Welcome New Members!

Hey rollitup.org stoners, I figured I'd introduce myself here since I posted my first "Help!" thread. I am a very green (no pun intended) grower, but do have some experience. I grew 2 plants (one to harvest) in a box I built and a security light I did some shady electrical work on to turn into a grow light. But that was back when I was 18-19. I'm a grown man with a few more resources now, so I'm going to try my hand again with some life experience and perspective under my belt.

I have been reading the forums and going thru old threads like it's my job lately and have finally started construction on my new dresser conversion cabinet.

Thanks to everyone that has contributed to these forums and all the information I've already tried to absorb. I'll try not to be an annoying newbie, but I'm sure I'll have my moments.
Hey rollitup.org stoners, I figured I'd introduce myself here since I posted my first "Help!" thread. I am a very green (no pun intended) grower, but do have some experience. I grew 2 plants (one to harvest) in a box I built and a security light I did some shady electrical work on to turn into a grow light. But that was back when I was 18-19. I'm a grown man with a few more resources now, so I'm going to try my hand again with some life experience and perspective under my belt.

I have been reading the forums and going thru old threads like it's my job lately and have finally started construction on my new dresser conversion cabinet.

Thanks to everyone that has contributed to these forums and all the information I've already tried to absorb. I'll try not to be an annoying newbie, but I'm sure I'll have my moments.

Hello from a fellow noob.
Read through this thread if you haven't already yet, I found it informative.
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Hey there we come to rollitup, This place has been pretty helpfully to me so far. I'm a first timer and I'm also doing it to get pain relief although for the last 20 years I've been on large ridiculous doses of opiods almost my entire adult life. Times are changing and the DEA needed a new target because the people have spoken and it won't be long before it's legal on the federal level and turned into a commodity . Any way where I live a law passed that all prescribed opiod patients need to be weaned down from what ever dose they are on down to 100mg per morphine if not off it all together. When I started weaning I could function very well at 720mg of oxycodone a day when most would drop. permanently . But it took 20 years tolerance my cell structure is dependant on it now. But I'm a single dad two kids 6&9 so I'm doing it so they don't get taken from me! I'm now in intense pain several times a day now, my drive is going and I'm needed more now by my oldest that is having a hard time
so I built a grow room out of half my shed and I'm off, but I feel I should tell you that though noble to want to keep the thc down to reduce if not eliminate the psychoactive effects may work for you but I want to grow the darkest most potent Marijuana I can cause it is the only way mind mind is altered enough to forget the fact that I'm being railroaded by idiots who follow a questionable at best governor nd putting pain patients in the same category as heroine and synthetic fetinol that are dropping like flies and patients are to blame. I know how you feel my friend anything I can do to help ya just ask if I know the answer I'll share it if not I'll find the answer for ya. welcome again


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Well I am new just joined referred from another site and a guy who is trying to help me learn. He referred me to here. First you have to tell me how to post on here so I can find out all I need to know. I am Marajak I am going to be a renegade as I live in terrible Neurological pain and can not take it anymore. I am a Behavioral RN but I have been through the medical system and all they did was make me worse. Because of medications I am now completely DEAF. I have lost my life, my career and by God I am going to get them back and either get rid of my pain with the kind of seeds I need to get more cbd and very little THC since I know the cbd works on Neurological disorders. I am already too sleepy because my body wants to shut down to stop the pain. I have tried everything and have read up on Charlotte's Web and know it works on Neurological but maybe not mine. I know nothing about finding seeds, or how to grow it. I want to make oil or eat it not smoke it. So I need all the help I can get. If necessary I can make a trip to Colorado and try different ones till I find the one that works on my pain and then grow my own. I am also willing to move to a state that has it but I need to work fast because I can't take the pain much longer. I just exist and I can't stand that. I had to shut down my on line business and get very little done because of pain.
So please if anyone knows what works best on Neurological pain please talk to me and tell me what to get and where to get it. I thank you in advance hoping alot of you are experts and can help me. I belong to several Cannabis sites and am reading but need specific help.

