Big Game Hunters, Show Your Stuff

I am still after this big buck.

Anyways, I suggest a .22 pellet gun for killing pest and rodents.

A pellet gun is way quieter than a .22, even .22 shorts.

This one or the Gamo silent cat are both silent air guns.

Buy ya pellet gun with a nitro piston instead of spring for stealth. The two I mentioned have silencers.

Though they can fire aluminum pellets fast enough to break sound barrier and crack like a .22. A lead pellet wont.
The way I finish a squirrel or rabbits so they don't suffer is grab them by the back legs and knock their head against a tree.
The way I finish a squirrel or rabbits so they don't suffer is grab them by the back legs and knock their head against a tree.
Pics or it didn't happend jk ....yeah that's pretty much the best way ......unless your in an open field with no trees around .....then you just smack whoevers hunting with you in the back of the head with the rabbit/squirrel/ porcupine ...etc etc
Pics or it didn't happend jk ....yeah that's pretty much the best way ......unless your in an open field with no trees around .....then you just smack whoevers hunting with you in the back of the head with the rabbit/squirrel/ porcupine ...etc etc
Just stick your foot on his neck right behind the head and yank them back legs real good.
I am still after this big buck.

Anyways, I suggest a .22 pellet gun for killing pest and rodents.

A pellet gun is way quieter than a .22, even .22 shorts.

This one or the Gamo silent cat are both silent air guns.

Buy ya pellet gun with a nitro piston instead of spring for stealth. The two I mentioned have silencers.

Though they can fire aluminum pellets fast enough to break sound barrier and crack like a .22. A lead pellet wont.
I was at wal-mart a while back and seen a crossman fury on sale and picked it up for my niece since she was rocking the pink red rider for some years now ......we took it out to shoot it and I was suprised how powerful it actually is ....I think I only paid a 100 bucks or so for it .....but she keeps the pest at bay when she comes to uncles house .....I have a gamo in 22cal the fury is 177 but great little gun for the price ....I actually probably wouldn't have bought it had I known it was as spunky as it is's a single break nitro piston type design ....pretty cool for the price and no issues as of yet and she shoots the hell out of it ........but she's getting older and we've been shooting my nylon 66s and my lil pump action gallery 22s lately
I was at wal-mart a while back and seen a crossman fury on sale and picked it up for my niece since she was rocking the pink red rider for some years now ......we took it out to shoot it and I was suprised how powerful it actually is ....I think I only paid a 100 bucks or so for it .....but she keeps the pest at bay when she comes to uncles house .....I have a gamo in 22cal the fury is 177 but great little gun for the price ....I actually probably wouldn't have bought it had I known it was as spunky as it is's a single break nitro piston type design ....pretty cool for the price and no issues as of yet and she shoots the hell out of it ........but she's getting older and we've been shooting my nylon 66s and my lil pump action gallery 22s lately
I had a gamo but something was off where they milled the slots for the scope mount. I could never get the scope zeroed. It hit in the same spot and was very accurate but always hit 3 in left. I sent it back after several ring, mounts and scopes didn't work.

I went with a Benjamin with a nitro piston and both a .177 and .22 barrel.
I had a gamo but something was off where they milled the slots for the scope mount. I could never get the scope zeroed. It hit in the same spot and was very accurate but always hit 3 in left. I sent it back after several ring, mounts and scopes didn't work.

I went with a Benjamin with a nitro piston and both a .177 and .22 barrel.
I've got a Crossman "Fire" nitro piston in .177. 1200 fps and it's dead on. The ground squirrels don't like it
where do you buy that special silicon grease for the seals? Manual sez to grease it up after every 100 rounds.
I use some o-ring grease I have. I don't remember where it came from. I have had it for years.

I'm sure most any retailer that sells the air rifles will have it. Amazon and the likes should have it.
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Well, not a big buck but he'll eat good and there was only 2 days till the gun season started.i have been hitting it hard trying for a trophy but only saw 2 shooters the past 2 weeks. this guy came by me in the am on different stand And I gave him the free pass, then he came by again at the end of the day and I decided to eat him! This was my last day to bow hunt before rifle season.
One doe tag left in MN and a buck and doe tag for WI should make Dec late season fun!
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Well, not a big buck but he'll eat good and there was only 2 days till the gun season started.i have been hitting it hard trying for a trophy but only saw 2 shooters the past 2 weeks. this guy came by me in the am on different stand And I gave him the free pass, then he came by again at the end of the day and I decided to eat him! This was my last day to bow hunt before rifle season.
One doe tag left in MN and a buck and doe tag for WI should make Dec late season fun!

I absolutely love following blood trails!!

It's like Easter egg hunting (with a big egg at the end of the trail :wink:).
Greatwhite, me too! Except this guy didn't bleed much? I watched the arrow disappear behind his shoulder when I shot but my arrow was laying on the ground about 15' away( the arrow pic was staged:mrgreen:) after I got him home and hanging I looked for an exit wound and for the life of me couldn't find one? yet my arrow is covered to the tip of my knock? He was quartering away perfect so maybe the arrow went into the opposite leg after passing thru lungs and kicked back out? F if I know very strange!!