I am not shifting blame. I am explaining how he saw it. I saw it as wrong. He saw no problem if everyone was doing it.
The following is not an explanation, it is an excuse:
He was booted for bringing home materials meant to be recycled. Almost all of hasmat was doing that. He was on a temporary assignment there and everyone else was doing it. He took the fall for the whole hasmat crew. He was a dumb ass who thought the rules didn't apply to him. He has since learned.
The following is an explanation without the excuse:
He was fired for theft of government property.
But you can't say that. Because it hurts.
Just like when you realized that Paul Ryan is going to push to remove Federal and State aid from you and yours. You said "I didn't vote for him"
The mindless lies that you copy and paste from false news sites are harmful to others. You are a coward and a fool pie.