Trump Hysteria

I never considered how insidious and vicious @Flaming Pie 's distorted news is. To me, checking facts is part of maintaing touch with reality and just something one does. Not so for Pie, and I just laughed it off. Really, though, people's lives are put at risk and the use of fake news for intimidation or to silence people makes this shit completely unacceptable and beyond the pale. Pie, you fat stupid slut. The crap you echo is hurting people and a threat to our society.

Gun-brandishing man sought to investigate fake news story site, police say

A suspect arrested Sunday with an assault rifle at a Washington, DC pizzeria admitted he had come to investigate an online conspiracy theory, Washington's Metropolitan Police Department said Sunday evening in a statement.

Police have identified him as 28-year-old Edgar Maddison Welch of Salisbury, North Carolina.

"During a post arrest interview this evening, the suspect revealed that he came to the establishment to self-investigate 'Pizza Gate' (a fictitious online conspiracy theory)," the police department said in a statement.

"Pizza Gate" is a name given to the online false news stories begun last month that charged the Comet Ping Pong restaurant and its owner were involved in a child sex operation. The owner has vehemently denied the charges, but they continued to proliferate online. The owner and employees said they were repeatedly threatened on social media.

When Welch entered the restaurant he allegedly pointed the rifle in the direction of an employee who police said was able to flee and notify police. Patrons inside the restaurant had rushed out of the building.
Police said Welch has been charged with assault with a dangerous weapon.


Comet Ping Pong's owner, James Alefantis, and some employees of the restaurant were threatened last month after fake news reports -- shortly before Election Day -- charged Hillary Clinton and her campaign chairman John Podesta were involved in a child sex operation at the restaurant. The fake stories continued to proliferate online as Alefantis kept denying the charges.

"What happened today demonstrates that promoting false and reckless conspiracy theories comes with consequences. I hope that those involved in fanning these flames will take a moment to contemplate what happened here today, and stop promoting these falsehoods right away," Alefantis told CNN.
I never considered how insidious and vicious @Flaming Pie 's distorted news is. To me, checking facts is part of maintaing touch with reality and just something one does. Not so for Pie, and I just laughed it off. Really, though, people's lives are put at risk and the use of fake news for intimidation or to silence people makes this shit completely unacceptable and beyond the pale. Pie, you fat stupid slut. The crap you echo is hurting people and a threat to our society.

Gun-brandishing man sought to investigate fake news story site, police say

A suspect arrested Sunday with an assault rifle at a Washington, DC pizzeria admitted he had come to investigate an online conspiracy theory, Washington's Metropolitan Police Department said Sunday evening in a statement.

Police have identified him as 28-year-old Edgar Maddison Welch of Salisbury, North Carolina.

"During a post arrest interview this evening, the suspect revealed that he came to the establishment to self-investigate 'Pizza Gate' (a fictitious online conspiracy theory)," the police department said in a statement.

"Pizza Gate" is a name given to the online false news stories begun last month that charged the Comet Ping Pong restaurant and its owner were involved in a child sex operation. The owner has vehemently denied the charges, but they continued to proliferate online. The owner and employees said they were repeatedly threatened on social media.

When Welch entered the restaurant he allegedly pointed the rifle in the direction of an employee who police said was able to flee and notify police. Patrons inside the restaurant had rushed out of the building.
Police said Welch has been charged with assault with a dangerous weapon.


Comet Ping Pong's owner, James Alefantis, and some employees of the restaurant were threatened last month after fake news reports -- shortly before Election Day -- charged Hillary Clinton and her campaign chairman John Podesta were involved in a child sex operation at the restaurant. The fake stories continued to proliferate online as Alefantis kept denying the charges.

"What happened today demonstrates that promoting false and reckless conspiracy theories comes with consequences. I hope that those involved in fanning these flames will take a moment to contemplate what happened here today, and stop promoting these falsehoods right away," Alefantis told CNN.
Are you starting to get a feeling that Donald's mobs might be able to put some pressure on Donald's oppostion? It could be a terrible day.

Just imagine what would happen if the recount shows something funky in the votes. Do you think Donald will call in a mob? I do. "They are trying to steal your Revolution!"
Are you starting to get a feeling that Donald's mobs might be able to put some pressure on Donald's oppostion? It could be a terrible day.
That was already happening from Benedict Donald's speeches. Having a paramilitary and paralegal enforcement arm that is answerable only to the maximum leader was a key component to fascist leaders of the 20th century. I think that the ability to mobilize right wing goons using fake news fits the 21st fascist leader's needs pretty well. The post-truth era looks to me to be a threat to our democracy.
I never considered how insidious and vicious @Flaming Pie 's distorted news is. To me, checking facts is part of maintaing touch with reality and just something one does. Not so for Pie, and I just laughed it off. Really, though, people's lives are put at risk and the use of fake news for intimidation or to silence people makes this shit completely unacceptable and beyond the pale. Pie, you fat stupid slut. The crap you echo is hurting people and a threat to our society.

I can't believe she is allowed to continue posting fake news here. I think my first thread was called "flaming lies" but was told there were to many to bother posting. Maybe now she will be held more accountable.

That was already happening from Benedict Donald's speeches. Having a paramilitary and paralegal enforcement arm that is answerable only to the maximum leader was a key component to fascist leaders of the 20th century. I think that the ability to mobilize right wing goons using fake news fits the 21st fascist leader's needs pretty well. The post-truth era looks to me to be a threat to our democracy.
Just wait.
Agreed. Which is why I waoted so long to have a child. He had alot of growing up to do.

Look at that sig. Just look at it!

It is like somethjng out of "A Beautiful Mind" but without a shred of intelligence.

OH Pie, I love you. I feel like you should be a pay-service I am having so much fun.
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And i suppose you only buy american made clothing? With american cloth and american labor?
I wear plain shirts and jeans everyday. I got no idea where they are made. But I'm not the one bitching about jobs while outsourcing them. I personally feel like if you aren't lazy there's a job out there for you. It's just people thinking they are better than the pay. Which noone is. Unless your injured or mentally ill of course

And i suppose you only buy american made clothing? With american cloth and american labor?
I wear plain shirts and jeans everyday. I got no idea where they are made. But I'm not the one bitching about jobs while outsourcing them. I personally feel like if you aren't lazy there's a job out there for you. It's just people thinking they are better than the pay. Which noone is. Unless your injured or mentally ill of course
Yeah Pie, it is called benefiting from international trade.. You know, comparative advantage and shit like that.

Your inability to grasp this point and see the hypocrisy in Trump's position further shows how well thought out Trump supporters were and continue to be.

You are literally retarded. @UncleBuck will back me up on it.