If you are looking for only CBD there are places that make CBD oil using high CBD hemp which might help. I have made a batch of CBD coconut oil using a hemp that tested to have 15% CBD, that I rub into my back (some nerve issue but the doctor has not figured out what it is or the cause) and it helps calm the nerves. I have also used a THC lotion on my father's feet (diabetic nerve problem) which really helped him. At some point I am going to make a batch of THC coconut oil and mix it with my CBD coconut oil and see how that works. What is cool about CBD/THC coconut oil is you can use it as a lotion or use it to cook with to make edibles :)

Good luck, I hope you find some relief soon.
If you are looking for only CBD there are places that make CBD oil using high CBD hemp which might help. I have made a batch of CBD coconut oil using a hemp that tested to have 15% CBD, that I rub into my back (some nerve issue but the doctor has not figured out what it is or the cause) and it helps calm the nerves. I have also used a THC lotion on my father's feet (diabetic nerve problem) which really helped him. At some point I am going to make a batch of THC coconut oil and mix it with my CBD coconut oil and see how that works. What is cool about CBD/THC coconut oil is you can use it as a lotion or use it to cook with to make edibles :)

Good luck, I hope you find some relief soon.
Thanks sooo much for the info. Now I have to find out where I can get CBD coconut oil. I use coconut oil alone all the time on my skin to keep it soft and my face too. So we get along just great. Plus I use it with cooking. But it doesn't have CBD or maybe my pain would be less lol. So now I need to find CBD/THC I am jealous you got everything and separate so you can experiment also get the dosage right. Ok do you happen to know of some places that make CBD oil using high CBD hemp concentrations???
Hey there we come to rollitup, This place has been pretty helpfully to me so far. I'm a first timer and I'm also doing it to get pain relief although for the last 20 years I've been on large ridiculous doses of opiods almost my entire adult life. Times are changing and the DEA needed a new target because the people have spoken and it won't be long before it's legal on the federal level and turned into a commodity . Any way where I live a law passed that all prescribed opiod patients need to be weaned down from what ever dose they are on down to 100mg per morphine if not off it all together. When I started weaning I could function very well at 720mg of oxycodone a day when most would drop. permanently . But it took 20 years tolerance my cell structure is dependant on it now. But I'm a single dad two kids 6&9 so I'm doing it so they don't get taken from me! I'm now in intense pain several times a day now, my drive is going and I'm needed more now by my oldest that is having a hard time
so I built a grow room out of half my shed and I'm off, but I feel I should tell you that though noble to want to keep the thc down to reduce if not eliminate the psychoactive effects may work for you but I want to grow the darkest most potent Marijuana I can cause it is the only way mind mind is altered enough to forget the fact that I'm being railroaded by idiots who follow a questionable at best governor nd putting pain patients in the same category as heroine and synthetic fetinol that are dropping like flies and patients are to blame. I know how you feel my friend anything I can do to help ya just ask if I know the answer I'll share it if not I'll find the answer for ya. welcome again

Alwayslearnin Wow you sound like me except I don't have two kids lol. I weaned myself off pain medication so many times I can't count and 3 years ago I swore I couldn't go through it again and I haven't. But like you I am left in terrible pain. I know what you mean about the medical system being a Behavioral RN and having worked in most departments of medicine. In fact many things that are so bad that they have taken away my life were caused by the Medical Profession but who suffers ME. I belong to the National Pain Association who fight Washington for Patients rights but the DEA has gotten doctors where I live so scared and also pharmacies they won't give any pain medication saying "I don't want you to become an addict" Daaah. Anyway so I am going for the pot and if I can't get either the pot or the ingredients then I am moving to a state
like Colorado or California UGH even though I don't want to but I want my life back, want my business going again and to have some fun geez enough is enough. Glad I met you. Alot of times I feel I am the only one.
Wtf I'll try again

Thats just genetics.

That looks like you needed to confirm the growth characteristics of that breed before
starting that SCROG. Bushy, slow Indicas might not be the best for that method.
(they rock SOGs though ;0)

You will still rock good nugs, so win-win and then try again.

Hey Guys, i got a smasl setup, 4 pants, my plants are about 3 weeks old, it looks like they are having signs of nutrient defficiency, like nitrogen, one plant has the lower leaf tips pointing downword, and my lower leaves are very dark green, some of the leaves cupping upwords slightly but with the tips just becoming brown or burnt. Is this a case of a root issue, over watering or wrong ph, any help is appreciated dont want my little girls to die.

