Is a Soft Coup happening in the United States as we speak?

I dunno, maybe a soft coup would get Americans off their asses and involved inn their political system to a greater degree than throwing foam bricks at the teevee whenever the opposition candidate shows their face onscreen.

It's time to admit that we AREN'T the greatest nation ever, and certainly not right now, and that it's time to get involved in something besides identity politics and idiot logic food fights.

I'm not optimistic. This country knuckled under for Bush & Shrubbery meekly enough, maybe Americans simply don't have what it takes to fight for our own freedom anymore.
"undocumented immigrants have an even greater reason to vote"

But then he says later that it is illegal for them to vote. Make up your mind.
Umm, too bad he never said that. He said that if you have a family member that is undocumented you have an even greater reason to vote.

Here is a transcript. Have somebody read it to you.

Does constant lying ever weigh down on your soul, Pie?
What a fucking loser. Real men don't let one dictate how he treats all...or did you get gang raped in prison by the black guys ? Did they hurt that pink tight flat ass:lol:

Because prisons are full of black guys who love to rape.

Thank you for, once again, validating my point.
Because prisons are full of black guys who love to rape.

Thank you for, once again, validating my point.
Well seeing how you are now a racist against blacks, one can safely say it was the black guys who raped you. Would you have preferred the white guys rape you ? or did you give it to them willing. Snickers love
Jewish women do not get beat on by their husbands.
What did Phil and I tell you about absolute statements Schuylaar?

Although technically you are correct in this case. I do not believe that Phil married any Jewish women.

Are you contending that no Jewish men beat their wives as the context suggests? Or is it that Jewish women will not tolerate being beaten regardless of the ethno-religious identity of their husbands?

Hint: Both are wrong.

Umm, too bad he never said that. He said that if you have a family member that is undocumented you have an even greater reason to vote.

Here is a transcript. Have somebody read it to you.
View attachment 3854125

Does constant lying ever weigh down on your soul, Pie?
I'd say the soft coup already happened.

"And the reason that fear is promoted is they don't want people voting"

Obama said it true.

Voter suppression was a factor in this election.

As was Russian hacking and Russian sponsored propaganda. As was FBI interference.

The right wing is whining about people investigating the Russian hacking because they don't like how it delegitimatizes Trump's win in November.

Too funny this. His win is final, nobody of note disputes this. Except the right.
Two things.

Firstly, @.nobody.

Secondly, what is your point? You stated that Obama urged illegals to vote. You were proven wrong. Are you now ignoring that and posting evidence that illegals cannot legally vote? Why do you think that helps you? This is kind of like when I mocked you for pizzagate and you accused me of joking about child abuse. You are a mean-spirited liar with no moral compass. I hope you get what you deserve. It will be fun to watch.