Oxygen tablets for DWC?

I wouldn't mess with it. 73 is not bad. doable with beneficial bacteria. You can always freeze bottles of water and add to the res.
Yeah, I found a little more info about it, it would Definitely mess things up. I've got some myco/bacteria coming in the mail
In my personal experiences, Hydroguard works wonders for preventing root rot...particularly in higher temperature waters. While 73 isn't ideal, with some protective bennies it should be quite a managable issue. And if all else fails, as he said, you can always break out the ol' frozen water bottle, unless you just have the extra cash to dish out on a chiller. Happy growing Royal. :)
Yeah, I'll manage it, I've seen alot of good results at slightly warmer temps. I built a heat exchanger, but it doesn't seem to work. im going to make a thread when I get home later and see if someone can see what Im doing wrong
You can use hydrogen peroxide to give a little oxygen and prevent root rot. The H2O2 will react with metallic ions in your nutes and break down into H2O and O rather quickly. The extra O will bind to another O also very quickly to create O2.
You can use hydrogen peroxide to give a little oxygen and prevent root rot. The H2O2 will react with metallic ions in your nutes and break down into H2O and O rather quickly. The extra O will bind to another O also very quickly to create O2.

Won't that kill the added microbes?
I'm about to start DWC grow, the lowest I can get my water temp is 73°. would using these aquarium oxygenating tablets cause ph problems? heres a link to the product

I use an aquarium pump, some rubber tubing, copper tubing and an old cooler. Fill the cooler halfway with water, drill two holes in the top of the cooler just large enough for plastic tubing to fit through. Place copper tubing in cooler and connect one end of the plastic tubing coming from the pump inside your rez to one end of copper. attach plastic tubing to other end that leads back into rez. keep the water inside the cooler cold and tne pump does tbe rest.
I use an aquarium pump, some rubber tubing, copper tubing and an old cooler. Fill the cooler halfway with water, drill two holes in the top of the cooler just large enough for plastic tubing to fit through. Place copper tubing in cooler and connect one end of the plastic tubing coming from the pump inside your rez to one end of copper. attach plastic tubing to other end that leads back into rez. keep the water inside the cooler cold and tne pump does tbe rest.
Your looking for problems. the acid and the nutes react to copper.
Your looking for problems. the acid and the nutes react to copper.
Im not saying you are wrong, I honestly hadn't thought of that, but I have been using for 3 months and have not seen any issues. I will be curious what it looks like on the inside when I tear everything down.
Im not saying you are wrong, I honestly hadn't thought of that, but I have been using for 3 months and have not seen any issues. I will be curious what it looks like on the inside when I tear everything down.
I use a copper tube in tube heat exchanger and have no issues.
I don't use a chiller, only got root rot once, but that because the medium it was in was infected. All you need is a air stone. I got the round disc one. A good air pump. I got like a Hailea 40L/min, strong and quite and hasn't stuff up or made any annoying noise in the internals. When your tote is filled up with the roots, the air coming out will be trapped inside the roots anyways.