Trump Hysteria

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
Was it a racial slur? I'm guessing so. You have the entire SJW brigade at your heels. Had to be racial...
Nope. They just hate those who don't agree with them on policy. Consider all opposition to be racist/sexist/antisemetic.

Meanwhile they are supporting the real monsters who would keep blacks down and aid in the destruction of israel.


Well-Known Member
There seems to be more deserving recpients, no? Like that chorse guy. He needs some ball licking pics

He sure does, but he's just a typical boring sock. Pie knows what's coming her way when she post her bait. If she didn't want the attention she would stick to TNT and grow forums, like rosey beetch and cuck of curiousity

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
He sure does, but he's just a typical boring sock. Pie knows what's coming her way when she post her bait. If she didn't want the attention she would stick to TNT and grow forums, like rosey beetch and cuck of curiousity
Whaaaaaa! So are you saying women should stay out of politics? Or just ones that disagree with you?

@roseypeach @curious2garden

Better seen and not heard?


Well-Known Member
He will have more important fish to fry.

Like the mayors refusing to enforce immigration law.
it is not the job of local mayors to enforce immigration law, you fucking brainwashed retard. that duty falls exclusively to the federal government. check the constitution on that one, you brainwashed retard.

sanctuary cities are named that way by racist brainwashed retards like you because you think that immigrants have less of a right to report crimes because they should also have to fear deportation after they have been raped or robbed or beaten. the rest of us are sane though, and think that anyone should be able to report a violent crime they were the victim of, without having to worry that they will be deported for it.

it's one of the reasons why america is already great, you brainwashed retard.


Well-Known Member
Whaaaaaa! So are you saying women should stay out of politics? Or just ones that disagree with you?

@roseypeach @curious2garden

Better seen and not heard?
I say there is no correct answer to any political question coming from a man or woman; because politicians and politics are so corrupt and brutal at every level in every country. Unless you are a politician it's not worth the brain matter it takes to even think up questions on issues you can not change unless you jump into the cesspool yourself with them. The best you can do is vote and hope for the best of the worst. Outside of that, enjoy your little piece of life while you can. If anything; get involved within your own community if you want to make a difference. Political threads and arguments are all just propaganda and hot air!
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Well-Known Member
Nope. They just hate those who don't agree with them on policy. Consider all opposition to be racist/sexist/antisemetic.

Meanwhile they are supporting the real monsters who would keep blacks down and aid in the destruction of israel.
isn't trump's chief strategist the guy who beats his own wife and said he didn't want his kids going to school with so many jews?