Brewing Ayahuasca for the first time


Well-Known Member
Are you gonna dive right in and get the full on experiance? Or a light dose?.. I say go head first !! But that's just me lol


Well-Known Member
I'm cooking 150G yellow cappi and 24G Brazilian purple Mimosa Hostiles inner Root bark. 75G cappi each (2 people) and I don't know the potency of the Mimosa powder so gonna titrate it. Start with 3G, if no joy 2 more if not then 3 more with a total at the most being 10G. Better under than over. Mimosa is the strongest DMT plant at .5-3%! I've smoked DMT 200+ times but 6+hours to much a dose of hyperspace would be to much


Well-Known Member
Sounds awesome, I myself have actually never smoked dmt or drank Aya. I've always shyed away from doing any extractions or ordering stuff like that to my house. You can call me paranoid I guess lol


Well-Known Member
Plenty of experience with shrooms various rcs and lsd every once in a while . But never dmt or Aya. But the day will come rest assured the day will come, don't know when but I no we shall cross paths


Well-Known Member
Sounds awesome, I myself have actually never smoked dmt or drank Aya. I've always shyed away from doing any extractions or ordering stuff like that to my house. You can call me paranoid I guess lol
I love extractions I've made DMT 6 times, harmine harmaline 3 times 5-ho-dmt twice, Dabs 12 times and kanna 3 times. One extracting pure cappi Freebase next week and DMT next month. Extraction are my specialty.


Well-Known Member
Wish I could say the same, I've never actually done any extractions unless u count cooking crack and witnessed a few s&b done but that's bout it lol


Well-Known Member
Wish I could say the same, I've never actually done any extractions unless u count cooking crack and witnessed a few s&b done but that's bout it lol


Well-Known Member
Wish I could say the same, I've never actually done any extractions unless u count cooking crack and witnessed a few s&b done but that's bout it lol
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