im doing hydro and noticed something similar in one of my plants. i placed a glass beaker over it and the boost in humidity fixed it. in soil i dont have any suggestions though.
Alwayslearnin Wow you sound like me except I don't have two kids lol. I weaned myself off pain medication so many times I can't count and 3 years ago I swore I couldn't go through it again and I haven't. But like you I am left in terrible pain. I know what you mean about the medical system being a Behavioral RN and having worked in most departments of medicine. In fact many things that are so bad that they have taken away my life were caused by the Medical Profession but who suffers ME. I belong to the National Pain Association who fight Washington for Patients rights but the DEA has gotten doctors where I live so scared and also pharmacies they won't give any pain medication saying "I don't want you to become an addict" Daaah. Anyway so I am going for the pot and if I can't get either the pot or the ingredients then I am moving to a state
like Colorado or California UGH even though I don't want to but I want my life back, want my business going again and to have some fun geez enough is enough. Glad I met you. Alot of times I feel I am the only one.
You know the thing that pisses me off the most, the fact that where I live the state has implemented this new law, without any preparation for what is going to follow such a maddening assholeish stupid law made buy people who are misinformed by people with an agenda that is in no way beneficial to anyone but them selves. there are 225 beds available for detox in the entire state, no after treatment programs for after they get done detoxing and no plan of action on how to give the people who do live with this type of pain relief they had for some been in them for decades! So what I want to know is who will be held responsible when the crime rate triples, overdoses increase 10 fold due to people who never got anything of the streets in their lives, go and get what they are told is safe take it and drop dead because the same people that pushed to implement the law refuse to make narcan readily availible to the public! Not to mention the ones who don't go to the streets out of fear of streets and do themselves in cause they just can take the pain anymore? Pot is great for pain as long as it is used in conjuction with pain meds, but by itself I don't care what anyone says it is the equivalent of advil and other nsaids. which people like us took handfuls of for years before pain meds were given to us after all else failed. what needs to happen is all the patients that can prove that they have been through hell and back trying to get relief, ie surgery, physical therapy, specialist prescribed nerve blockers ect. And after all that, they are told in the end they will have crippling pain for the rest of their days and started to take the one type of med that we all tried to avoid as long as was possible. Need to gather in each state go to their capital and force the elected officials that wouldn't even be there if it wasn't for the very people they are hurting. And make them listen, show them that they have been misinformed by people (DEA in particular ) to make sure the organization isn't dissolved due to the incredibly poor record on their so called drug war that they have been using to put pot farmers and nonviolent people in prison for possessing, using distributing something that grows in the wild for christ sake because what they were originally formed to fight against wasn't nearly as bad as they portrayed t to be.( heroine and cocaine) So they knew that there was a astronomical amount of people that puffed so they deemed it illegal so the DEA could be justified, the jails make mad money, the poor go to jail repeatedly, families are destroyed while the rich get richer. So as I said in my last rant the DEA is once again in a position where the people are speaking out, voting has commensed, anger about the injustices that they have been allowed to get away with are now scaring the powers that be into begrudgingly laying off on the pot users and they only way they can afford to stay together is to find away to blame opiod patients for the heroine crisis because the heroine users alone aren't nearly as large as the Marijuana industry. So they had to combine the two, make up new regulations that they know the patients can't follow due to being dependant so that when they take the meds away these poor people who most have never broken a law, failed a piss test nor pill count not once! in the position to have no choice but to get drugs that may help for a short time or it may kill them.
All to make it seem that it's doc over prescribing, patients must be selling them and as a result now we have an epidemic. they think we are stupid and know that with the threat of prison most will be complacent and just take it like we have for close to 100 years with weed. We must stop them!!!! and the only way to do it is to not be complacent stand up and say FUCK YOU I'm a person and I love my country, my family and friends and I will not allow my government make criminals out of patients nor allow false studies presented to the public just so a war that has raged on for far too long with 0 results aside from damaging laws ment to make private jail owners, crooked law enforcement and their judges get rich.
Again sorry about the rant I'm just really passionate about this cause it is affecting me so.
You know the thing that pisses me off the most, the fact that where I live the state has implemented this new law, without any preparation for what is going to follow such a maddening assholeish stupid law made buy people who are misinformed by people with an agenda that is in no way beneficial to anyone but them selves. there are 225 beds available for detox in the entire state, no after treatment programs for after they get done detoxing and no plan of action on how to give the people who do live with this type of pain relief they had for some been in them for decades! So what I want to know is who will be held responsible when the crime rate triples, overdoses increase 10 fold due to people who never got anything of the streets in their lives, go and get what they are told is safe take it and drop dead because the same people that pushed to implement the law refuse to make narcan readily availible to the public! Not to mention the ones who don't go to the streets out of fear of streets and do themselves in cause they just can take the pain anymore? Pot is great for pain as long as it is used in conjuction with pain meds, but by itself I don't care what anyone says it is the equivalent of advil and other nsaids. which people like us took handfuls of for years before pain meds were given to us after all else failed. what needs to happen is all the patients that can prove that they have been through hell and back trying to get relief, ie surgery, physical therapy, specialist prescribed nerve blockers ect. And after all that, they are told in the end they will have crippling pain for the rest of their days and started to take the one type of med that we all tried to avoid as long as was possible. Need to gather in each state go to their capital and force the elected officials that wouldn't even be there if it wasn't for the very people they are hurting. And make them listen, show them that they have been misinformed by people (DEA in particular ) to make sure the organization isn't dissolved due to the incredibly poor record on their so called drug war that they have been using to put pot farmers and nonviolent people in prison for possessing, using distributing something that grows in the wild for christ sake because what they were originally formed to fight against wasn't nearly as bad as they portrayed t to be.( heroine and cocaine) So they knew that there was a astronomical amount of people that puffed so they deemed it illegal so the DEA could be justified, the jails make mad money, the poor go to jail repeatedly, families are destroyed while the rich get richer. So as I said in my last rant the DEA is once again in a position where the people are speaking out, voting has commensed, anger about the injustices that they have been allowed to get away with are now scaring the powers that be into begrudgingly laying off on the pot users and they only way they can afford to stay together is to find away to blame opiod patients for the heroine crisis because the heroine users alone aren't nearly as large as the Marijuana industry. So they had to combine the two, make up new regulations that they know the patients can't follow due to being dependant so that when they take the meds away these poor people who most have never broken a law, failed a piss test nor pill count not once! in the position to have no choice but to get drugs that may help for a short time or it may kill them.
All to make it seem that it's doc over prescribing, patients must be selling them and as a result now we have an epidemic. they think we are stupid and know that with the threat of prison most will be complacent and just take it like we have for close to 100 years with weed. We must stop them!!!! and the only way to do it is to not be complacent stand up and say FUCK YOU I'm a person and I love my country, my family and friends and I will not allow my government make criminals out of patients nor allow false studies presented to the public just so a war that has raged on for far too long with 0 results aside from damaging laws ment to make private jail owners, crooked law enforcement and their judges get rich.
Again sorry about the rant I'm just really passionate about this cause it is affecting me so.

