Here is Trump saying marijuana legalization is bad

Are you going to continue to gain self esteem by bullying overweight people while claiming to be an anti-racist?

i will shame the shit out of @roseypeach for being a racist, and laugh at her for being fat.

There should be a time limit on how long one can receive anything and these programs they have now are catering to minorities so if you're single, white and male with no dependents, you can forget the system looking out for you. Those are the guys footing the bill these days.

They can't afford to carry the minorities anymore and are finding themselves a minority with no voice.

^^^^^the funniest thing about all this is that she is white and on welfare. the minorities who work are carrying her fat ass, not the other way around.
Make sure put extra knob cheese on that ninja guys "sammich"
& beat him with a dictionary while your at it.

Making fun of overweight people "fat shaming" is something cowards do because they see overweight people as an easy target.

Make sure put extra knob cheese on that ninja guys "sammich"
& beat him with a dictionary while your at it.

Reported for being a pussy...with a yeast infection.


Are you going to continue to gain self esteem by bullying overweight people while claiming to be an anti-racist?

See ya next time around, lifelong loser socks ~

20249 - death diarrhea mother poison purple questionable vomit.png

Well at least you're honest about the type of person you are.I find your attitude towards overweight people disgusting.

i find it disgusting that you repeat the stormfront motto, neo-nazi.

are you one of those fat ass losers who make my health care premiums skyrocket?
What do you think should happen to all the overweight people? the people that you call "fat ass losers"

so i'm going to have to assume that you are one of these fat ass losers, since you didn't deny it.

post a picture of your elbow so i can see how bad you have been for my health care premiums.
so i'm going to have to assume that you are one of these fat ass losers, since you didn't deny it.

post a picture of your elbow so i can see how bad you have been for my health care premiums.

The reason you pay more health care can be solely attributed to these "fat ass losers" you speak of, do you have any evidence to prove this?
The reason you pay more health care can be solely attributed to these "fat ass losers" you speak of, do you have any evidence to prove this?

if you spent as much time on diet and exercise as you do on white supremacy and excusing your obesity, we wouldn't be having this problem.