Well-Known Member
Sure and all I ever wanted was to make you aware that what you where trying to tell people was misinformation and it's not anything about a company. Showing a spot reading under the center of a lamp doesn't prove its X% better than any other lamp. I was just honestly trying to show you the errors in your interpretation of the data set you where being sent that was taken by a a lighting passport. There are several versions of it. The newest one is a high lux version that can read above 50000 Lux accurately. This is the reading I got from the Sun at 11:00 A.M. in East TN in November. If you would've calmed down and paid attention (to someone who honestly had no bad intentions just trying help educate ) you would've quickly saw the error in what you thought was the PPFD of the light in a specific area was in fact a spot reading and we would've both not had a problem. What I suggest is try not to be so know it all when someone in fact does know more than you on a particular topic (the lighting passport) . Just be more open minded and willing to at least fact check someones claim before going into self destruct/defense mode because everyone here isn't against your chosen brand of lights. Have you ever saw me say a thing negativity about Amare or any other company that's legit before honestly????? Out of all the hate GG had against me at one point there was never a time I trashed his company. I won't trash Amare either as both are good lights nothing wrong with them at all. What you will find is me trashing things like KIND LED and Advanced who try to deceive people and never divulge what leds they use and other such pertinent information and try to suck people in with plants don't use Green bullshit. I mean the blurple bullshit was so wide spread I had to teach an engineer that I highly respect in the lighting design industry that it wasn't the case. Anyhow glad that's over and we can move along and continue doing what we are here for(helping others).
The Sun itself, as seen through a spectrograph. That's pretty damned impressive in its own right.