why is trump freaking out about the recount?

why is trump so scared of a recount?

  • recklessly discarded votes will tip the balance to hillary

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • every case of voter fraud so far was from a trump voter

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • trump told his voters to vote more than once on several occassions

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • michigan gop officials just pleaded guilty to election fraud

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


Well-Known Member
so apparently, about 20 precincts in wisconsin are refusing to hand over their votes for a recount.

trump is suing michigan to stop the recount there.

even before the recount proceeds, trump lost about 6,000 "mystery" votes in wisconsin, or about 20% of his margin.

even before the recount proceeds, trump lost about 2,000 "mystery" votes in michigan, again, about 20% of his margin there.

and just last night, trump's margin in pennsylvania dropped from about 70,000 to 45,000 ahead of the recount. that's almost 40% of his margin there.

what's he so scared of? it's not like they are going to find a ton of discarded votes in wayne, philadelphia, and milwaukee counties, are they? or another 6,000 votes here and there in like they did in wisconsin which were unexplainably added to the trump total, right?

he should just relax and let the recount officials discover the millions of illegal votes he talked about.
I've a fat one rolled up and waiting for the explanation to this one. Something is afoot! Release the hounds, I say.

it really is odd though how more votes were cast for president than votes cast total in several wisconsin counties, and conveniently they were all "errors" for trump by the thousands.

first they blamed it on "bad arithmetic", now they are saying it was a "faulty modem".

unless we can get to the bottom of what happened, hand recount all the votes, and forensically audit the machines that tallied the votes, there is no way trump can claim to be a legitimate president.

the trump voters need to get behind this effort even more so than hillary voters, because they have the most to lose here.
Just my take on what Trump is thinking:

1. He's upset because he was chastised to no end by Hillary for saying he might not accept the election results. Hillary said the results must be respected and accepted. And now she's not accepting them.

2. Trump is also upset because of his belief that the election was somewhat rigged against him, and he sees this "recount" as a way to open the door to his win being stolen from him.

This recount fiasco undermines the designed opportunity to fill his appointment posts and get ready to govern. I didn't vote for him (or Hillary), and I'm not really happy he's our next president. But he won it. And Hillary voluntarily conceded.

Even Obama recently said, after talks of a recount began, that the original results should be accepted.
The recount, assuming no foul play, will yield the same results as the original results. So, what's the problem? I always double check my answers before I submit them, that's a common core of mathematics!

Because it gives another chance for the election to be, in Trump's terms, rigged. For real.

Only 2 things could come from a recount:

1. Trump wins again. And the recount controversy interfered with his time to get his government ready.

2. Hillary wins and mega riots happen all over the country, rivaling anything seen in the 1960s.
please quote when she said she doesn't accept the results, fat-gutted neo-nazi.

Her campaign is participating in the recount, instead of discouraging it. Her passive approach to the recount, and her campaign's participation, absolutely indicts her as not accepting the results.

She should make another televised no-makeup speech in which she supports the results and says she will not accept the results of a recount that could very well prove Trump was right when he said the election was rigged.
Her campaign is participating in the recount, instead of discouraging it. Her passive approach to the recount, and her campaign's participation, absolutely indicts her as not accepting the results.

She should make another televised no-makeup speech in which she supports the results and says she will not accept the results of a recount that could very well prove Trump was right when he said the election was rigged.

so you can't find a single quote saying she doesn't accept the results.

thanks, you fat-gutted neo nazi.
But it's stagnating the transition that we all know is coming.

Trumps "transition" consists of a list of names that supported him written down on a napkin. He's rewarding people that were loyal to him with cabinet positions. Friggin Sarah Palin and Ben Carson? My god.

I'm betting that he's just fucking with Romney. He's making Romney massage his nutsack in public only to drop the hammer on him at the 11'th hour. No way Trump and his thin skin will give Mittens a primo appointment after ripping Donald a new ass during the primary.
Trumps "transition" consists of a list of names that supported him written down on a napkin. He's rewarding people that were loyal to him with cabinet positions. Friggin Sarah Palin and Ben Carson? My god.

I'm betting that he's just fucking with Romney. He's making Romney massage his nutsack in public only to drop the hammer on him at the 11'th hour. No way Trump and his thin skin will give Mittens a primo appointment after ripping Donald a new ass during the primary.

Every administration, to my disdain and apparently yours as well, does that shit. They reward certain key campaign contributors with plum posts. Trump's administration didn't invent it.
Just my take on what Trump is thinking:

1. He's upset because he was chastised to no end by Hillary for saying he might not accept the election results. Hillary said the results must be respected and accepted. And now she's not accepting them.

2. Trump is also upset because of his belief that the election was somewhat rigged against him, and he sees this "recount" as a way to open the door to his win being stolen from him.

This recount fiasco undermines the designed opportunity to fill his appointment posts and get ready to govern. I didn't vote for him (or Hillary), and I'm not really happy he's our next president. But he won it. And Hillary voluntarily conceded.

Even Obama recently said, after talks of a recount began, that the original results should be accepted.
You have no idea what Trump is thinking. This is your no account idea.

Obama is a rationalist and correctly sees the recount as a distraction and a waste of time. I think so too.

On the other hand, something might be brought to light that reveals something embarrassing to Trump and noxious to his supporters regarding the nature of his win in those contested and Republican controlled states. I'm all for that.

Oh and Jill Stein is requesting the recount. It is her right.
You have no idea what Trump is thinking. This is your no account idea.

Obama is a rationalist and correctly sees the recount as a distraction and a waste of time. I think so too.

On the other hand, something might be brought to light that reveals something embarrassing to Trump and noxious to his supporters regarding the nature of his win in those contested and Republican controlled states. I'm all for that.

Oh and Jill Stein is requesting the recount. It is her right.

if there is anything we should learn from the republicans, it is that decades long investigations into fake scandals that never amount to anything substantial can still damage your opponent.

let's do that to trump by casting as much doubt as possible over the legitimacy of the elction of his kleptocratic regime.