My Friend I know where you are coming from. I have been in so much pain for so long and being in the business of Human Behavior for 30 years I have had to learn to get past the anger stage. I always have in the back of my mind what Patrick Swayze said when he had cancer "When the fight is greater than the quality of life it is time to die." You can't you have two children but I can and I will. I have the book "Final Exit" and of course being an RN I would know how. My G.P. is aware of my feelings and the pain I live in and when I quoted Patrick Swayze she said "been nice knowing you" and laughed. She was the one who gave me pain medication as much as I wanted until she saw the damage they were doing to me which was like too little too late. So now I could be dying and she would not give me a pain pill. There is a major problem with our Health Care System and especially Mental Health System. I have a Blog which I have changed to start informing the public about what is really going on in the Health Care System, Assisted living places, lack of Mental health care. But no one cares unless it touches them personally. And as far as ever making a dent in the war on drugs it won't happen. There are 2000 gangs in New Mexico alone. The cartels and lord the Hell's Angels, The Mongols, and all the other motorcycle gangs they all make billions on drugs. The largest import country in the world is the U.S.
But I have tried everything, medical, surgery and every kind of Alternative Medicine there is in the world except for mushrooms which are suppose to be able to take you out of your body and see why you are sick and how to get well. I would love to try it with an Indian guide. They do it out West but I was on pain pills when I lived out West so I was doing ok "I thought." But pain pills are not the answer. I am and have been studying all kinds of ways from people who have written books and cured themselves from chronic conditions that caused chronic pain or cured themselves from cancer. So there is hope. Maybe that is my purpose and I will find a way. In my profession I have seen many miracles so I know it can happen. Take your anger and use it in a positive way. Remember stress makes pain worse.
Do not apologize for ranting you need someone to rant to that will not judge you and I don't judge so rant away anytime. It is much better to get it out than hold it in again that makes chronic conditions and pain worse. I have a punching bag and gloves I use and I beat the shit out of it when I get angry. Then I can let it go.
I do know diet can make pain worse or better. I have a neck that is so damaged they say if I fall or get in an accident I could end up a quad. Then my lower back is just as bad both places are pinching my spinal cord itself. Then I have what is called Interstitual Cystitis which means I have no bladder lining and it has crippled me for 30 years. Then I got Neuropathy and my legs and feet I can barely walk. I never get a good nights sleep always waking up with my bladder or my legs hurting so bad. But the pain makes it so I can't think so can't even work on the computer. But I still let the anger go as it does no use. I use my knowledge to gain power over my emotions and change my thoughts from negative to positive. I also listen to music that relax and I meditate and use visualization though they are hard to do when I am in so much pain. I can't relax enough to get to the place where I can control the pain. I am working on it though. But diet I didn't finish I am on a strict diet with no gluten, wheat, sugar, soy, and no milk products and this has definitely helped my bladder pain. Sugar which all carbs break down to sugar so I eat chicken, and most things made out of Rice and vegetables especially green. I stay totally away from sugar. If I just have a little my Neuropathy goes crazy I can't stand it. I never eat out and I cook from scratch. Definitely helps my gastrointestinal system. I got an ulcer this year from trying to take Advil for pain. So see where that gets you.
I am looking at Maine now as a place to move it has recreational Marijuana plus close to Canada in case the U.S. goes to hell these next few years.
You can make it you have two boys? You need to keep and live for. If you wanna talk or rant or just feel don't hesitate to write me. I just know everything has a reason and when the answers come there is light at the end of the tunnel. You are special always remember that. We are all special and have a purpose. I want to complete mine then I will be ready to go home but I have a while to go. I am writing a book because I have had a wild life most people won't believe it and think it is fiction but it is all the truth and those who know me say I must write it that it can help millions of people around the world. So I have that to do. Then my Blog to teach people how to not take any crap off the Medical System, about medications, these Assisted Living places both my parents were in and to me most of all the Mental Health System. Which Reagan totally destroyed and put them all back on the street. Now we have a severe homeless problem. Well I have probably put you to sleep by now as you can see I love to write. Thanks for reading and writing. Hopefully your new friend :).
My Friend I know where you are coming from. I have been in so much pain for so long and being in the business of Human Behavior for 30 years I have had to learn to get past the anger stage. I always have in the back of my mind what Patrick Swayze said when he had cancer "When the fight is greater than the quality of life it is time to die." You can't you have two children but I can and I will. I have the book "Final Exit" and of course being an RN I would know how. My G.P. is aware of my feelings and the pain I live in and when I quoted Patrick Swayze she said "been nice knowing you" and laughed. She was the one who gave me pain medication as much as I wanted until she saw the damage they were doing to me which was like too little too late. So now I could be dying and she would not give me a pain pill. There is a major problem with our Health Care System and especially Mental Health System. I have a Blog which I have changed to start informing the public about what is really going on in the Health Care System, Assisted living places, lack of Mental health care. But no one cares unless it touches them personally. And as far as ever making a dent in the war on drugs it won't happen. There are 2000 gangs in New Mexico alone. The cartels and lord the Hell's Angels, The Mongols, and all the other motorcycle gangs they all make billions on drugs. The largest import country in the world is the U.S.
