The homeless/zombie crisis.

I'm sorry but polite? The first thing I read by you on this site was you talking about how homeless people are sub human and what to do with them. You can say it was satire or trying to start a conversation but that doesn't change the fact that I read many posts you wrote commenting on their smell, worthlessness, etc. I saw no compassion. Then after you get called out for being an insensitive asshole all of a sudden it's "I helped this guy once, I used to volunteer with elderly homeless mental patients". It really sounds like a lie, to be honest. It doesn't seem to add up that the person who talked about the homeless abusing the system and being the sole reason for their own demise would ever extend to them their time or energy.
I also never read anywhere you saying sorry for the shitty things you said. An apology to all the homeless people out there that are in their situations just because life fucked them and it could happen to anyone. "I used to be homeless" does not excuse treating any person on this planet as less than you.
my attitude twards the homeless hasnt changed. I still dont like em and want to throw em through a wood chipper. And then light the pile on fire. And light the fire on fire.
my attitude twards the homeless hasnt changed. I still dont like em and want to throw em through a wood chipper. And then light the pile on fire. And light the fire on fire.
It would be a joke coming from anyone else. But you said things like this. And backed them up with news articles supporting your heartless feelings on the matter. You dug in rather than show remource. I don't even know if you feel bad.
It would be a joke coming from anyone else. But you said things like this. And backed them up with news articles supporting your heartless feelings on the matter. You dug in rather than show remource. I don't even know if you feel bad.
No it would be a joke coming from me. And a damn funny one, and then light the fire on fire?! Damn thats funny! You guys have no sence of humor :p
Saying that all homeless people are bad is just as retarded as saying all homeless people are nice folks, just down on their luck.
The "cool kids" prefer black & white logic. :dunce:
Saying that all homeless people are bad is just as retarded as saying all homeless people are nice folks, just down on their luck.
The "cool kids" prefer black & white logic. :dunce:
These guys have so much to say about how self righteous they are and how big of a shitbag everyone else is. But you ask them to do one good deed...ONE....and they cant do it. Not a single one of em after all this blow hard sniveling. The term internet tough guy instantly comes to mind....
"A sockpuppet is an online identity used for purposes of deception. The term, a reference to the manipulation of a simple hand puppet made from a sock, originally referred to a false identity assumed by a member of an Internet community who spoke to, or about, themselves while pretending to be another person."

Say what now? That's what all the sock talk was? i assumed something like cum sock as an inside joke. I think I still prefer it my way.
These guys have so much to say about how self righteous they are and how big of a shitbag everyone else is. But you ask them to do one good deed...ONE....and they cant do it. Not a single one of em after all this blow hard sniveling. The term internet tough guy instantly comes to mind....
As I said earlier, it's easy to be an idealist -- especially during the holidays.
Seems like this Tinychat thing really gets under peoples skin. Do y'all know what happens there? I'll tell y'all, We hang out, listen to music, smoke weed, drink beer, take shots. It's literally just like hanging out with my homies IRL. We have fun and kick it. We don't talk about RIU or the members, we just have a good time.
Seems like this Tinychat thing really gets under peoples skin. Do y'all know what happens there? I'll tell y'all, We hang out, listen to music, smoke weed, drink beer, take shots. It's literally just like hanging out with my homies IRL. We have fun and kick it. We don't talk about RIU or the members, we just have a good time.
Tiny chat? I thought everyone was just very clever talking about our simularities to unstable isotopes.


Technetium is a chemical element with symbol Tc and atomic number 43. It is the lightest element of which all isotopes are radioactive; none are stable.

I am embarrassed.