Is there anything currently better then amare?

how is a Cree 3070 low quality? It delivers....
They're not. However @ 50w a cxb 3590 produces about 20% more light.

Not sure what amare pushes their cobs at but higher than 50w means they're even further from the big better cobs.

And cxb 3590 are behind new veros and CLU 1825 offerings.
I pulled over a pound off that said grow on my first grow, it can only get better.
Love my Amare
Because It has Cobs on it. You would have gotten 1.5pounds with a timber or cutter 600w cob grow. And it could only get better. For less money! Value. Dank grown for money spent, your amare doesnt stack up. Btw both of your accounts have pics of amare lights as your profile. Just saying.
I pulled over a pound off that said grow on my first grow, it can only get better.
Love my Amare

Not to sound like a dick but I noticed something. In 19 pages of a grow journal touting 1lb of yield grown under a single Amare SE450 there is not ONE picture taken other than when you set it up in the tent in your very first post that shows the Amare in action over your plants.

BUT!!!! I did notice after close inspection that there were 2 or 3 pictures you posted that had reflections of multiple lights growing those plants. I could also tell the one or two of the other lights were not the SE450.
I mean, it's not like you getting 1gpw is hard to believe, we just watched another persons grow journal in this thread use an Amare SE450 and pulled basically the same amount but he was a complete noob grower and his Mars 1200 grew more in the same space right beside it.
So it appears you are right on par with other SE450 owners getting 1gpw which is nothing to scoff at. I just wonder why I was seeing multiple lights in your grow journal reflections but you stated you only used an SE450 to get that yield...hmmm.

Like this photo here that you posted.
Here is what I like to see.....The product opened on their web sites of the product inside and showing ALL the parts. sink....etc etc etc....

Not some corny video saying SEE we are better......

This kind of shit below...... is unacceptable Amare/GoDaddy.....get yer shit together.

About Amare Technology
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I pulled over a pound off that said grow on my first grow, it can only get better.
Love my Amare
Really nothing to brag about. Got the same off 400w California light works solar system 550. That's all 3w osram led.

So less wattage more yield on first run.
at 2x 3x what you can build it.....RIP OFF most of these LED COB companies.

Timbergrowlights is period one of the lowest cost places to get the most light for your bux.

There are a couple other DIY Cob guys selling similar prices not tryin to just kill people.

Only a few of their prices.Complete easy to set up kits ready to go.
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Featured Items
100 Watt Citizen CLU048 (2) COB Grow Light Kit
100 Watt Cree CXB3590 (2) COB Grow Light Kit
200 Watt Citizen CLU048 (4) COB Grow Light Kit
200 Watt Cree CXB3590 (4) COB Grow Light Kit
225 Watt Cree CXB3590 (3) COB Grow Light Kit
300 Watt Vero29 V7 (3) COB Grow Light Kit
400 Watt Vero29 V7 (4) COB Grow Light Kit
Those are some nice kits. A bit harder to turn on than a prebuilt thou... Would the 400 watt Vero be a respectable system to run vs the Amare 450?
how is a Cree 3070 low quality? It delivers....
It's Lower quality in comparison with what is available on the market right now, those new vero's , citizens , and cxb3590's are looking mighty fine in comparison to the CXA3070's . Those are great lights , but in my opinion they would be considered lower quality compared to the ones i listed.
Really nothing to brag about. Got the same off 400w California light works solar system 550. That's all 3w osram led.

So less wattage more yield on first run.
That's awesome, I know nothing about those lights. Honestly I probably don't know half of what you guys in this thread know about the tech. I do know one thing, light grows weed. Choose your poison cause that's what this seems to be and grow your meds people.
That's awesome, I know nothing about those lights. Honestly I probably don't know half of what you guys in this thread know about the tech. I do know one thing, light grows weed. Choose your poison cause that's what this seems to be and grow your meds people.

With that said it's time for me to go smell my grow!!! :peace:
That's simply not true.
Actually they're pretty far ahead.
They switched to CXB over CXA before most.
Also, you refer to untested, new cobs.
Maybe they would like to see the efficacy of these new cobs or maybe they know something you don't about what Cree has in the near future.
I still don't understand why the smaller scale growers are so interested in 2% efficiency increase even if they just invested in what was best 3 months ago.
You can chase your tail for ever trying to stay on-top of tech. It happens everyday.
So true.... I learned that long ago with PC's always upgrading every year, overclocking this and that, in the end it just gets expensive and your not getting ahead.
So true.... I learned that long ago with PC's always upgrading every year, overclocking this and that, in the end it just gets expensive and your not getting ahead.

I just built a computer with the latest tech last gets older fast. If you build right you might have 10 or so years and just have to swap out parts as needed.


LED and grow lights? are moving at super paced speed now and do not have a wall yet like CPU's

I can see grow light tech every year getting better and might buy the latest greatest high dollar thing now only to find out next year you can buy twice as much light for 1/2 the's moving that fast.
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You guys say new tech like it's been out long enough for any comp. to sell what they have n switch. None of you consider that he upgrades pretty fast every time. Xp-g3's & CXB for example.
Also, if Amare uses Cree now, who's to say their not right behind the others (cobs) n coming out w/ a comparable cob soon?
It's 3 month old tech guys. Geeze!
Not to mention, do you really think it's really worth a the blabbering?
You guys were jerking off to pictures of 3590's 2 months ago! Lol! For real!
So to say a company still using Cree is outdated is so reaching for straws. Haha!
You guys should be ashamed of yourselves.
How do you think you're making your brand new DIY light feel? :roll:
Oh, that you ran soft so the chips would last longer!!! Lol! I kill me!
Oh nice thread I presume. Not gonna read it though. I just licked Hybrid post cause he is a cool guy.
Got the SE260Epi and as I was told by Vic to check in few hours to see the difference I did just that. I did believe that Amare is legit light but few hours?
That's right. In few hours the girls looked different. Reaching for the light and everything! Don't you usualy get a little stress if changing the lights?
Also cxb3590 alone to do that? Nah... I am gonna give my 200w cxb3590 3500k to a friend in need along with every light I have atm. Will buy a Pro9 for sure... and another se260 to help the Pro9.
Good job to the Amare users! And to the ones that don't believe...u just hatefull peoples.
And to the ones that don't believe...u just hatefull peoples.

Actually they are more informed than the people buying the Amare lights......

A few hours.... you can fucking water your plants and they will look different.

You have both do a side by side and post it up after your are done.

Yeah prove it. Put your money where your mouth is.

Are you driving those 200 watts cobs at 100% ?
I'll go watt for watt- from the wall- with anything they've got. And my shit is last year's gear, too!

And don't even get me started about what's up my sleeve next.

I hear hype and smell bullshit, poured on deep. For this shitstorm, I recommend donning one's hip waders and stepping away, poste haste!
Oh nice thread I presume. Not gonna read it though. I just licked Hybrid post cause he is a cool guy.
Got the SE260Epi and as I was told by Vic to check in few hours to see the difference I did just that. I did believe that Amare is legit light but few hours?
That's right. In few hours the girls looked different. Reaching for the light and everything! Don't you usualy get a little stress if changing the lights?
Also cxb3590 alone to do that? Nah... I am gonna give my 200w cxb3590 3500k to a friend in need along with every light I have atm. Will buy a Pro9 for sure... and another se260 to help the Pro9.
Good job to the Amare users! And to the ones that don't believe...u just hatefull peoples.
I don't care how cool the guy is, I ain't licking his post.