But I have tried everything, medical, surgery and every kind of Alternative Medicine there is in the world except for mushrooms which are suppose to be able to take you out of your body and see why you are sick and how to get well. I would love to try it with an Indian guide. They do it out West but I was on pain pills when I lived out West so I was doing ok "I thought." But pain pills are not the answer. I am and have been studying all kinds of ways from people who have written books and cured themselves from chronic conditions that caused chronic pain or cured themselves from cancer. So there is hope. Maybe that is my purpose and I will find a way. In my profession I have seen many miracles so I know it can happen. Take your anger and use it in a positive way. Remember stress makes pain worse.
Do not apologize for ranting you need someone to rant to that will not judge you and I don't judge so rant away anytime. It is much better to get it out than hold it in again that makes chronic conditions and pain worse. I have a punching bag and gloves I use and I beat the shit out of it when I get angry. Then I can let it go.
I do know diet can make pain worse or better. I have a neck that is so damaged they say if I fall or get in an accident I could end up a quad. Then my lower back is just as bad both places are pinching my spinal cord itself. Then I have what is called Interstitual Cystitis which means I have no bladder lining and it has crippled me for 30 years. Then I got Neuropathy and my legs and feet I can barely walk. I never get a good nights sleep always waking up with my bladder or my legs hurting so bad. But the pain makes it so I can't think so can't even work on the computer. But I still let the anger go as it does no use. I use my knowledge to gain power over my emotions and change my thoughts from negative to positive. I also listen to music that relax and I meditate and use visualization though they are hard to do when I am in so much pain. I can't relax enough to get to the place where I can control the pain. I am working on it though. But diet I didn't finish I am on a strict diet with no gluten, wheat, sugar, soy, and no milk products and this has definitely helped my bladder pain. Sugar which all carbs break down to sugar so I eat chicken, and most things made out of Rice and vegetables especially green. I stay totally away from sugar. If I just have a little my Neuropathy goes crazy I can't stand it. I never eat out and I cook from scratch. Definitely helps my gastrointestinal system. I got an ulcer this year from trying to take Advil for pain. So see where that gets you.
I am looking at Maine now as a place to move it has recreational Marijuana plus close to Canada in case the U.S. goes to hell these next few years.
You can make it you have two boys? You need to keep and live for. If you wanna talk or rant or just feel don't hesitate to write me. I just know everything has a reason and when the answers come there is light at the end of the tunnel. You are special always remember that. We are all special and have a purpose. I want to complete mine then I will be ready to go home but I have a while to go. I am writing a book because I have had a wild life most people won't believe it and think it is fiction but it is all the truth and those who know me say I must write it that it can help millions of people around the world. So I have that to do. Then my Blog to teach people how to not take any crap off the Medical System, about medications, these Assisted Living places both my parents were in and to me most of all the Mental Health System. Which Reagan totally destroyed and put them all back on the street. Now we have a severe homeless problem. Well I have probably put you to sleep by now as you can see I love to write. Thanks for reading and writing. Hopefully your new friend :).
No I don't sleep much any more funny you mention diet though. I'm wondering what I'm gonna do when they finally take the last of my meds away. my injuries are in my face. In 96' I was in an MVA suffered major facial trauma and some how no brain damage, go figure since the surgeon who put me back together as best he could anyway said " I've been doing thus for 25 years and have seen probably 100 cases that had similar injuries, but no where near as bad as yours. and out of 101 that include you, you are the only one who lived" that kinda scared me then cause the very next thing he told me is that the pain I'm experiencing is permanent and would get progressively worse as years go by. He was right! So back to my first statement about food, as it is now I usually weigh between 200-210 though I've gotten as big as 240. At 5'9 I was a touch overweight but happy with it. Since I started to wean off the oxycodone I didn't loose any at first but I'm sure loosing it now. As of this mornin I weighed 170 and at the second week of Nov when I was dropped another 60mils I weighed 210. I simply cannot eat! the more they take away the more it's starting to hurt again if this keeps up kids or not man has to eat, I refuse to hear the bullshit of its all in your mind that I hear from these fucks tucks that say if you talk about it it will help. my response is simple I said" give me you hand, then place it on a table for me. Now close your eyes and let me take a sledgehammer smash your face into hundreds of pieces. then to take your mind off it I'll cut your fuckin hand off. then we can talk you through the pain without meds" the look on the last guy that I said it to was priceless. he is a holistic doctor fuckin dumbass. point is if it gets much worse I will most likely stop eating all together. how long will it last then. one doc said they would give me a feeding tube again if it came to that. I will not live on cold ass liquid being pumped into me like a marinade for a pot roast.
It sounds to me that you have all but Givin up, don't! I've tracked down most of the docs notes and surgical paperwork from 20 years ago took a min but I found em. as well as all the specialist that all said the same thing I'm fucked as far as fixing it I will be on pain meds the rest of my days. Last surgery I had to try to fix it was in 2014, I live in Maine so I can tell you if you need a heart doc we have some of the best but for my situation I was sent to Boston General to the best in the business and guess what, same result only it made it worse once again. So the reason I'm telling you this is because one of my support group buddies did the same and his doc was able to get them to leave him be and he gets to keep his meds. if he can with a knee injuries I shouldn't have a problem. But I truly believe the patients all have to stand together and not let them bully us with the threat of prison. well I got to go tend to my girls have a good one
Thanks sooo much for the info. Now I have to find out where I can get CBD coconut oil. I use coconut oil alone all the time on my skin to keep it soft and my face too. So we get along just great. Plus I use it with cooking. But it doesn't have CBD or maybe my pain would be less lol. So now I need to find CBD/THC I am jealous you got everything and separate so you can experiment also get the dosage right. Ok do you happen to know of some places that make CBD oil using high CBD hemp concentrations???

