Matching Drivers and COBs

Wife says go to Dr also to see why its still purple.
I think I need to get the nail removed. No sure why it didnt fall off on its own.
You should check your blood sugar levels, slow healing can be a sign of diabetes.
I have higher than average sugar, but Dr says not diabetes, my issue is messed up discs. I have read they will stabilize after a few yrs.
Its ben a year, and although not as bad as the first few weeks, the flexibility and pain is more than it was 6 months ago. I think partly because I keep trying to work out when I feel a lil better and because I have to lift heavy crap and work arounf the house so often.
I have blood/urine tests still to take that I never did from 2 months ago. Thanks for the reminder Ill go monday morning if I remember
Back to the treading water thing. Try some swimming- and yes, even treading water- and see how that kind of low impact exercise helps you.
I dont have access to a pool, but in the summertime I can go at a friends complex. The pool is closed till late spring usually.
Treading water was meant as a metaphor meaning going nowhere lol.
Ill try to get out and walk the dog daily at the warmest part of the day everyday and see if maybe Kaiser has some recommendations and facilities.