Fucking black market prices?? Screw that, those prices will be about 80% lower with legalization but it could take a few years.
One of my fav bars in Kazoo is the "beer exchange" a lot of micro brews and some ciders are on a tote board and the price is adjusted every 15 min as per how they are selling upstairs in the restaurant. Sell more = price goes up .25 or more, sells less or hasn't sold in the last 15 min. Price goes down by .25 or more......They make hourly adjustments where some beers can run at a 15 min. firesale rate of - 1.00! Fun and great food!
Anyway. Actual stocks in up and coming MM and future legal business's. Growers, processors ( trim to concentrate to medibles)....Have been selling for several years on the penny stock level! A cpl have broken out of the penny stock and are going mainstream......My family has investors in that market and not just my wife and I! Lets say I haven't lost anything yet, for sure...
I'm an old trader but have been out of the market about 5 years. I have never traded Pennies because they were pennies but have been successful with low priced gold and orange juice. Got a few unexpected bucks the other day and want to gamble with some penny stocks. Could you guys suggest a broker(s) the traders like, any sources of info, news letters, etc.?Your a bit better thene Dr who. Lol I'll see swings up and down of 20k a week. I play the market as well a bit. Used to do it full time. Work at home no boss. But I worked more then . then I do now . used to get up at 7 am try to find some news. Then trade to close then anouth hour after close. I could trade still. Then eat. Come back to the PC look at more news for 2 hours or so . actual day put in 13 hours . then sat only day off but your worried about the market so not really a day off. Then Sunday time to mess with futures no sleep. Heading towards Monday. Can make huge cash but lot of hours .and I would not buy any mm stocks lol
I just followed reports of the MM stocks from online sources.....They list plenty of perspectives for them out there.....I'd put my money into Canadian Cannabis Cos. Less down side.
I'm an old trader but have been out of the market about 5 years. I have never traded Pennies because they were pennies but have been successful with low priced gold and orange juice. Got a few unexpected bucks the other day and want to gamble with some penny stocks. Could you guys suggest a broker(s) the traders like, any sources of info, news letters, etc.?
a lot of uncertainty with this new administration but they are not likely to be as accommodating as the Obama administration. word on the street is that this is not a good time to invest in cannabis stocks.the current understanding and budget restriction did not stop the DEA from shutting down MMJ production facilities and dispensaries. they do not consider this an impediment to state MMJ programs because patients can grow their own medicine and even this low level of protection does not exist for recreational use even if it's legal under state law.I think we will see more aggressive prosecution under trump.they probably won't waist time with individual users but commercial growers and sellers may have a more difficult time
And that will sucka lot of uncertainty with this new administration but they are not likely to be as accommodating as the Obama administration. word on the street is that this is not a good time to invest in cannabis stocks.the current understanding and budget restriction did not stop the DEA from shutting down MMJ production facilities and dispensaries. they do not consider this an impediment to state MMJ programs because patients can grow their own medicine and even this low level of protection does not exist for recreational use even if it's legal under state law.I think we will see more aggressive prosecution under trump.they probably won't waist time with individual users but commercial growers and sellers may have a more difficult time
All online trading takes a cut somewhere and profits seem small and hard work....I just followed reports of the MM stocks from online sources.....They list plenty of perspectives for them out there.....
Google them up. I like "Medical Marijuna stock" as my first google. New reports all the time and you'll find plenty of infor to dig further in from there.......Marijuna stock is the next google. Hell there's always a few hr old report on the first page that's worth a read.
I Scott trade - No broker....
Brokers take more and have all sorts of fee's by company......I like what I do with Scott trade....They charge a small fee for each "trade"...All online trading takes a cut somewhere and profits seem small and hard work....
Am i missing somthing here?
you want to trade every thing ? stock futures fx ? look at interactive brokers . can trade almost 24/7 penny stocks you can get rich or lose your house in 10 seconds same as fx , i suggest staying very far away from these unless you only putting in a few thousand you could care less about then buy some penny stocks . for fx 100 to 1 margin trades unpredictable the news come in then it still all over the map monster swings . and there is zero patterns that are reliable . its the casino if you had 100 bucks with 100 to 1 margin over night you could make 20k not with my luck
Let's get the big guns in here...View attachment 3877046
@srh88 @Bob Zmuda @Blue Wizard @420God @curious2garden @Diabolical666 @UncleBuck @Singlemalt @tangerinegreen555 @tyler.durden @evergreengardener @Bbcchance @mr sunshine @cannabineer @dangledo @whitebb2727 @StonedFarmer @ALl of TnT
Fuck this dude! Let's make sure he keeps his bullshit out of here. He is my least favorite member on this site.
No, he just likes to give out the worst advice in the grow section...Real talk though, this is the mountain dew guy?