I was able to get the high CBD hemp through a local farmer I found at hempslist.org. There are places on there that sell CBD products, but I personally have never tried any of them and am unsure if they ship out of state. Several states have legalized hemp for industrial/research/pilot programs so depending on where you are at you might be able to get High CBD hemp from a farmer and make your own CBD coconut oil. If you do go that route, make sure you see their lab testing results to make sure it really is high CBD hemp.
I will not be able able to make another batch of THC coconut oil until probably April, when I finally get around to finishing up some girls that I am not using for my current breeding project. The prices here for MMJ are to the point where it would cost too much for me to go out and buy the amount needed to make a good strong batch. I am so glad I am in a state where I am able to grow my own :)
I was reading the posts with you and @Alwayslearnin about the pain medications and the problems with the DEA. There is this plant called Kratom that people are using for pain relief instead of opioids, there are also claims that it help people get off opioids completely. I don't know if either of you have heard or/tried it but it might be an option to look into.

Thanks sooo much for the info. Now I have to find out where I can get CBD coconut oil. I use coconut oil alone all the time on my skin to keep it soft and my face too. So we get along just great. Plus I use it with cooking. But it doesn't have CBD or maybe my pain would be less lol. So now I need to find CBD/THC I am jealous you got everything and separate so you can experiment also get the dosage right. Ok do you happen to know of some places that make CBD oil using high CBD hemp concentrations???
Hello I have the recipie for the coconut oil and process when you need it. Frank Gift is a great high CBD cross from Docs Dank Seeds there here in the seed reviews section, and I mixed it with the Engineers Dream x Jillybean from Breeders Boutique and the oil has been fantastic pain relief for everyone who I have given it to. Also Instagram is one of the best places to find some of the new CBD oil companies, there are so many cool new products for our community now its really great to see.

