Ok I am still learning so hear it is, how can I add nutes without over watering


Well-Known Member
So I'm growing LA confidential, and when I read up on the strain before I tried to grow it. It said that they are heavy eaters, up till now I have just kept to the fox farm feeding recommendation and not really giving them a great amount nutes cause I'm assuming that's what heavy eater means. So I watered with nutes 2 nights ago and they are still wet enough so I'm hesitant to use alot of water and if I can add nutes to them without water at all but I can't see that. Is this possible?


Well-Known Member
Any pictures? You want to wait for the top inch of soil to dry out before watering/feeding again.


Well-Known Member
Do you have pics? are they in veg or flower? How old are they?

If they are still damp dont over water them, when you water/nute them pick up the container, see how heavy it is, than before you water check how heavy it is again, you can usualy tell if they need water that way, and of course they wilt a bit if you dont water them, I wouldnt give any nutes w/o water!



Well-Known Member
Do you have pics? are they in veg or flower? How old are they?

If they are still damp dont over water them, when you water/nute them pick up the container, see how heavy it is, than before you water check how heavy it is again, you can usualy tell if they need water that way, and of course they wilt a bit if you dont water them, I wouldnt give any nutes w/o water!

Yes I have pics but right now I'm not there to take recent ones the ones I have right now are well may shock ya! but I'll post em for you all. I apologize I forgot the pics I posted last night were not put in my gallery. I'll take some here in a little bit but here is what they looked at the start of week two.


Active Member
The water dilutes the concentrate and distributes the nutes to the entire root system evenly.

If you don't already, I'd get a oscillating fan blowing over the actual soil to help evacuate the moisture faster. (If you use a static fan you risk wind burn if a leaf gets in crossfire)

If you water again with a nutes blend, the roots will get the oxygen they need temporarily from the water. When the water's oxygen is depleted and the roots remain sealed with liquid unable to receive airborne oxygen due to poor drainage and dense soil saturation, you end up with over water symptoms. I don't recommend trying this unless you have a good mix of perlite to facilitate breathing and drainage in your soil.

I've done this successfully with no over water issues, but I'm typically conservative with anything I give my plant. Lighter nutes mix rather than strong, and conservative water schedule rather than generous.

It's not going to hurt to wait a day for your soil to dry out, make sure your RH is pinned around 40% to evacuate moisture and fan the soil. You can also fluff up the top inch or so gently with a toothpick or something to alleviate the compaction that happens from watering.


Well-Known Member
Why do you feel the need to feed again? Is there signs of a deficiency? Or is it just because its a "heavy feeder"? Because if it's the latter, just wait till it's dry. The plant will drink water at a faster rate than it uptakes nutes, so it isn't like there aren't nutes in the soil from last feeding.


Well-Known Member
You will need to reduce PPM and wait longer until those plants come back some.

Any when you do water. Water until you get a 20-30% run off.

You have soil that drains well right?


Well-Known Member
You will need to reduce PPM and wait longer until those plants come back some.

Any when you do water. Water until you get a 20-30% run off.

You have soil that drains well right?
Yes, they came back fairly well for the damage they took. next time i wont be so anxious. Ive been around grows but never been the grower, even though ive read everything i could find on growing techniques, ive found for the most part that opinions vary as to the best one to use.
the thing that has me the most puplexed is how long the strains i have need to flower. i have la confidential and blue dream, some of the threads and articles say 9-10 weeks and some say 7-8. so im having to decide as to when i should be expecting to harvest and when to get a new crop on the table?
i really need to make this work! My financial situation is extremly tight and i have a ton invested in my room. I realize its too late for this crop to be a eye popping yield which i knew from the start it woild most likely be the least productive of the crops since it is my first. from what im seeing in there i will be lucky ti get 2 oz per plant. What i need to be able to do is get 3/4 pound yields or bigger.
im not a fool and i di realize that its a matter if trail and error so thank you for helping me.
i havent been out there yet to take a goid look at them today i have kids to get ready for school, but im hoping the are just doing better than the day before