No I'm not saying people that can't earn a living should be entitled to yours mine or anyone else's money. And I sure,as fuck am not a communist! I am a person who at one time had home, family, good job and money was not a concern.
Due to people with the idea that they knew best, thought that because of what they perceived had to be truth coming from a vindictive cunt who didn't know, just assumed she knew what was best for my kids. Then took it apon themselves to take all I had away because I caught my wife fuckin any dick she could find as she drank, smoked Crack then decided to completely go off the deep end. so because she decided to go that route after we split up and I caught her with my kids in a Crack house and tried to get my kids some place safe, I was forced to give them up temporarily cause they said if she was doing it I must be too!
Never even bothered to look into it just took em on an assumption, then after they were placed with my brother and his wife. Who has hated me cause according to her I was brought up with a silver spoon in my mouth. Knew what would happen if she went along with the bullshit that was the dhs's fantasy, and she could prove to the world just how dangerous I am not just to my kids but to society as well.
It took two fuckin years to prove that everything I was accused of was bullshit! I had to bust my ass while being disabled to get back what was taken from me. Yes I lived on the streets for a while during this time and yes I had to depend on charity to eat and shelters to sleep in.
Now I've bought another home, regained custody of my kids and as far as how I make my money well as I said I will do what ever it takes, as long as I don't hurt anyone in the process. that includes sub contracting small jobs as well as breaking occasional laws like selling Ganga.
Your bitch is that people that depend on charity and welfare are leaches, well I used it for a brief time and I also paid for it for decades before I had to use it. So people who are dependant on the backs of they working class were most likely part of the working class at one time and paid in to it just as fuckin much as you why shouldn't they get there money's worth when they need it. Narrow minded people bug me as much as stupid people breading. But I suppose I should have just been shot in the fuckin head for using aid I fuckin paid for too to get back on my fuckin feet. Is that what I should have done?