Shock the poor into prosperity


Well-Known Member
Problem: Some people are poor, but it is a bad idea to have them running around the streets of our retail areas asking for shit. It ruins our retail experience and can make one melancholy. So we give them money for rent and food so their children don't grow up too weak to staff our military. But they get dependant on this posh lifestyle of bare subsistance. Some of them even have cable tv!

Solution: We make them wear "dog collars" that shock them into periodic bouts of misery. Technology has advanced so that the poor can be forced to wear devices that not only can mete out punishment but do it at the most effective times to society based on bio-feedback from the freeloader. In this way the poor can be denied a whole range of experiences reserved for those who pay their fair share. For example, maybe a welfare recipient has used their food stamps to purchase a steak (they all do it). When the dog collar recognizes a pattern of happiness that corresponds to steak-enjoyment, a harmless but pervasive shock can be sent to the wearer. Behavior that will help them pull themselves up by their own bootstraps will be reinforced and negative behavior will be discouraged.

Exciting things are being done in the high interest, used luxury car lending market (currently making bigleague profits from African-Americans) to control borrowers and protect the interests of lenders. I suggest that the incoming government apply these tactics to the leeches who are currently bankrupting our system.

Respectfully submitted for your consideration.
Perhaps we should create a free market for American stakeholders. Almost half of Americans do not vote - so they derive zero benefit from their right to free determination. Think of the waste! Why can't we let them sell their voting franchise on an exchange where they can maximize its value? Or course the proceeds derived by the former voter would be exempt from behavior modification.

I am sure you can see the value in centralizing our voting rights into the hands of those who can benefit from them - those individuals or organizations who have shown the traits that have led to winning and success.
Interesting, when I see people standing on street corners asking for money, or food or what have you. Rarely do I see them with a sign that says will work for food or need a job and list their skills. Probably because as they have been referred to as leaches suggesting that they are the ones sucking the blood out of the working class, after being told that they are no good for so long they start to believe they are worth less than nothing. When a person falls on hard times regardless of the reason, at one time they may have very well had a home, family, job savings and their self esteem and confidence were as high as anyone's. But now that for whatever the reason after paying taxes, and being a productive part of society have fallen, and instead of being helped by the very government they paid taxes too, where the money goes is a mystery for the most part. Instead of blaming the ones who have fallen many through no falt of their own, for getting "free money " by begging for it and not doing what a workin person does earn it. Maybe if a percentage of the taxes that we all who work have to pay, was set aside for such a meltdown to ensure that the money we earned ourselves will get ones life back in order they wouldn't have to beg. As far as putting shock collars on em, what good would that do? I myself worked my ass of from the start, and due to an accident that left me disabled I have had to fracture the law from time to time to make ends meet. I will never beg for money! What I will do is whatever it takes to keep my kids and I fed with roof over our heads. And proud of it! But just because I'm willing to do this dosnt mean everyone is. all a collar would do is dehuminize them a d they will never get off poverty cause after so long they feel as worthless as you think they are.
Interesting, when I see people standing on street corners asking for money, or food or what have you. Rarely do I see them with a sign that says will work for food or need a job and list their skills. Probably because as they have been referred to as leaches suggesting that they are the ones sucking the blood out of the working class, after being told that they are no good for so long they start to believe they are worth less than nothing. When a person falls on hard times regardless of the reason, at one time they may have very well had a home, family, job savings and their self esteem and confidence were as high as anyone's. But now that for whatever the reason after paying taxes, and being a productive part of society have fallen, and instead of being helped by the very government they paid taxes too, where the money goes is a mystery for the most part. Instead of blaming the ones who have fallen many through no falt of their own, for getting "free money " by begging for it and not doing what a workin person does earn it. Maybe if a percentage of the taxes that we all who work have to pay, was set aside for such a meltdown to ensure that the money we earned ourselves will get ones life back in order they wouldn't have to beg. As far as putting shock collars on em, what good would that do? I myself worked my ass of from the start, and due to an accident that left me disabled I have had to fracture the law from time to time to make ends meet. I will never beg for money! What I will do is whatever it takes to keep my kids and I fed with roof over our heads. And proud of it! But just because I'm willing to do this dosnt mean everyone is. all a collar would do is dehuminize them a d they will never get off poverty cause after so long they feel as worthless as you think they are.
Nothing personal. It's just good business. What have they done for the USA lately?
Problem: Some people are poor, but it is a bad idea to have them running around the streets of our retail areas asking for shit. It ruins our retail experience and can make one melancholy. So we give them money for rent and food so their children don't grow up too weak to staff our military. But they get dependant on this posh lifestyle of bare subsistance. Some of them even have cable tv!

Solution: We make them wear "dog collars" that shock them into periodic bouts of misery. Technology has advanced so that the poor can be forced to wear devices that not only can mete out punishment but do it at the most effective times to society based on bio-feedback from the freeloader. In this way the poor can be denied a whole range of experiences reserved for those who pay their fair share. For example, maybe a welfare recipient has used their food stamps to purchase a steak (they all do it). When the dog collar recognizes a pattern of happiness that corresponds to steak-enjoyment, a harmless but pervasive shock can be sent to the wearer. Behavior that will help them pull themselves up by their own bootstraps will be reinforced and negative behavior will be discouraged.

