Trump Hysteria


Annnnnnnnd go!

and the nation's sphincter is stretched a bit wider in preparation of the ass slam.
Trump literally trolled you with the flag burning tweet.‬&_r=0

Is it ok if hillary did it?

2005 was a proposed United States federal lawintroduced by Senator Bob Bennett (R-Utah), with Senator Hillary Clinton (D-N.Y.) as original co-sponsor. The other co-sponsors included Barbara Boxer (D-Calif.), Mark Pryor (D-Ark.) and Thomas Carper (D-Del.).[1]

The law would have prohibited burning or otherwise destroying and damaging the US flag with the primary purpose of intimidation or inciting immediate violence or for the act of terrorism. It called for a punishment of no more than one year in prison and a fine of no more than $100,000;

You think flag burning is ok? Why are you so dumb?
Billy made him say dirty things... this dirty talking Billy.

What's this costing us so far to protect donny and his interests? Like $3mil a day? Maybe a billion a year annualized and he's not even the president yet. Renting offices to his secret service - this guy is the least obvios crook ever to sleep under the white house roof. And he brags about it. He's smart, he tells us.

I'm so fucking proud to be american right now. Goddam right it's my right to burn a flag.
Billy made him say dirty things... this dirty talking Billy.

What's this costing us so far to protect donny and his interests? Like $3mil a day? Maybe a billion a year annualized and he's not even the president yet. Renting offices to his secret service - this guy is the least obvios crook ever to sleep under the white house roof. And he brags about it. He's smart, he tells us.

I'm so fucking proud to be american right now. Goddam right it's my right to burn a flag.

i'd suggest burning those tacky ass red MAGA hats instead, but i don't want to put money into the pockets of trump, and the chinese factories that produce his hats.
what was that line trump used to love to use on hillary? you've been here for 30 years?

trump's picks have been there even longer.

you got CONNED!

Hillary had thirty years to influence policy. Did she make life better for african americans? No. Did she bring jobs to NY? No. Did she she protect american interests? No.

She cut deals to her friends and donors, continued our toxic policy of regime change, and endangered national security.

As trump would say, "she has experience but it's BAD experience."

Hillary had thirty years to influence policy. Did she make life better for african americans? No. Did she bring jobs to NY? No. Did she she protect american interests? No.

She cut deals to her friends and donors, continued our toxic policy of regime change, and endangered national security.

As trump would say, "she has experience but it's BAD experience."

your child is literally covered by the children's health insurance program she fought, you goddamn welfare leech.