Obama administration throws cold water on vote recount effort

LOL, why do you care about a recount in a close election? Nobody but you is talking about the Kremlin fixing the election. Obama is taking an appropriate position as the outgoing prez. He can't get close to the issue without getting involved and he still has a job to do.

I'm looking forward to the slow drawn out negative commentary that will dribble out when they start finding examples showing cheating on the side of the Republicans. Also there will be much ado over "potential" hacking the vote recording and counting system. It all will go towards casting doubt on the legitimacy of Trump's presidency and weaken his position.

While I think that all of this is bad for our democracy, I also think that these same actions were exactly what Trump's team was going to do should Clinton won. So, cut him, cut him deep, I say.

Some good might come out of this if it brings about meaningful change in the security and transparency of our voting system. I don't know much about Wisconsin's polling stations but there are some dreadful paperless polling equipment that needs to be upgraded in several states.

Fog, I don't want a recount. I was just posting about a relevant story in the news on a boring Saturday morning.

Nothing good could possibly come from the presidency being stolen from the people who voted for Trump in his clear win.

If the election had been about popular vote, the candidates would have campaigned much differently, so there's no substance to claims that Hillary deserves it based upon popular vote.

I'm not excited about Trump. But the voters who gave him the clear victory deserve to have him as their next president. And The Bitch needs to put on some makeup, wear a sports bra, and concede once and for all.

And now back to your regularly scheduled program.
Fog, I don't want a recount. I was just posting about a relevant story in the news on a boring Saturday morning.

Nothing good could possibly come from the presidency being stolen from the people who voted for Trump in his clear win.

If the election had been about popular vote, the candidates would have campaigned much differently, so there's no substance to claims that Hillary deserves it based upon popular vote.

I'm not excited about Trump. But the voters who gave him the clear victory deserve to have him as their next president. And The Bitch needs to put on some makeup, wear a sports bra, and concede once and for all.

And now back to your regularly scheduled program.
Ah, but you miss the rather exquisite turnabout on Trump and his campaign. He was planning to declare the election was "rigged" and cast doubt on the legitimacy of Clinton's win. We now get to see the nasty and corrosive effect of that kind of tactic turned against him. Turnabout is fair play as they say.

I don't think Clinton will be made prez out of this effort.

That said, I'm hopeful that the scandals that will come from the recount will finally trigger action on some of the inadequate voting equipment currently in use in some areas of this country.

Clinton is almost 70 years old. Dude, a sports bra and make-up? How about people accept that she is an elder person and stop expecting elderly women to look eternally young. We certainly don't require that of our male politicians. Just look at Newt or Bill, they don't have to hide their age.
Ah, but you miss the rather exquisite turnabout on Trump and his campaign. He was planning to declare the election was "rigged" and cast doubt on the legitimacy of Clinton's win. We now get to see the nasty and corrosive effect of that kind of tactic turned against him. Turnabout is fair play as they say. I don't think Clinton will be made prez out of this effort.

That said, I'm hopeful that the scandals that will come from the recount will finally trigger action on some of the inadequate voting equipment currently in use in some areas of this country.

Clinton is almost 70 years old. Dude, a sports bra and make-up? How about people accept that she is an elder person and stop expecting elderly women to look eternally young. We certainly don't require that of our male politicians. Just look at Newt or Bill, they don't have to hide their age.

Yes Fog, you make good points. Bet here's another: Hillary (to some extent) chastised Trump for saying he might not accept the election results. And now she's doing just that. That was my point.

And yes, she could use a sports bra. Or something. Lighten up, it was a joke.
Officials in the Obama administration threw cold water on the effort to recount votes in Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania on Friday. The effort was spearheaded by Green Party candidate Jill Stein, who echoed arguments that Russia may have hacked US voting machines to interfere with the outcome of the November 8 election. A statement from the Obama administration cited by The New York Times acknowledged that the Kremlin likely expected the hacking of some Democratic Party entities in the run-up to Election Day to raise questions about the voting process and the legitimacy of President-elect Donald Trump's victory. "Nevertheless, we stand behind our election results, which accurately reflect ...

Full story here: https://www.yahoo.com/news/m/5127f3...df3b6d8f3/ss_obama-administration-throws.html

Question: How the hell can Russia hack voting machines that are NOT online?

You know what is awesome????

Having the liberals scream voter fraud after being told for decades it doesnt happen....

