Only one of many of my girls are Yellowing... what?


Well-Known Member
Check the pics out, not the best. but the first one is yellowing. the second pic is of the others that are doing fine. Soil grow w ffof, ph 6.3 , temps 83 on ave, hum has been up a bit, under a 600watt hps.

im wondering if its yellowing because it requesting more food than the others or maybe i need to add some cal mag. im exactly at 4 weeks flowering. what route do you think i should go with this... add more nutes or start adding calmag into my water. also should i pull the yellow leaves or let them complty die and fall off???

Thanks for any advice



Well-Known Member
at 4 weeks flowering a plant is expected to lose its fan leaves if it is putting all of its energy into making buds :p


Well-Known Member
at 4 weeks flowering a plant is expected to lose its fan leaves if it is putting all of its energy into making buds :p

i figured that and thats what i was going with. its so weird that all the others may have one or two lower leaves yellowing. this one is yellowing in all different parts. it has a nice solid nug going though.