Random Jibber Jabber Thread


Well-Known Mod
Staff member
Do you have the liquid ph test kit? If you do then just add a few drops and wait for the color. Then use that as a reference. It won't be perfect but I've done it like that before.
LOL if his color vision is like mine he's fucked (sorry @Jimmyjonestoo). Thank god for reference range LOL

F'n damn Gary this means you are an artist if you can do that! Ok I'm impressed at your cone cells LOL

Gary Goodson

Well-Known Member
i have not used the r-word, or any variant of it, since you started your thread. feels goodman.
Thanks, I appreciate it.

But are you hinting that I shouldn't use the t-word? Lol fuck trump in his dickhole. I have to take him and everything he says as a joke or I'll be one pissed off fucker all the time.


Well-Known Member
Thanks, I appreciate it.

But are you hinting that I shouldn't use the t-word? Lol fuck trump in his dickhole. I have to take him and everything he says as a joke or I'll be one pissed off fucker all the time.
what's the t-word?

transsexual? i believe we should go much harder with the t-word if that's the case. flood the forum with transsexuals.

in fact, that reminds me. i have to go order some playing cards for someone.