I hate politics, just lies on top of more lies. I think we can ALL agree, politicians stink, they lie for a fucking living then sit on their asses and watch the masses eat that shit up. I voted Trump because he isn't a career politician and he knows how to make $$$, which is something this country could use more of. At the end of the day it doesn't matter who is in office, be it HRC or Trump. Somebody always has a gripe no matter how good they might be because they can't cater to everyone.
For fucks sake, how many of you have heard about the cry-ins, with their play doh and coloring books and time outs for COLLEGE STUDENTS. It's sick the way they are coddling these young adults and anyone with half a brain would be damned concerned that these are the idiots that will be our future leaders.
Please leave me out of this mess, I don't want any part of it. I've seen tons of good people getting the shaft because they disagree with what seems to be the 'majority' around here. Decent people are being threatened and assaulted simply because of the political party they align themselves with. I find it horrific that this once somewhat peaceful forum has turned into a goddamned battleground. I hate it.
Count me OUT.
P.s. No disrespect @Flaming Pie , you know I love ya and I got your back girl.
What do you mean he knows how to make it?
The dudes had 4 bankruptcies- on purpose!..he CHEATS working class by not paying them on agreed projects.
He knows how to leverage the system that's been gamed..he's a doofus, spoiled, rich baby-man.
There's nothing smart about this..he's a sales person.
I must say, you might want to look into the accuracy of your statements..no offense, of course.
I mean he talks in Twitter speak.. No more than 140 characters, which is why when asked a question, he can only answer with one short statement said 3 times different ways..you know I used to have a manager like that, lights on no, one home..no deepness, no second or third level.
There is NOTHING special about Donald Trump.