right wing news


Well-Known Member
I came back to say - HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA! Losers! Keep on crying....The recounts gave more votes to Trump....HAHAHAHAHA......Clinton had a 98% chance of winning....HAHAHAHA...

Responses from the moonbats on this site:
But, but, but... THE RUSSIANS!
Constitutional Republic bitches, it will never change. Eat that crow.
remember that time when you cited statistics from "color of crime" by white supremacist jared taylor and kept insisteing that you weren't a racist piece of shit?




Well-Known Member
I came back to say - HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA! Losers! Keep on crying....The recounts gave more votes to Trump....HAHAHAHAHA......Clinton had a 98% chance of winning....HAHAHAHA...

Responses from the moonbats on this site:
But, but, but... THE RUSSIANS!
Constitutional Republic bitches, it will never change. Eat that crow.

it's being reported by various sources including site admins that @spandy is a DEA informant.
Wow, that is fucked up. As if I needed ANOTHER reason to loathe him, tsk tsk tsk. Time to revive the spandy gif....

LOOK!! -- Here he is now, spying on the members of RIU, gathering info to drop that dime!

giphy (4).gif


Well-Known Member
I came back to say - HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA! Losers! Keep on crying....The recounts gave more votes to Trump....HAHAHAHAHA......Clinton had a 98% chance of winning....HAHAHAHA...

Responses from the moonbats on this site:
But, but, but... THE RUSSIANS!
Constitutional Republic bitches, it will never change. Eat that crow.
Fucking bottom feeders


Well-Known Member
so they made democratic electors vote democrat?

terrible day.

you are fucking hopeless.
and...hominem ya, in your view it's making democratic electors vote democrat.
In my view it's actually following laws and respecting the will of the people.

From the unread, again, link:

"Judge Daniel, who was nominated by Bill Clinton in 1995, lambasted the electors for their overt effort to change the law in order to deny Trump the presidency.

“Part of me thinks this is really a political stunt to prevent Donald Trump from becoming president,” he said."



Well-Known Member
you sure do seem concerned about perceived insults. you are fragile in that way. you hate bullying. you need a safe space. you don't like it when i get politically incorrect about rapist, pedophile white males living in alaska.

you are hopeless.

It's about respecting the will of the people
the people voted for hillary clinton. hillary clinton got more votes. about 3 million more.

trump got the same percentage of the vote as dukakis did.



Well-Known Member
so you were lying when you said we should respect the will of the people?

you fucking moron.
We should respect people and their will. Even when it means a Federal Judge shuts down faithless electors in Colorado and also when that means we use the electoral college.