Only takes a liberal loss to make them blame the system, the voters, the russians, the FBI, the media, etc....
They are either not presidents or are only going to be president for a few more months. I'm asking, now that (according to you) there is definite proof that Trump is an illegitimate president, what do you propose we should do?

What was ambiguous about what I said?

ALL or none.

Spearhead the initiative to change it AFTER this cycle or admit you're willing to repeal the last 20 years of legislation (would this be catastrophic for either of us?) and you win my approval.
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What was ambiguous about what I said?

ALL or none.

Spearhead the initiative to change it AFTER this cycle or admit you're willing to repeal the last 20 years of legislation (would this be catastrophic for either of us?) and you win my approval.

except that clinton and obama won decisively, whereas shrub and trump crept in by less than 50,000 votes each, sometimes as little as 500.

your penis is tiny and you are a latent homosexual.
What was ambiguous about what I said?

ALL or none.

Spearhead the initiative to change it AFTER this cycle or admit you're willing to repeal the last 20 years of legislation (would this be catastrophic for either of us?) and you win my approval.
Are you even American?

The President just signs bills, he doesn't write them all, that's Congress, munchkin.
Are you even American?
The President just signs bills, he doesn't write them all, that's Congress, munchkin.

If you want to oust Dumph now for alleged voter fraud shouldn't you want to negate all the legislation of the last 20 years for the same reason as most politicians since '96 have been elected when/where e-voting was used and was proven less secure than it is today?

At what point in life did reading comprehension start failing you?
I think it casts doubt on all election results since Diebold, etc. made an appearance on the voter circuit.

But if findings are enough to throw Dumph's electoral status in debate it would have to be applied to every candidate since 1996 (the I-vote @ 7.7%) through 2004 (DRE @ 28.9%) up to today as those percentages have only gotten larger.

If you want to oust Dumph now for alleged voter fraud shouldn't you want to negate all the legislation of the last 20 years for the same reason as most politicians since '96 have been elected when/where e-voting was used and was proven less secure than it is today?

Nothing has been a more stupid move of the republic than to allow recording of the vote to pure electronics w/ no physical verification medium.
Some states are pure paper.
Some states are pure paper.
Here's a breakdown of vote methods per state <as per ballotpedia>:

Voting equipment usage
Equipment used
Alabama Paper ballot
Alaska Paper and DRE with paper trail
Arizona Paper and DRE with paper trail
Arkansas Paper and DRE with and without paper trail
California Paper and DRE with paper trail
Colorado Mail
Connecticut Paper ballot
Delaware DRE without paper trail
Florida Paper and DRE without paper trail
Georgia DRE without paper trail
Hawaii Paper and DRE with paper trail
Idaho Paper and DRE with paper trail
Illinois Paper and DRE with paper trail
Indiana Paper and DRE without paper trail
Iowa Paper ballot
Kansas Paper and DRE with and without paper trail
Kentucky Paper and DRE without paper trail
Louisiana DRE without paper trail
Maine Paper ballot
Maryland Paper ballot
Massachusetts Paper ballot
Michigan Paper ballot
Minnesota Paper ballot
Mississippi Paper and DRE with and without paper trail
Missouri Paper and DRE with paper trail
Montana Paper ballot
Nebraska Paper ballot
Nevada DRE with paper trail
New Hampshire Paper ballot
New Jersey DRE without paper trail
New Mexico Paper ballot
New York Paper ballot
North Carolina Paper and DRE with paper trail
North Dakota Paper ballot
Ohio Paper and DRE with paper trail
Oklahoma Paper ballot
Oregon Mail
Pennsylvania Paper and DRE without paper trail
Rhode Island Paper ballot
South Carolina DRE without paper trail
South Dakota Paper ballot
Tennessee Paper and DRE without paper trail
Texas Paper and DRE without paper trail
Utah Paper and DRE with paper trail
Vermont Paper ballot
Virginia Paper and DRE without paper trail
Washington Mail
Washington D.C. Paper and DRE with paper trail
West Virginia Paper and DRE with paper trail
Wisconsin Paper and DRE with paper trail
Wyoming Paper and DRE with paper trail

So the 3 states in question run the gamut of methods (DRE/paper w/o trail-Penn., DRE/paper w/ trail-Wisc., Pure paper-Mich.).

But if electronic voting is the reason for the recount effort, what's the story w/ Michigan?