Exciting things are being done in the high interest, used luxury car lending market (currently making bigleague profits from African-Americans) to control borrowers and protect the interests of lenders. I suggest that the incoming government apply these tactics to the leeches who are currently bankrupting our system.

Respectfully submitted for your consideration.
Dear Unclebaldrick, I hope your not referring to people's with honest cause because I've been receiving dis ability for five years now and mine is a permanent ordeal. Ive been diabetic for 48 years, Epileptic for 49 years, paralyegic for 8
years since my fall and syrgery, bad kidneys, poor blood circulation, sever loss of vision, and tunnel syndrome . I'm poor, I despise people who own up to disability by means of a fraudulent effort. My life has not been a healthy one but I'm 62 and I keep trying. I'm poor because I don't have enough money to pay rent, and eat. Someday people will understand what it's like for those like me to be considered a criminal for what they are. I would trade ANYONE my health for their job of employment. I am NOT one of the bums you speak of, but one of the people crusified buy a very ignorant population.
Dear Unclebaldrick, I hope your not referring to people's with honest cause because I've been receiving dis ability for five years now and mine is a permanent ordeal. Ive been diabetic for 48 years, Epileptic for 49 years, paralyegic for 8
years since my fall and syrgery, bad kidneys, poor blood circulation, sever loss of vision, and tunnel syndrome . I'm poor, I despise people who own up to disability by means of a fraudulent effort. My life has not been a healthy one but I'm 62 and I keep trying. I'm poor because I don't have enough money to pay rent, and eat. Someday people will understand what it's like for those like me to be considered a criminal for what they are. I would trade ANYONE my health for their job of employment. I am NOT one of the bums you speak of, but one of the people crusified buy a very ignorant population.
That is touching. But remember when Dennis Rodman let his team down on the Kodak project because he did not feel well? - he got fired anyway.
Dear Unclebaldrick, I hope your not referring to people's with honest cause because I've been receiving dis ability for five years now and mine is a permanent ordeal. Ive been diabetic for 48 years, Epileptic for 49 years, paralyegic for 8
years since my fall and syrgery, bad kidneys, poor blood circulation, sever loss of vision, and tunnel syndrome . I'm poor, I despise people who own up to disability by means of a fraudulent effort. My life has not been a healthy one but I'm 62 and I keep trying. I'm poor because I don't have enough money to pay rent, and eat. Someday people will understand what it's like for those like me to be considered a criminal for what they are. I would trade ANYONE my health for their job of employment. I am NOT one of the bums you speak of, but one of the people crusified buy a very ignorant population.

You need to pull yourself up by your bootstraps and quit complaining.

Healthy people are tired of taking care of your sick ass and paying into SS/Medicare.

You are a leech on society and we resent it.
Dear Unclebaldrick, I hope your not referring to people's with honest cause because I've been receiving dis ability for five years now and mine is a permanent ordeal. Ive been diabetic for 48 years, Epileptic for 49 years, paralyegic for 8
years since my fall and syrgery, bad kidneys, poor blood circulation, sever loss of vision, and tunnel syndrome . I'm poor, I despise people who own up to disability by means of a fraudulent effort. My life has not been a healthy one but I'm 62 and I keep trying. I'm poor because I don't have enough money to pay rent, and eat. Someday people will understand what it's like for those like me to be considered a criminal for what they are. I would trade ANYONE my health for their job of employment. I am NOT one of the bums you speak of, but one of the people crusified buy a very ignorant population.

Social safety nets are in place for people like you. You should never be made to feel bad for utilizing them. Fuck anyone that says otherwise. It makes me sick to see the greed from corporate America while folks like you suffer. Same with our vets. We piss away trillions on nation building in the Middle East, but we can't be bothered with properly taking care of our vets when they come.

Social safety nets are in place for people like you. You should never be made to feel bad for utilizing them. Fuck anyone that says otherwise. It makes me sick to see the greed from corporate America while folks like you suffer. Same with our vets. We piss away trillions on nation building in the Middle East, but we can't be bothered with properly taking care of our vets when they come.


Unfortunately, the right does nothing to promote care of our sick, homeless, our vets- more like the exact opposite.

Only the super billionaires can save us..only they have the know how..the secret sauce (and world wealth).

I for one can't wait.

Gas lines with regular for the first time over .99/gallon helped to make Jimmy Carter a one termer.
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Social safety nets are in place for people like you. You should never be made to feel bad for utilizing them. Fuck anyone that says otherwise. It makes me sick to see the greed from corporate America while folks like you suffer. Same with our vets. We piss away trillions on nation building in the Middle East, but we can't be bothered with properly taking care of our vets when they come.

there used to be training facilities for disabled people to learn new skills to support themselves. But they shut Trump University down.
We should slap a high tax on all poor people. Just for being poor.

The government slapped high taxes on cigarettes, in large part hoping to discourage people from smoking. So why don't we heavily tax poor people, just for being poor? It might give them incentive to get a job, and maybe stop smoking as well.
We should slap a high tax on all poor people. Just for being poor.

The government slapped high taxes on cigarettes, in large part hoping to discourage people from smoking. So why don't we heavily tax poor people, just for being poor? It might give them incentive to get a job, and maybe stop smoking as well.

Bucky is right..YOU are stupid.

Tell me about Kansas..or do you even not know what their Governor did?