Small space seed start question


Well-Known Member
Hi all, I've been out of the game awhile and brushing up. Building out a small grow tent 2x2 and I need someone to get my head on track. I also have a small veg ,seed, clone section. My end goal is just to grow one plant at a time. Outside of using Fem seeds "I have some" When I want to use Reg seeds should I just pop one or two and flower as normal looking for males or do sex them early ? I would realy hate to pop two beans and both be fems from Reg seed. Then again it would suck for both to be male lol.

If I get a good Pheno Fem I plan to take a cutting or two before flip and do a perpetual grow until I'm ready to switch. What my best course of action ?
Idk what is best, but here's a thought.

I would start 2/3 , take a clone of each and sex the clone .
Obviously you have forgotten much

imo: a minimum selection would be 4

of which you select 2 for flower

as a minimum.

I'd encourage you to look to your immediate plans rather than a sequential grow at this stage

good luck
I've read on here somewhere you can put them straight into 12/12 determine sex and then place the ones you want back into veg ... not from personal experience but the logic seems sound :)
Yaaa.. Go ahead and don't do that.
Is putting them into flower early just to determine sex not a good idea then ?? It's my understanding it will take a couple weeks to go back into veg but seems a better option then waiting weeks in veg to find out there all male lol I'm a noob so feel free to tell why this idea is flawed :)
Is putting them into flower early just to determine sex not a good idea then ?? It's my understanding it will take a couple weeks to go back into veg but seems a better option then waiting weeks in veg to find out there all male lol I'm a noob so feel free to tell why this idea is flawed :)

It can take a lot longer than that and the growth becomes deformed.

Better to grow it a bit. Take little clones even in a cup of water. And put them in flower for a couple o weeks. They will show sex. Just label clearly.
Exactly that.. It's kind of like the impatient man's cheat. The guy that can't leave his plants alone will do this ya know? The proper way is to allow the plant to naturally reach maturity. It only takes about four weeks of veg maybe five from seed and you have a natural answer. On the flip side you veg the plant for a week or so wait a week for preflowers and then spend two weeks reverting back to veg all in all seems about near the same amount of time either way with more room for error and excessive time from force flowering. Only beneficial difference i can come up with is plant count goes down a couple weeks ahead. Ya, you grew a plant you don't need for a month possibly but that's part of the game. There's always fems...
Same issue here... Fem seeds make everything easier, but I don't really like paying $10 for a seed..

You could however make your own fem seed then sprout a few and pick the best one for flower.