Stop asking for help with Purple Pictures.


Well-Known Member
We all need assistance from time to time. You cannot get good advice by posting pictures using your LED or other disruptive lighting. For people to help you we need to see your pictures using regular lighting. Stop posting help threads using Purple/Pink, and Blue photos unless you want everyone to guess what your problem might be . Geezzzzz!
We all need assistance from time to time. You cannot get good advice by posting pictures using your LED or other disruptive lighting. For people to help you we need to see your pictures using regular lighting. Stop posting help threads using Purple/Pink, and Blue photos unless you want everyone to guess what your problem might be . Geezzzzz!

yup I agree post regular pictures if you want people to give advice.
it's barneys farm blue cheese, this one is the rubber pheno, smells abit like new tyres lol, she's my favorite of the bunch. although not very potent or high yielding she is an absolute pleasure to smoke and her hash keeps the rubber smell and tastes of berries
When I see a post with off-coloured pics I usually don't bother with it. Or when somebody has a dozen thumbnails and they are all 4 or 5 megabytes each. Click on one and they all open so with my slower connection it takes ten minutes before I can even see the one I clicked on.

People should get a decent little digital camera that has a manual white balance function. I got a new Nikon CoolPix L32 in August to replace my dead L20 for just under $100. 20.1 megapixels and all sorts of bells and whistles. I load the pics into my computer to crop and resize before uploading. With a setting of 5" at 300ppi the pics are clear and sharp and the file size is 500K - less than 1 megabyte.

When I do want to look closer at pics a user posts I copy those to the computer and then I can blow them up real good and see every detail if it's a decent pic.

I'd like to use my old 35mm Canon AE-1s but getting pot pics developed at the local drug store is a bit too heaty for a paranoid old hippy like me. :) Found a full set of close-up tubes at a flea market in BC too and want to try them out on some nice phat colas. Sold all my darkroom gear years ago.

If you take pics with a phone make sure that the Location/GPS settings are OFF so you don't give out the location of your grow room with each pic. Ones that get cropped and resized generally lose their EXIF data in the process. If it's an iPhone then Apple still gets that info tho it won't be in your pics if those settings are off. That little Nikon of mine doesn't have GPS at all.

Sideways pics suck to but I can flip them on the computer so not as annoying as weird colours.