Wow welcome all the new members, we are so glad you found us, welcome to the family!
Quick reminder we do have an IGNORE button for posters who you may not want to read their post or deal with it lol. Remember to always Question everything it is the internet. Most of us are here to Grow and Learn and have a conversation with like minded individuals, you will find a style growing that fits your style. Do your research before making drastic changes to your grows please. Enjoy and Welcome everyone it's so great to see all kinds of new people to get to know!
Best forum post ever.
Online robotics, horticulture and plant biology. I offer the fastest plant in world, seed 2 seed in 35 days "Lino's 35 Day Wonder Plants".

I build gro-robots and custom nutrients for plants and human and pets like no other product on the market. I will be demonstrating the LinoTron and LinoLabs software and LinoLab devices here, Yes, the LinoTron puts Win 10, Linux, Android, LinoLabs on a device smaller than your cell phone and you'll have robotics at your finger tips with world class instruction for all your inventions and GMO projects.

LinoLabs is software that enables developers to design custom robots for their grow room, or for anything inventions for that matter. Once you get it you'll be slamming code into chips that enable your groBots to perform Precise growing and concepts NEVER seen in the Cannabis industry, Yes I'm not like the other guys , I stand on my own with the Only MicroNute Line with Pure Gold and Silver and over 90 compounds the almost the complete periodic table in precise, customized measurements for you and you plants,, will add a few more years to your pet's life also.If you have a Basic concept of ohms law, basic coding your ready to build robots and some very sophisticated ones, build your own quad drone that will carry your wgt... Ponder,,, lets have drone guards and drone delivery, yes I can give you the LinoTron and the world of robotic is yours to conquer.

ONLINE TRAINING - we'll be logging into college classes, customized for us canna students, you must be over 21 for my classes.
My classes are affordable, fast, furious and fun and we'll work with genetics never seen before, and students can complete course material at their own pace... We start at Jr - HS level and we might be studing some college level cannabis DNA and the like,,,,,, the BEST PART, it is all 'cannabis based instruction by me' using a Proven Horticulture School curriculum in horticulture and we'll dable in some DNA biology as I'm trying to structure this class toward cannabis but I'm not there yet.

So please let me piss off your neighbors with aroma that brick walls and the best carbon filters cant stop! If any of this interest you plz follow me now. I dont roll like these other guys as you're witnessing.

Lino twist student minds in electro and PH Hort class. Is your PH the same at the top of your tank or pot and is the PH at the bottom of your tank grow pot stable? Do you need to stir tank to get equal reading across all level of the hydro tank? Will elctro and PH lab GMOs ?
Precise PH control and stabilization, each color is +1 on the PH starting at 1.View attachment 3845245

And it is my pleasure to meet you guys and BTW, I learn more from you guys than you will ever learn from me so thank you for your cannabis grow support. Lino
I was able to get the high CBD hemp through a local farmer I found at hempslist.org. There are places on there that sell CBD products, but I personally have never tried any of them and am unsure if they ship out of state. Several states have legalized hemp for industrial/research/pilot programs so depending on where you are at you might be able to get High CBD hemp from a farmer and make your own CBD coconut oil. If you do go that route, make sure you see their lab testing results to make sure it really is high CBD hemp.
I will not be able able to make another batch of THC coconut oil until probably April, when I finally get around to finishing up some girls that I am not using for my current breeding project. The prices here for MMJ are to the point where it would cost too much for me to go out and buy the amount needed to make a good strong batch. I am so glad I am in a state where I am able to grow my own :)
I was reading the posts with you and @Alwayslearnin about the pain medications and the problems with the DEA. There is this plant called Kratom that people are using for pain relief instead of opioids, there are also claims that it help people get off opioids completely. I don't know if either of you have heard or/tried it but it might be an option to look into.

