bigger than watergate?


Well-Known Member
I still remember a time in this country, not so very long ago, that both sides would have been severely critical of direct and intentional interference by a foreign government in our presidential election. Wouldn't matter who won or lost, both sides would be screaming for immediate investigations. Nobody would be spinning, rationalizing, or making fucking excuses.

But now, we have 'fake news'.

Fake news doesn't sound as bad as 'propaganda', so it can't really be bad, right?


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
He's had contact.

If you're meaning contact as in colluding with the Kremlin to rig the election in his favor-

Well then I'd call it Treason and support the death penalty.

Yeah, the obvious ties and admiration bother me greatly, let alone what we don't know.
Good to know you'll hold him accountable, when he does fuck up.


Well-Known Member
so, i wonder what obama is gonna say in his press conference tomorrow.

probably just coincidence he's deciding to hold a press conference at 2:15 pm on a friday before he leaves for holidays.

definitely not gonna say anything that cripples or disqualifies or delegitimizes trump in any way. that's for sure.


Well-Known Member
This film was everything when I was a kid. Still is, in many ways. Sure, it's nihilistic as hell on the surface, but I honed-in on the characters foremost. Dutch, Lisa, and Richie representing what I was hearing and seeing everyday from my brothers/cousins/friends, and Neville serving as the familial Nixon-era repub always telling people to "get their friggin hair cut", "join the Army", etc. (Though the character goes against stereotype - actually uplifting younger folks, demonstrating self-sacrifice, showing little to no sign of racist mindset, etc.)

The Corringtons, Boris, the entire cast, and everyone involved with the creative end, I thank you.

....Segues into....

Fantastic score that I've been humming since birth:



Well-Known Member
LOL I got under you skin over that. LOL This sort of thing happens when a religious person's beliefs are challenged. Too funny this.
You give yourself too much credit. Silver was a great investment for me. It paid well. Noone said it was for you, obviously. And the legal tender issue is quite a separate debate than the investment, obviously. I am glad you're amusing yourself though.


Well-Known Member
Dude, Hindenberg was elected in 1932 through a second round popular vote majority of 53%.
What? do you think history should repeat itself? There are many similarities to the German elections in the early 1930's and what's happening now. The best similarity to the situation in the US today is 1934 Germany, not 1932.