bigger than watergate?


Well-Known Member
Pretty sure the Inupaq use more than 100 words to describe snow/ice/water. I've even learned some from the whalers in the villages. All men I've known all use just one word about rape-wrong. You're the second dipshit here at RUI I've had to teach this too. I'm seeing a pattern.
I wouldn't want a rape artist like you to teach me anything.


Well-Known Member
Thing is see, it's all still in the wind. That is unless of course you've already digested enough MSM to reach a conclusion. If so share with us. I wanna know who leaked info. I wanna buy them a beer. I lost my shit reading some of those dumps and then was astounded watching her get propped back up by her constituency. Or helped into a van.
why are all the elected officials with direct access to classified CIA information saying one thing, and all of your propaganda outlets selling prepper kits saying another?


Well-Known Member
that is frightening on multiple levels. it gives you access to your victims, for one.

secondly, you are dumber than a block of shit and only trust propaganda outlets.

those poor kids. both their minds and bodies at risk.
And...hominem sounds like you just might have found yourself another sjw crusade-protecting earths inhabitants and students from me because I'm (throw shit because hopefully something will stick). Just like a good liberal. Create a solution and search for a problem. Why would you think I teach kids btw? Just curious.


Well-Known Member
why are all the elected officials with direct access to classified CIA information saying one thing, and all of your propaganda outlets selling prepper kits saying another?
Well duh, because not all are! Also the intelligence agencies haven't concluded investigations nor are they agreeing as yet. More facts are in order. Love watching democrats report news and do their "journaly" stuff. Just like their target practice too. Ready.Shoot.Aim!


Well-Known Member
Well duh, because not all are! Also the intelligence agencies haven't concluded investigations nor are they agreeing as yet. More facts are in order. Love watching democrats report news and do their "journaly" stuff. Just like their target practice too. Ready.Shoot.Aim!
all the propaganda you read has fucked up your already stupid mind.