Trudeau urges police to 'enforce the law' on marijuana

yeah, i must just be imagining when hitler called jews "elite bankers" and "globalists".

and you live in colorado where anyone who wants to can get a license.

take a fucking civics lesson, then study some history so that i don't have to do it for you, jew hater.

Show me where I ever said "jew." You are pathetic. Bring bang your BLM crap. Funny how you took that down after the Charlotte riots and after BLM people attacked whites just because they are white.
Dont mind one of our most obvious trolls. Put him and his pathetic excuse for trolling on ignore. Most have

Thanks friend. 99% of the people on these forums are fantastic. They help people with their plants. It is a great place and usually fun. Most have a good sense of humor too.

I just get sick of the rich and powerful screwing the little guy. The same evil scum in different countries. Same well connected creeps getting the MMJ licenses. The avg Joe cannot get a license so growing is a crime! Sickening.

The whole industry will get screwed by this vermin in the USA and Canada. Others here want to stand up for the rich and powerful. They are clueless.
bildaburgers. They are scum and took canada over a long time ago but I have hope.People are gonna get up and fight. At least I hope that's the case. Dammit Justin. Ya fucked us over but it's not an excuse for us to sit down and just role over. Continue to fight in your own way as I will.
bildaburgers. They are scum and took canada over a long time ago but I have hope.People are gonna get up and fight. At least I hope that's the case. Dammit Justin. Ya fucked us over but it's not an excuse for us to sit down and just role over. Continue to fight in your own way as I will.
Had to look that up.

The Bilderberg Group, Bilderberg conference, Bilderberg meetings or Bilderberg Club is an annual private conference of 120 to 150 people of the European and North American political elite, experts from industry, finance, academia, and the media, established in 1954.[1]

So what does any of this have to do with being Druish?


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I don't know what Druish is. Did I miss something? I just feel like we're going round and round being fucked over by the parties we put into power until I realized it's intentional. It's not just one person fucking us all over. There's an entire network happening here. Globalistic fuckers who want a one world government and Justin bows to their commends. We're considered as slaves by the corporate elite and Canada and the USA as well as Australia and NZ and the UK have all been taken over in a very sly way. I was just pointing out that in Canada the Liberals and the conservatives bow to the corporate elite and also china believe it or not. If you spend enough time on the net, you'll find garbage but you'll also find a lot of stuff that main stream media is not telling us at all. Knowing the stuff we're not supposed to know gives us all a lot of power. I'm hoping people will get motivated and continue to fight and to make change in our favour.

If anyone is interested I also found out that there is a huge and I mean huge corporate satanistic child sex ring working worldwide and they abuse and sacrifice missing kids constantly all to steal the power from the innocent kids. Icke talks about it in this video if anyone is interested..
calling me retarded is not appreciated fuckstick.

I've never attacked people with insults on here. Icke has a lot of good facts behind him when you investigate. he talked about George Sorros and his new world order in 1997 and look what the guy is doing now to the USA! Spend some time on the net and oh, UFO disclosure happened in 2013 by Defence Minister (Canada) Paul Hellyer. It's on Youtube so Icke can't be all that wrong...who do you believe when you get told stuff? The Federal Government? That was my whole point about who is controlling whoever is in power and the need to find out stuff from non mainstream news sources as well as documentries.
just be aware good people of how the new world order and people controlling Justin are working. To do that we must - must look at a global picture. The bad guys are joining countries together and are calling them 'unions' and making governments just rubber stamps but referendums are happening now all over the world and going from globalism to nationalism. Canada is behind but I have faith that good people will rise to counter it.

Educate yourself. Alex is in America but the main battles right now are in Germany, the USA, and the UK...Canada's hoping you guys don't do anything and keep going back and forth between liberal and conservative hoping for a solution. They're both controlled by the same people...that's what I'm saying. Research this yourselves.

If you're interested, here's a video updating everyone on what is really happening with the corporate elite all over the world as they attempt to continue to use immigration as a weapon to justify the loss of your civil liberties. I don't think that's retarded at all to warn people about who the real enemy is that is fucking up everyone's lives on here. They're the ones wanting control of the cannabis money and eventually those corporations get bought up and are then owned by the that we are awakening from the haze we've been living through we awake to what's really being crammed down our throats. That new ACMPR program is a classic example...who cares about the citizen. We'll lie to them and take it all over for ourselves so we keep the money.

