Make Liberalism Great Again


Well-Known Member

Main points:

  • to too many of today's liberals, protecting 'feelings' has become more important than preserving rights
  • If liberals want to win back the white house, there are some very important things that must be done;
  • In 2018 and 2020, liberals need a 'progressive TEA-Party' that runs populist candidates modeled after Bernie Sanders that can steal primaries from establishment democrats. We have to get them out of there! This political party cannot survive if it's loaded up with corporatist shills. The democrats are supposed to be an alternative to that and right now they're not. The democratic party must become a super-organism that survives on the support of everyday people and eshoo's money from major business interests. Liberals must create and sell a bold vision of America... built around specific policies like making higher education a right to those with the academic acumen to earn it. Like making sure people are employed and that they're being fairly compensated for their work. Like protecting the interests of everyday people above the interests of mega rich multinational corporations. Like fixing our roads and bridges. Like building a national high speed rail system. Like ending our dependence on fossil fuels. Like working on ways to reduce or reverse the CO2 saturation that is harming our environment.
  • Kick SJWs to the curb. When ordinary people see liberals wasting our time arguing about pronouns, and turning racial and sexual differences into a grievance culture victim badge for every shitty little cry bully to polish with their own tears, Americans correctly reject the notion that that's what America needs. Liberals need to stop with this culture of coddling weakness and get real. We don't need a bunch of emotionally fragile screeching morons. They're an absolute drain on the liberal platform described earlier. Because according to them, creating a good economy and making sure everyone has healthcare and education is not as important as making sure no one is ever offended by anything that anyone ever says at any time.
  • If we want to win, we need tough liberals who are self assured and put forth good ideas with confidence and who are smart enough to defend those ideas in both a pragmatic and a philosophical way. Our current liberal climate of "there there, have a shoulder to cry on" needs to die, needs to go away.
  • If someone is so emotionally fragile that they psychologically implode when someone disagrees with them, they don't need a political movement to unite them all under one banner, they need mental health care to teach them how to be tolerant of people who are different.


Well-Known Member

Main points:

  • to too many of today's liberals, protecting 'feelings' has become more important than preserving rights
  • If liberals want to win back the white house, there are some very important things that must be done;
  • In 2018 and 2020, liberals need a 'progressive TEA-Party' that runs populist candidates modeled after Bernie Sanders that can steal primaries from establishment democrats. We have to get them out of there! This political party cannot survive if it's loaded up with corporatist shills. The democrats are supposed to be an alternative to that and right now they're not. The democratic party must become a super-organism that survives on the support of everyday people and eshoo's money from major business interests. Liberals must create and sell a bold vision of America... built around specific policies like making higher education a right to those with the academic acumen to earn it. Like making sure people are employed and that they're being fairly compensated for their work. Like protecting the interests of everyday people above the interests of mega rich multinational corporations. Like fixing our roads and bridges. Like building a national high speed rail system. Like ending our dependence on fossil fuels. Like working on ways to reduce or reverse the CO2 saturation that is harming our environment.
  • Kick SJWs to the curb. When ordinary people see liberals wasting our time arguing about pronouns, and turning racial and sexual differences into a grievance culture victim badge for every shitty little cry bully to polish with their own tears, Americans correctly reject the notion that that's what America needs. Liberals need to stop with this culture of coddling weakness and get real. We don't need a bunch of emotionally fragile screeching morons. They're an absolute drain on the liberal platform described earlier. Because according to them, creating a good economy and making sure everyone has healthcare and education is not as important as making sure no one is ever offended by anything that anyone ever says at any time.
  • If we want to win, we need tough liberals who are self assured and put forth good ideas with confidence and who are smart enough to defend those ideas in both a pragmatic and a philosophical way. Our current liberal climate of "there there, have a shoulder to cry on" needs to die, needs to go away.
  • If someone is so emotionally fragile that they psychologically implode when someone disagrees with them, they don't need a political movement to unite them all under one banner, they need mental health care to teach them how to be tolerant of people who are different.

