Plant wilted a lot today...overwater? wind burn? no nutes? stale air?


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I want to get a diagnosis from someone other than me before i fuck this up worse. Here's what I'm considering.

-Overwatering? This is my guess. I've watered this thing with a half cup of water twice in 3 days, I have a feeling its this... The soil is damp under the surface and the weight is not dry weight. I'm opening up the side of the box (lol) and starting an external fan swapping the air out slowly to lower humidity and maybe vent the water faster right now since I have a feeling this is my issue.

-Wind burn? A fan I added to a rather small temp grow enclosure blew what i though was a soft breeze. The leaves arent curled like I've seen wind burn do, but I'm throwing that out there.

-Nutrient related? This soil is fertilizerless, I haven't added a thing to it yet because I don't have the nutes I'm confortable dosing properly yet. I don't see leaf discoloration though...

-Air issue? My final suspicion is that because my enclosure is not properly changing it's air out, this has happened. It wasn't intended to be used this long...Amazon shipping times on tents are bullshit, it's been a nightmare.

Any input on this situation would be really helpful, thanks.
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Active Member
I actually think it could be under watering. The leaves tend to droop like that when they aren't receiving enough water. It could be because it is a small plant in a big pot, so the water drains before the roots can soak it up. How long has it been in that pot? Because it also seems like time to start nutrients.


Active Member
Fuck, I did it I overwatered. LOL I tried so hard not to.


"Leaves are firm and curled down all the way from the stem to the leaf"
"Be extra careful with small plants in big containers."

Done fucked up... This pot is big my plant is small in comparison. There's plenty drainage at the bottom but I havent given it enough water to see any drain...thankfully.

Hopefully she comes back.


Active Member
I actually think it could be under watering. The leaves tend to droop like that when they aren't receiving enough water. It could be because it is a small plant in a big pot, so the water drains before the roots can soak it up. How long has it been in that pot? Because it also seems like time to start nutrients.
Hmm, you think the pot is heavy because soil below the roots is wet?

It's been about a week in this pot, the clone I got was in a cube of nutrient rich something that the club told me to bury and not remove.

I have 30-10-10 nutes but they're granules. And I was waiting till i get my liquids that have dosages for this application before I gave her any.


Well-Known Member
This is what I try to tell folks all the time, put your plant in a appropriately sized pot compared to the plant. The reason is simple transpirateion and evaporation.
If you have a small plant in a giant pot it will take far longer to dry it than if it was in a 1 gallon pot. I transplant twice once out of cups then to a 1 gallon let it get rootbound the to a 30 gal once it's ready.


Active Member
Yeah I actually bought 3 stages of pot size for this plant, but planted in the final size after reading in more than one place that I should. If you water in very small amounts is it okay to do?


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The soil about first knuckle down near the base of the plant is cool and slightly moist, def not wet, and not powder dry like the top


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Last night under green light i tilled the top inch of soil around the nutrient cube its in, got good air moving through the enclosure and used a radiant heater to compensate for the temp drop.

This morning shes just as droopy and the soil is fairly dry, i didnt want to sample to low on the sides of the cube in case her roots are out of it.

I way undermixed that 30 10 10 into a 16oz bottle, drilled a pin hole in the cap and sprayed abt a teaspoon over the base. Maybe the nitrogen will help.



Active Member
Dramatic recovery on the past couple hours. Trying to decide what it was. Revealing the cube to allow breathing, or the tiny shot of nutrient water. Or both. Crazy how fast it came back though.


Active Member
Hmm, you think the pot is heavy because soil below the roots is wet?

It's been about a week in this pot, the clone I got was in a cube of nutrient rich something that the club told me to bury and not remove.

I have 30-10-10 nutes but they're granules. And I was waiting till i get my liquids that have dosages for this application before I gave her any.
Ya it looks like the pot is too big for this plant so its roots are having trouble soaking up the water that is in there. Try focusing the watering right around the base of the plant and try giving those nutes once they come in the mail to give a little boost!

Best of luck!


Well-Known Member
Unwrap all that shit around the pot lol, let the water run-off, let the soil breath! Looks like some major root damage could be damping off from the soil never actually drying out down below. Soil smell funky?

Dont be too alarmed with underwatering in a big pot of soil, the roots travel pretty dang far below but if you never allow it to get aerobic from time to time then the root zone stays saturated in water from the ground up.


Active Member
Thanks for the input guys. I've got her in a proper tent now FINALLY, and giving her light watering straight to the top of the rockwool cube to be sure that it makes it to the actual plant and not just to the soil mass under it.

She looks much better I'll post some pics later tonight.

I need to figure out how much to water, that's one thing I'm unclear on. Partially because I can't use the weight method to check remnants in this case. So far I've def under watered instead of over, so maybe that's good.