90% Red Hairs...Clear Trichs


Active Member
Is this a problem? Most if not all of the hairs on my girl are red, and there are trichs everywhere, but when I looked at the trichs through the scope, they are still mostly clear. What's the deal and is this bad? Should I harvest now or wait? It's only about 6 weeks into flowering


Well-Known Member
i don't know the correct answer, but i can tell you that i am 6 weeks into 12/12 as well, and i have 1/4-1/3 red hairs, and half cloudy, half clear trichomes... maybe an amber trich here or there. i'll be watching this thread... if anyone offers up an educated opinion, i know i'd be interested to know the answer, too!


Too many brownies
Is this a problem? Most if not all of the hairs on my girl are red, and there are trichs everywhere, but when I looked at the trichs through the scope, they are still mostly clear. What's the deal and is this bad? Should I harvest now or wait? It's only about 6 weeks into flowering
could be the strain your growing.

Dr G.Thumb

Well-Known Member
The below info is taking from Jorge Cervantes (Indoor Marijuana Horticulture) just put into my own words...

(Capitate-stalked trichomes) "ones with the little knob/head on top" are the ones highest in THC content. When the knob/head is very distinctive and are still transparent, then their generally ready for harvest.

If you allow them to start turning brown they will get smaller (decomposing) and THC content will start to drop off.

BTW... I highly recommend the above book as its packed full of everything you need to know so it can always be used as a reference/resource when in doubt.

could be the strain your growing.
This could be too... maybe not as potent meaning the trichomes will only ripen so much ?


Well-Known Member
When the knob/head is very distinctive and are still transparent, then their generally ready for harvest.

If you allow them to start turning brown they will get smaller (decomposing) and THC content will start to drop off.
cool- that's interesting- can you elaborate? ... i was under the impression that clear was not the time to harvest, that the thc would be weak, and that you either want to harvest when cloudy or when amber... what about the cloudy stage? does the book say anything about that?


Well-Known Member
Forget about hair color, we don't grow herb for the hairs. Resin baby resin!Have you misted your buds with any liquids? That will wither hairs quicker than normal.
You'll know when the time is right when the hairs have been pulled back into the calyxes and the swell up. I like to flush with a carbohydrate like unsulphured molasses to aid the process.
Also, on the resin, wait till they are nice and milky white to half and half milky/amber. The resin glands will ripen in the cureing process.


Well-Known Member
hey jagzzman, how did everything turn out? What did you wind up doing? Thanks brother, I am in the same boat you are in now and seems someone needs to come up with a book that compiles every method and conclusion and theory. Not anyone's sole opinion.



Well-Known Member
someone needs to come up with a book that compiles every method and conclusion and theory. Not anyone's sole opinion.

Thats all those "master growers (" are doing is giving an opinion. Jorge C. is just a guy who wrote a book. None of his findings are scientific, they are all his personal preference. I laugh so hard when people say "Jorge said it, so it has to be true." NO!!! Jorge said it so it is Jorges opinion. I personally think all those grow book writers are one thing, writers.
Just cuz u get a mascot to dress up and smoke bowls aside u when u build a grow room doesn't neccessarily make u qualified to build a grow room.
All I can say is do ur own experiments and read results from different people, not a copyrighted book with a single opinion..

Little Tommy

Well-Known Member
I'll chime in on this. Six weeks is usually not enough time unless you are growing an early harvest strain. I have found that the trichomes never lie. If you harvest when the thrichomes are still clear but fully developed you will end up with an up heady high. If you harvest when trichomes are mostly amber you will get the full body - couch lock high. Any variation in between results in a mixture of the two. I like to harvest when they are mostly cloudy with about 20% amber. By harvesting early you will lose out on full bud development as they put on most of their size and weight in the last 3 weeks or so.