Don't worry, Trump is going to fuck this up so bad, those voters will come back with their assholes bleeding begging for forgiveness :-)


Well-Known Member
The fact you can't take any responsibility for floating a shitty candidate nobody wanted to vote for is a pretty big part of the problem of why democrats lost

Check that ego;

Trump lost the popular vote by a record number of votes...

He literally holds the record for one of the biggest losers in US political history.

If we want to make "Liberalism Great Again" we need to dismantle the EC system because it's designed to twart the exact sort of effort your trying to undertake.

Once that's done we can start talking about selecting candidates.


Well-Known Member
The fact you can't take any responsibility for floating a shitty candidate nobody wanted to vote for is a pretty big part of the problem of why democrats lost

Check that ego;

I'll say it again, I voted for burn me in the primaries. I apologize , and do realize there is work to be done. But, still think that his supporters will feel scammed by the end of his term.


Well-Known Member
Trump lost the popular vote by a record number of votes...

He literally holds the record for one of the biggest losers in US political history.

If we want to make "Liberalism Great Again" we need to dismantle the EC system because it's designed to twart the exact sort of effort your trying to undertake.

Once that's done we can start talking about selecting candidates.
Hold up with that. Do you understand what would happen if the EC were discarded? Civil war #2. The most populated cities would win elections. Do you think that would sit well in fly-over America?
The problem is the number of votes a state recieves based on population. If each state had 1 vote per 100,000 persons, it would be more fair. As it sits, little bitty podunk shit holes elected trump. And the DNC with their premature coronation...


Well-Known Member
I'll say it again, I voted for burn me in the primaries. I apologize , and do realize there is work to be done. But, still think that his supporters will feel scammed by the end of his term.
Scammed how? I didn't vote for Clinton because I don't support what she stands for. Trump will most likely fuck things up, but I don't see how me not voting for Clinton has anything to do with that. Clinton is responsible for that.

Laying the blame on the people who decided not to vote for her is entirely misguided. She is responsible for getting people to vote for her, she's not entitled to votes.


Well-Known Member
Scammed how? I didn't vote for Clinton because I don't support what she stands for. Trump will most likely fuck things up, but I don't see how me not voting for Clinton has anything to do with that. Clinton is responsible for that.

Laying the blame on the people who decided not to vote for her is entirely misguided. She is responsible for getting people to vote for her, she's not entitled to votes.

Excuse me, Trump's supporters not Bernie's :-)


Well-Known Member
Excuse me, Trump's supporters not Bernie's :-)
Oh no doubt about it. Establishment democrats have shit on the middle-class this election cycle for sure, but its been republican policy for decades, so I'm with you on that. But watch, will they blame the government for it at the end of Trump's administration? Fuck no, they'll blame it on democrats like they always do, even though they're virtually powerless.

Notice a pattern?


Well-Known Member
ya know, it is hilarious to watch just how much @Flaming Pie has completely fucking lost it.

but your meltdown is a nice, distant second.

View attachment 3835632

he didn't do too badly for a rape fantasist with a bank defrauding wife.
Not bad for a guy going against the whole machine, exposing hillary for the urchin she is - the rapist defending/victim shaming lawyer hillary, with the trade crushing, intern fucking husband. So bad she had to push all bounds and cheat at any chance, so undesirable she lost to Trump. Wow.
If you can get past whatever it is that is holding you back, and accept that you were wrong, you can then move on and find peace.
Bernie 2020


Well-Known Member


why don't you go join @Flaming Pie in her delusional fucking #pizzagate land?
It has been proven, the evidence is available for any retard like yourself to verify. That's another reason she's responsible for the biggest political upset in American history and got beat by a reality TV show star with record breaking unfavorable numbers


Well-Known Member
Not bad for a guy going against the whole machine, exposing hillary for the urchin she is - the rapist defending/victim shaming lawyer hillary, with the trade crushing, intern fucking husband. So bad she had to push all bounds and cheat at any chance, so undesirable she lost to Trump. Wow.
If you can get past whatever it is that is holding you back, and accept that you were wrong, you can then move on and find peace.
Bernie 2020

By then you might be old enough to vote for him too:-)