
New Member
My leafs are showing this odd coloring look to them and it's starts with the leafs on the bottom and work it's way up. I'v tried to compare it to pictures online to see what type of problem it is, but no picture looks like it and my leaf will have a different look then all the pictures. I also read online that your environment can cause these types of problem with the leaves, so I can't tell if it's a defiance or environment issues or what. Any help in diagnosing this porblem would be a huge help. growing it only in ff ocean forest without pHing the water. ( I know your suppose to ph balance the water but when I did it at the begin the leafs did the same thing when I was pHing it and I read online that you don't need pH ajust the water because the ocean forest will do it for you. I'm not sure how true that is but they seem to be reponding the same to moths of pH correct water and moths of non pH corrected water.) I also didn't mix anything with the ff ocean forest not even perlite, just used it straight out of the bag. Am I doing something wrong with the soil?? also and suggestions on good soil would be great, I'v heard so many mix reviews about the ff ocean forest, but I just wanted to give it a try and it doesn't seem to be working the best. This is also my first grow so I am a nood and have searched all over the Internet for these answers and it's been really hard to find a straight answer and this is my last resort. Any help is very appreciated, much love to everyone!!!!!


  • 20161118_145040.jpg
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What's your temps, humidity and light/distance ? Also what's your soil PH ?
Light distance is about 5.5-6 inches with two 78 watt cfl. temps get 72 when lights are off and about 84 when the lights are on. humidity meter is saying it between 35 and 50%. the fox farm bag said the soil was between 6 and 6.6, from what I understand that's correct but I don't have any type of meter to tell me if that's acually the soil pH. thanks for the reply also!!!!