I ranted about that on page 29.
"<raises hand>
I'd like to change my answer from the beginning of this thread (back in Feb.) As part of a huge cleansing I stopped shaving, wearing makeup, dying my hair, etc. I'm so fucking sick of trying to live up to some stupid ass standard that has been imposed by society and big corporations spending billions a year to get women to THINK they need to buy a ton of shyt to make them 'feel like a women'. Shaving started in the 1920's when Vogue and Vanity Faire told women they needed to shave their underarms to be sexy, and it's been down hill ever since. Then when shorter skirts came into fashion they said you had to shave your legs, then the thighs. Now the widespread availability of porn has led women to think they need to shave their pubes to be sexy to a man. Personally I had had ENOUGH- women are all sexy and are all beautiful and our worth is not based on how 'attractive we are to males'. I have to say it has saved me a fortune thus far money wise and TIME WISE- as I was obsessed with shaving everything somehow equating it to being 'sexy and clean'. Let me tell you- if a women bathes regularly she is clean, regardless of the hair there.. I am so glad to have a real man who could care less and finds me sexy naturally. I as a women do not feel the need to alter myself any longer to fill some unfulfilled void- I love myself the way I am, and I am thankful for what I have instead of trying to strive for some fake image of what someone else thinks I am supposed to be."