Is it ME!!!


Well-Known Member
when I use My One Hitter I feel LIKe the biggest Crack Head Alive:shock: but the Good bud hits me faster Soo..


New Member
That's how I feel when I use homemade pipes .. Like those fuckin foil things. Never again unless absolutely necessary.. It just adds to the whole crackhead feel when I use one of those cheap lighters with the huge flames.


Well-Known Member
that's how i feel when i use homemade pipes .. Like those fuckin foil things. Never again unless absolutely necessary.. It just adds to the whole crackhead feel when i use one of those cheap lighters with the huge flames.

lol wow i know how you feel!!! I got to stop going to the arab stores buying the cheap lighters


Well-Known Member
I don't Know!!!! Crazy thing is I Smoked A Doobie With A Family Member Who's A crackhead And Boy Was That A sight to SEE!! At the end of the Day Seriously I really Feel Bad for crackheads


New Member
There are crackheads in your town? Do you live in ""DA HOOD"" ..I havent seen a crackhead where I live EVER

Well I live in the suburbs outside of Trenton .. But a 10 minute walk from my house the neighborhood starts looking more 'ghet-to' .. It's not uncommon to see crackheads in front of all the stores around my house.

I also live right near one of the top crime - filled cities in the country .. Camden


Well-Known Member
Well I live in the suburbs outside of Trenton .. But a 10 minute walk from my house the neighborhood starts looking more 'ghet-to' .. It's not uncommon to see crackheads in front of all the stores around my house.

I also live right near one of the top crime - filled cities in the country .. Camden

Oh yea ...... Hardcore crime area's ............


New Member
Trenton used to actually be a pretty nice place before about 15 years ago.. Now the corruption is slowly spreading to all of the good areas around Trenton. . I'll probably be outta here by then though. I don't plan to stay in this garbage state for longer than I have to.


New Member
It is cool in the sense that it's my home .. But in comparison to most other states, it's not a good place to live. Taxes are outrageous.. Also they make the dumbest laws you will ever hear.


Well-Known Member
me too...but I can make a pipe from tin foil and toilet paper roll if need be,,lmao...and NOOO i'm not a crack head


New Member
Man crackheads are everywhere.. Successful people you wouldn't suspect can be crackheads. . It's just that the term 'crack head' has a stereotype of the typical homeless junkie. .


Well-Known Member
Trenton used to actually be a pretty nice place before about 15 years ago.. Now the corruption is slowly spreading to all of the good areas around Trenton. . I'll probably be outta here by then though. I don't plan to stay in this garbage state for longer than I have to.

My friends call it the armpit of America ,,I dont dislike N.J I love the Shore and The beach's .. Every state has "tough Area's"