We have a serious need to do something about it...however you are able to individually is also what I am suggesting. One person can do a lot!

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Sorry to be a newb. But what does LP mean?

Whether it's legal or not. We'll still grow it. And if need be. We'll still sell it.
Sorry to be a newb. But what does LP mean?

Whether it's legal or not. We'll still grow it. And if need be. We'll still sell it.
Legal Producer...or parasitic scum for short. Setup by those who'd just as soon jail ya if you don't pay up and buy LP weed.
We get the poor schmoes who buy the stuff come on here occasionally and listen to them whine. Then we laugh and move on in disinterest.
I don't know what Druish is. Did I miss something?
Yes, apparently you missed watching the movie "Space Balls". I was just trying to be funny, only so many times you can see the words "hollocaust denier" without it triggering something.
You're fine. Just expression your opinion in a section meant for you to feel safe and comfortable.
just be aware good people of how the new world order and people controlling Justin are working. To do that we must - must look at a global picture. The bad guys are joining countries together and are calling them 'unions' and making governments just rubber stamps but referendums are happening now all over the world and going from globalism to nationalism. Canada is behind but I have faith that good people will rise to counter it.

Educate yourself. Alex is in America but the main battles right now are in Germany, the USA, and the UK...Canada's hoping you guys don't do anything and keep going back and forth between liberal and conservative hoping for a solution. They're both controlled by the same people...that's what I'm saying. Research this yourselves.

If you're interested, here's a video updating everyone on what is really happening with the corporate elite all over the world as they attempt to continue to use immigration as a weapon to justify the loss of your civil liberties. I don't think that's retarded at all to warn people about who the real enemy is that is fucking up everyone's lives on here. They're the ones wanting control of the cannabis money and eventually those corporations get bought up and are then owned by the that we are awakening from the haze we've been living through we awake to what's really being crammed down our throats. That new ACMPR program is a classic example...who cares about the citizen. We'll lie to them and take it all over for ourselves so we keep the money.

We have a serious need to do something about it...however you are able to individually is also what I am suggesting. One person can do a lot!

If you are looking to educate yourself, I would suggest you are not going to get there by listening to Alex Jones. As a rule of thumb, I don't listen to opinions from any American, and I ignore the nut cases like Alex Jones and Donald Trump. You do realize that what you wrote makes others question your mental health, right?
Who are these bad guys that are joining countries and calling them unions? Which countries are now joined? Which referendums are happening all over the world......Did they use chemtrails?...Brexit is done...who else?
I think you need to find a better source for news before telling us to educate ourselves.
If you are looking to educate yourself, I would suggest you are not going to get there by listening to Alex Jones. As a rule of thumb, I don't listen to opinions from any American, and I ignore the nut cases like Alex Jones and Donald Trump. You do realize that what you wrote makes others question your mental health, right?
Who are these bad guys that are joining countries and calling them unions? Which countries are now joined? Which referendums are happening all over the world......Did they use chemtrails?...Brexit is done...who else?
I think you need to find a better source for news before telling us to educate ourselves.
I'm more inclined to agree with you and go to reputable fact-checking news sources for my information. But I certainly do not discount the fringe and find it interesting. I'm sure I'll never read it myself, but I have a couple conspiracy friends that are always good for some stories.

I just wish they could tell me these stories without calling the rest of us idiots for believing something different. I try to extend to them that same courtesy.
You may want to get your information from someone who doesn't suffer acute bouts of psychosis

I don't know what Druish is. Did I miss something? I just feel like we're going round and round being fucked over by the parties we put into power until I realized it's intentional. It's not just one person fucking us all over. There's an entire network happening here. Globalistic fuckers who want a one world government and Justin bows to their commends. We're considered as slaves by the corporate elite and Canada and the USA as well as Australia and NZ and the UK have all been taken over in a very sly way. I was just pointing out that in Canada the Liberals and the conservatives bow to the corporate elite and also china believe it or not. If you spend enough time on the net, you'll find garbage but you'll also find a lot of stuff that main stream media is not telling us at all. Knowing the stuff we're not supposed to know gives us all a lot of power. I'm hoping people will get motivated and continue to fight and to make change in our favour.

If anyone is interested I also found out that there is a huge and I mean huge corporate satanistic child sex ring working worldwide and they abuse and sacrifice missing kids constantly all to steal the power from the innocent kids. Icke talks about it in this video if anyone is interested..