Thanks I will check it out
When you say brown or burnt is it just the tips or the whole leaf? I had a similar issue, mine happened to be nitro toxicity. I was blitzed stoned and for got which one I started with wholy makrel from BUSH DOCTOR and that made the one I hit with it twice had browning of the leaf not really yellow, which is indicative of Nute burn. and they too started to claw and cup as well. But I also am a first timer and I have alot of friends that told me different thing it could be.
I'll tell ya what I chose to do, I asked Google to find how do I diagnose Marijuana leafs that are brownish in color. Or somthing along those lines. they will have pics that show all kinds of examples and what it is and how to fix it. there were a few that looked like it could be the same, yet so did 4 or 5 others! So I figured that if it was a Nute overload or lack thereof either way you got to fix it. so I let them get so fucking dry they looked pretty thirsty. then I watered them with good water with ph at 6.1 then ran the water to em not insanely but a bit more than usual for that on I'm particular about almost obsessive over this grow but glad I was patient. check my girls out they are in day 10 of flowering and I'd say it worked. the one in the back on right us the one. she is small cause she kinda stalled for a min. But she's giving it hell now.
6 LA confidential 2 blue dream and I have 2 pineapple express at my buddy'stopped see why rightView attachment 3844282 View attachment 3844302
Yeah it is just the tips of the lower leaves, and they are dark green, some developing the claw, i will try not watering them, and also im using miracle gro soil, dosnt that have time release nutes? although im only using plain water without any additives could the soil be giving it too much? thankyou for your help!
Online robotics, horticulture and plant biology. I offer the fastest plant in world, seed 2 seed in 35 days "Lino's 35 Day Wonder Plants".

I build gro-robots and custom nutrients for plants and human and pets like no other product on the market. I will be demonstrating the LinoTron and LinoLabs software and LinoLab devices here, Yes, the LinoTron puts Win 10, Linux, Android, LinoLabs on a device smaller than your cell phone and you'll have robotics at your finger tips with world class instruction for all your inventions and GMO projects.

LinoLabs is software that enables developers to design custom robots for their grow room, or for anything inventions for that matter. Once you get it you'll be slamming code into chips that enable your groBots to perform Precise growing and concepts NEVER seen in the Cannabis industry, Yes I'm not like the other guys , I stand on my own with the Only MicroNute Line with Pure Gold and Silver and over 90 compounds the almost the complete periodic table in precise, customized measurements for you and you plants,, will add a few more years to your pet's life also.If you have a Basic concept of ohms law, basic coding your ready to build robots and some very sophisticated ones, build your own quad drone that will carry your wgt... Ponder,,, lets have drone guards and drone delivery, yes I can give you the LinoTron and the world of robotic is yours to conquer.

ONLINE TRAINING - we'll be logging into college classes, customized for us canna students, you must be over 21 for my classes.
My classes are affordable, fast, furious and fun and we'll work with genetics never seen before, and students can complete course material at their own pace... We start at Jr - HS level and we might be studing some college level cannabis DNA and the like,,,,,, the BEST PART, it is all 'cannabis based instruction by me' using a Proven Horticulture School curriculum in horticulture and we'll dable in some DNA biology as I'm trying to structure this class toward cannabis but I'm not there yet.

So please let me piss off your neighbors with aroma that brick walls and the best carbon filters cant stop! If any of this interest you plz follow me now. I dont roll like these other guys as you're witnessing.

Lino twist student minds in electro and PH Hort class. Is your PH the same at the top of your tank or pot and is the PH at the bottom of your tank grow pot stable? Do you need to stir tank to get equal reading across all level of the hydro tank? Will elctro and PH lab GMOs ?
Precise PH control and stabilization, each color is +1 on the PH starting at 1.View attachment 3845245

And it is my pleasure to meet you guys and BTW, I learn more from you guys than you will ever learn from me so thank you for your cannabis grow support. Lino

Reported for spamming, bye bye dead beat:-)