Well-Known Member
I think the fems Plem were given as the freebies?I do not think that anyone has gotten a pack of Plemon - Fem yet.....I am pretty
sure that just the individual beans were given out as promos.
If they had had 1000000 of those beans six months ago, the BB-bros would all
be posting hilarious photos from Tropical Islands. LOL . There is a serious buzz,
right now, about the giant purple colas people are getting. Getting this one to JJ
for the farm was a master stroke too. should see my one Plemon F.....Wow, but she *really* did not like
the mite-battle-weapons that I had to use back at the end of the Summer. She
was hit while very young and practically crapped out. I have to think that she
did not like the weak fish emulsion feed either. In any case, she was heavily
flushed and is just drying out for the time being.
More to come.
Also I think the genetics are slightly different than the regs as they seem way more purple.
Te Dog regs genetic make up is slightly different,m I think BX'd again to the OG or something