Trump Hysteria

Learn about the Connecticut Compromise.

The founders wanted a republic with separate democracies in each state to avoid tyranny by majority rule.
Learn about the Connecticut Compromise.

The founders wanted a republic with separate democracies in each state to avoid tyranny by majority rule.
See, not every system is perfect. Tyranny has a way of winning out. Usually by pandering to the most stupid citizens during challenging times.
Clearly, I'm talking about total votes as being representative of the mindset of people.
2,200,091 more people voted for Clinton over Trump.
The people of the United States voted overwhelmingly for Hillary.

Clearly you are talking about the total votes as being representative of the minority of the states and the mindset of that minority.

75% of your vote difference resides in a single county in a single state.
see, i used "boy" in a clearly cheeky way, you had to go and racialize it.

i can just sense how badly you snarled when you read it.

you southern fried, unreconstructed, neo-confederate, white supremacist types are just way too easy to rile.
see, i used "boy" in a clearly cheeky way, you had to go and racialize it.

i can just sense how badly you snarled when you read it.

you southern fried, unreconstructed, neo-confederate, white supremacist types are just way too easy to rile.

You are not British and you are not black. You are delusional however to think some loser who bet himself out of here could hold any salt whatsoever with me.

Demonstrated clearly. How does one county in one state override the Union in your delusional mind again? I would avoid that one too.
Do you believe Fidel Castro was a humanitarian?

Its like backwards day everyday with you guys lol.
What are you even talking about? You won't answer any of my questions on topics you bring up and then you ask me leading questions on topics I say nothing about? You are either stupid or disingenuous. I think both.

And while we are judging "backward day" is it American foreign policy you favor, or Russian? Check yourself dumbass.
You mean the Union? What is it a Union of exactly. Remind us all, Mr. Bet his account against being here; boy.

The United States was the american union. A system to make sure the little guys had a guarantee that they would not be ganged up on. A union of separate states that could be models of democracy for the union. Eventually they best model wins the hearts of the american people.

That is how it worked with every social movement in our history. Minds were changed through witnessing changes in other states. "Hey guys! That system looks good. We should emulate it!"

Lead by example.