How long are people waiting to hear back from Health Canada ?

You guys really need to chill out.

u mad?
mad?? i think you need to read a bit more about online conversations. there's no CAPS or !!!'s yet you think mad? very odd thinking
do you feel persecuted or something to think people are mad? thin skin??

maybe you're just too young and need some life experience if you think that's anger.

did you get lots of "participation" medals or trophies and that's why you can't handle an opposing view or conversation?

if you are putting a tone in the written word with accentuations then that's all on you.

mad....that did make me fragile
I wish I worked for an LP. I might actually look into a job at aurora's plant in leduc.
Cool...then you can just leave your pants down permanently.
Stick with your grow plan and any time you tell me here LP's are great...I will tell you they aren't. Yes your entitled to your am I.
Listen newbie......your preaching to those who don't suck thy masters prick.
If lps didn't stand for the total opposite of compassion and lobby the gov for the exclusive rights to grow and charge sick and dieing Canadians astronomical amounts they can not afford...... while talking about how much they help patients sorry as they refer to us as customers all the while ripping off tax payers and veterans, and spraying insecticide and other chemicals on there plants and irradiation added just to make sure if the chemicals don't kill ya the radiation will. Fuck chuck ricci canopy growth and anyone tied to a legal producer
Awesome I'm down. Please speak to my intellect and if you can throw in a couple mom jokes that would be appreciated. Moms thinks strangers poking fun at strangers on the Internet is hilarious too. :hump:
you're not smart enough to have a Mom....haha

i got you on both...yes I'm being an ass
So far if I'm reading correctly, the longest anyone has had to wait here is 8+ weeks? That is a long fucking time if you are in need of a medicine that has been legally prescribed to you! If Health Canada is understaffed in the application processing department, they need to hire more staff so they are not creating barriers to legal access! If we all just started growing, what could we be charged with? Assuming you have your papers in order, your legal original prescription, do you actually think the cops would prosecute? If we need to "register" with Health Canada, then they need to make the process FAST, and preferably electronic like all the other government services, otherwise they are IN THE WAY of patients entitled to legal medicine! Some sick people simply do not have 20+ weeks to live never mind wait for a registration "certificate".
So far if I'm reading correctly, the longest anyone has had to wait here is 8+ weeks? That is a long fucking time if you are in need of a medicine that has been legally prescribed to you! If Health Canada is understaffed in the application processing department, they need to hire more staff so they are not creating barriers to legal access! If we all just started growing, what could we be charged with? Assuming you have your papers in order, your legal original prescription, do you actually think the cops would prosecute? If we need to "register" with Health Canada, then they need to make the process FAST, and preferably electronic like all the other government services, otherwise they are IN THE WAY of patients entitled to legal medicine! Some sick people simply do not have 20+ weeks to live never mind wait for a registration "certificate".
yup...just plain disgusting
So far if I'm reading correctly, the longest anyone has had to wait here is 8+ weeks? That is a long fucking time if you are in need of a medicine that has been legally prescribed to you! If Health Canada is understaffed in the application processing department, they need to hire more staff so they are not creating barriers to legal access! If we all just started growing, what could we be charged with? Assuming you have your papers in order, your legal original prescription, do you actually think the cops would prosecute? If we need to "register" with Health Canada, then they need to make the process FAST, and preferably electronic like all the other government services, otherwise they are IN THE WAY of patients entitled to legal medicine! Some sick people simply do not have 20+ weeks to live never mind wait for a registration "certificate".

Depends where you live and how they view cannabis. Where I live you would likely be charged, have your grow gear seized and your plants destroyed. That doesn't mean they would win in court but they would completely upend your life for a period of time at the very least, and at worst send you away for mandatory minimums if you get convicted.

They desperately need to hire more people, or simply become more efficient with the people they have because currently those people seem fucking useless.
As the old saying goes, "Never ascribe to malevolence what can be attributed to incompetence"....however it does seem hard to ascribe all these issues to simple incompetence on the part of HC...