Draining The Swamp..

With all those cabinet appointments Trump is proposing doesn't look like he wants to drain the swamp it look more like he wants to drain your wallets instead. Bye-bye Dodd-Frank, bye-bye Fair Credit Act, bye-bye Social Security as we know it Wall Street will take care of it for you, bye-bye Medicare as we know it, it's voucher time for the peons. Hope you Trump supporters got your Vaseline ready you're about to get screwed.

to be fair, we will all be screwed in some way or another.

but unlike the flaming pies of the world, we are well prepared to weather the storm.
With all those cabinet appointments Trump is proposing doesn't look like he wants to drain the swamp it look more like he wants to drain your wallets instead. Bye-bye Dodd-Frank, bye-bye Fair Credit Act, bye-bye Social Security as we know it Wall Street will take care of it for you, bye-bye Medicare as we know it, it's voucher time for the peons. Hope you Trump supporters got your Vaseline ready you're about to get screwed.

A month ago you were quite sure that Trump had no chance of being president. Excuse me if I dont take your hysterical conjecture for reality.
That's exactly correct. Trump is an extremist, and he is surrounding himself with other right-wing extremists, and billionaires. The trump chumps are the ones who still have to come to grips with this, and they are the ones who may be hurt the most as a result.

It would be ironic if it wasn't so pathetic.

That's exactly correct. Trump is an extremist, and he is surrounding himself with other right-wing extremists, and billionaires. The trump chumps are the ones who still have to come to grips with this, and they are the ones who may be hurt the most as a result.

It would be ironic if it wasn't so pathetic.


Only if you look at government as a welfare piggy bank.
A month ago you were quite sure that Trump had no chance of being president. Excuse me if I dont take your hysterical conjecture for reality.
So he won, I get that, but I knew he would screw us if he did win but those idiot Trump supporters were in denial, with his cabinet choices so far I can't see how you're NOT gonna get screwed, I'm cautiously optimistic and hoping for the best but I'm a realist Trump is nothing but a con man.
Only if you look at government as a welfare piggy bank.
Oh so you must mean all those poor White Southerners who make up the largest chunk of welfare recipients who depend on the Government, you mean those folks? So it's much better to give out corporate welfare instead like Pence just did in Indiana to keep Carrier from moving to Mexico by paying them $700,000 a year of Indiana taxpayer money plus incentives? Get ready for a heck of a lot of corporate welfare. Dumb idiots always voting against their best interest. Republicans always blamed Democrats when shit went south, now I'm going to enjoy sitting back and watch how they are gonna weasel out of this one now that it is ALL theirs.
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say goodbye to your medicaid and food stamps, pie.
Further Swamp Drainage News..

In case anyone hasn't noticed..these people are all mega-wealthy Wall Streeters Trump is filling his cabinet with..:lol:

Steve Munchkin of Goldman-Sachs because Jaime Diamon didn't want the job..you know, the guy who basically was responsible for 2008 Crash? That was Trumps first choice and for good reason..Trump made a killing during that time.

Room Service anyone?..I'm calling down.


Hey! Wait a minute!..Blankfein, Blankfein..where have I heard that name before..?

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