How much longer for my Ak47? Heavy buds! Pics.


Well-Known Member
Fatter by the day!!! How much longer can the stems hold!? How many more white pistils will appear? Lord change these trichs!!! It's good as it is but u know what they say when u think it's ready give it another week and I will not accept clear trichs on calyxes. Nimage.jpegimage.jpegimage.jpegimage.jpegimage.jpeg


Active Member
super nice flowers man. my shit is almost 8 weeks into flower still all whit hairs. buds are reall pushing in growth now. bitchll be a 10 weeker easy, they suffered a little nitro toxicity for about 1-1.5 weeks but they should be okay and do just fine.

do you have any plants to step up to a perpetuating harvest system?


Well-Known Member
Yes on the perpetual system another widow gonna go into my cab so when my other widow is done I can let her veg out a couple few more weeks in the tent and let her get good and strong and then I'm gonna flip her. She will be my last one until September Bc until I get another air unit in my bedroom it will be a little too hot. I'm getting new seeds and I'm wanting something NOT ak 47 or widow Bc I have so many of those fem seeds...time for something different...

Thanks for the compliments on the nugs man! The ak has a while to go. At least another week maybe longer. I took off a trial nug 13 grams just for the top nug, not the nugs going 2 feet down the stem...I will lose 70% of the weight after it dries. I have around 25 stems give or take the small small ones down in thick of the plant. I'm counting the top ones and this one was one of the smallest I could find...I have it drying and will try it out but I know it isn't finished I think I am just curious . The trichs are getting milky on the calyxes tho whoop whoop!! I would love to see your plant!!


Well-Known Member
Gave me energy but got me stoned. Not couch lock enough so I have another week or 2....the trichs on the calyxes are milky.


Active Member
so my bitches finally flushed nitro watching them on the security cams night time LOL took about 3 days aero buds shot out trying to make up lost time i guess. going to take a hit on my yield a bit but w.e. love to have this opportunity to learn!


Well-Known Member
Yes!! How old are they again? In their 9th week? Ya know I'm learning that you can't plan these things at all and u can read all the info on the net u can find but it all comes down to that specific plant and well ...i like my bud aged like a fine wine so much of the dry and cure make for the potency and smell? I want this to be like the kind I get from other has to be bomb Bc I really have waited a while and I've taken risks and I want it to be perfect. The widow is really putting out some buds too...I never realized how fat and pretty the calyxes can get and how they go thru the second round and poke out in clusters on the sides of the buds making them fat and juicy!!!


Well-Known Member
Gave me energy but got me stoned. Not couch lock enough so I have another week or 2....the trichs on the calyxes are milky.
Well...the AK doesnt really do couchlock. Ive run AK47 i dont know how many times or how many phenos and... true AK just doesnt do couchlock very well. It is more of a heady spacey kind of high that can be pretty intense...


Well-Known Member
So here she is at 8 weeks and 2 days. 58 days. And here is the widow and she is about a month in. The ak probably won't give me much couch lock so I'm just gonna get a few ambers in there and chop. The place I got them from didn't say they were this much sativa. Did say they were serious seeds so I guess I could have done more research. Maybe the widow will give me more of what I'm looking for?image.jpegimage.jpegimage.jpegimage.jpeg


Well-Known Member
I was bored so I thought I would do a trich check and I found a lot of half milky/half clear ones, some totally milky ones, and some Amber. I'm pretty happy Bc I smoked some slow dried and cured for a couple of days and it was really good. I know if I wait 63 days and do some harvesting on Friday I'll probably be on target after a good dry and 2 week cure (minimum)...ill post pics tonight...


Active Member


Well-Known Member
nice pics. bet ur happy ur waiting! :) i went in the room today to snap a sample. looked all over then said fk no.

That being said. im trying to figure out what to do with all this down time that i do not have to spend slaving over a watering bucket and worrying of pests
Oh yeah I mean last time I grew ak I chopped way too early. And it's such good smoke right now I figure if I wait until morning it will be perfect. Im about to go cut the lights on right now...
This is one of the fun parts of growing!
I know u don't have long.....I went and got some work so I can make some money...I figure this widow won't give me many probs. That mg soil jacked her up but I'm not giving up on her Bc her buds look really good...


Well-Known Member
Well I harvested this morning...the stems are so long and I couldn't weigh it all out but I went ahead and weighed one of the mains and it came to 41.0 grams. I have about 8 mains to a hanger, 3 hangers. A full paper bag of popcorn and trim for my butter...and then my popcorn buds (50 g wet) my calculations is ...well that's a shitload of medicine...!!!!!! I don't think I've ever had this much in my life. I'm proud of myself!!! Now I'm gonna let her dry and then stick her in some jars...happy growing everyone I'll post some pics of the finished bud later on in another post under harvesting and curing!


Well-Known Member
Lol!!! Agreed! One thing I don't like is how when she is drying, the popcorn buds have long red hairs proofing out. I'm thinking maybe I should have harvested 70 days. Can I cure that and tighten it up? Here is a coat example I have 2 more looking the same...image.jpegimage.jpeg