you accept it or not. These are the un-wanted products, deal with it.

Who's pain are we are exploiting to further our agenda? Our agenda being that life is precious and should not be tossed away for selfish reasons. Are you saying those images of abortions were from emergency cases? Not all countries have the "third trimester" rule.

And you are wrong on the German thing. A lot of Germans did not know exactly what was happening, they knew they were going away and they could live with that. And why did you go off on the history lesson on me, I know my WW2 history and never did I say we warred Germany because of the holocaust, we didn't even know of the holocaust till we liberated Buchenwald. You are silly to think that. The only reason I brought up the Jew/Germany thing was because its easier to turn a blind eye toward something and not know the realization of it.

Where exactly do I see 90% of abortions are selfish?

Reasons given for having abortions in the United States

Its not my religion that compels me to pro-life. Its my disgust for humanity to toss away life, that hasn't even had a damn chance, for no good reason. You can preach to me all day of all the evils in the world, all the murder and death, pestilence and famine. At least they had a chance. These kids never got to live and had the life snuffed out for the god of convenience. Its sickening that so many people would rather kill, their own child, than to take the responsibility of their actions that resulted life.
A human is not a product, it is a human.

My point exactly, I called it a product because that is how people view the "fetus" (another word to dehumanize it)

the people who see those picture and feel pain (something you may not feel) to know a being died at such a young state of existence.
I am not affected by those pictures as objects are meaningless, all that matters is what they stand for, and those pictures of those objects stands for propaganda, a lie, or a stretch of the truth, to make people think a certain way. yes dead fetuses are gross and it will emotially hurt some to see but no those are not legal abortions. you are taking this to a new sick level and hands downs you are fucked.

Sorry if the truth is propaganda to you. They are sickening pictures but take it for what it is, it happens. Prove they are a lie. They are illegal in how many countries?

yet so many are dying in iraq for selfish reasons

Here is where you are wrong, Jr.

First off, what selfish reasons are these?
Second, more people die of beestings a year than casualities in Iraq.

Spout some more liberal nonsense to me please, I love it.

this random dude is a fucking crock of shit,, did you even read it?

I did, did you? Read his sources. Nice try at voiding out facts by attacking the source though.

to you there is no good reason, to a mother with a baby in her there may be a REAL good reason.
its my disgust for you to impede on the rights of a woman

What about the rights of the child? What choice did they have? There may be good reasons, I never said I was against it in the case of rape or incest, but they are very very low in cases and most of them are for convenience.
Who's pain? The women that had to decide to end that pregnancy.And if it wasn't done for medical reasons, then it was illegal, and why would someone post pics of something illegal like that and try to use that in an argument,which I thought, was about when life begins, not when does it end.No, not all life is precious.Survival of the fittest proves that.And these kids who were unwanted and were born anyway?I bet they're pleased as punch, these children in these Indian Brothels, when the 40 year old man buys their 4 year old body for sex.Just happy as clams, I bet.So very happy they're starving, and infected, and unwanted, and unloved.Now who's turning the blind eye?I ask again...what about the ones who are already here?What if Hitler had been an abortion?Ever see the WALL of baby clothes from all the Jewish babies he gassed?Where are the unwanted children you are PERSONALLY helping?So it's better to be starving and miserable and alive just because your God says so?BTW...your source is from 1987.21 years ago.And only 1900 women were surveyed.Try again.

All life is precious, Stoney. All life.

You cannot argue that it is better to be unborn than born stoney, no matter what kind of conditions they entered. Stop this argument about the ones already here, thats not the issue being made. The issue is killing unborn children.

What if Hitler had been an abortion? Let me ask you a question, how many potential leaders have been aborted? Maybe someone who would find the cure to cancer was aborted.

I say it is better to be starving, unwanted and mistreated than never to experience anything at all. Not God, quit pinning this on religion.

And Stoney, you can look it up all day long, most abortions are selfish. Have a good day.
You're gonna believe what you want, and the truth certainly won't stop that. I say sometimes death is better. And I speak from experience.The issue is when does life begin...so far noone has proven anything on that point.And how do you know what is better? Define nothingess, from experience.You can't.There is an infinity out there that a finite mind could never comprehend.Goodnight to you.
All life is precious, Stoney. All life.

You cannot argue that it is better to be unborn than born stoney, no matter what kind of conditions they entered. Stop this argument about the ones already here, thats not the issue being made. The issue is killing unborn children.

What if Hitler had been an abortion? Let me ask you a question, how many potential leaders have been aborted? Maybe someone who would find the cure to cancer was aborted.

I say it is better to be starving, unwanted and mistreated than never to experience anything at all. Not God, quit pinning this on religion.

And Stoney, you can look it up all day long, most abortions are selfish. Have a good day.
It's all the same. The universe unfolds, regardless of planet Earth or the opinions of it's inhabitants. The debate seems meaningless because it entails religious faith, which has no basis in reality. Moreover, any proof of the existence of "god" itself seems to be entirely lacking.
I'm truly amazed by the number of people who think they have the right to legislate their morality and force others to comport to some standards that may be based on nothing more than the crap spewed by a televangelist.
REP for you.
It's all the same. The universe unfolds, regardless of planet Earth or the opinions of it's inhabitants. The debate seems meaningless because it entails religious faith, which has no basis in reality. Moreover, any proof of the existence of "god" itself seems to be entirely lacking.
I'm truly amazed by the number of people who think they have the right to legislate their morality and force others to comport to some standards that may be based on nothing more than the crap spewed by a televangelist.
...most abortions are selfish.
I would agree with this. I'm going to share a little bit of my past and do keep in mind that I have always been "pro-choice"...

24 years ago, my wife (now ex) woke me up one mornig and told me that the pregnancy test came back positive. My first words were..." I don't want to hear it."...That's what I said about my son. I still have problems dealing with that to this very day. You see, I just got my career on track, got clean, and have never been exposed to children. I felt I was not prepared. I was scared. I stuck with it though and the day my son was born, I carried him from the Delivery Room to the Nursery....and I walked out a changed man. It was profound. I have never regretted it. I have loved my son every day since then and I take every opportunity to let him know that.

I couldn't concieve of a life without my son in it...even though I was at first opposed to initially having a child. I would not change it for the world. My son has brought happiness to me, and many others. He and his wife have now given Seamaiden and I a beautiful granddaughter.

I shudder to think of what my life would be like had I never had my son.