Is a Soft Coup happening in the United States as we speak?

Nah, old Joey Jo Jo lost his election and will probably be going to jail. but such is the state in this country that he knows he can become a hero to the idiot Trump voters and get money on his commissary card.

He's a bigger cunt than Pie even. bet she loves him.

hey Flaming Pile, is Joey Jo Jo so fab?

Did you watch that shit? Some sad mother fuckers in Arizona, I'll tell ya what.

the food in tent city was actually pretty good, and contraband was easy to come by.

main complaint: no pillow with the cot.
Facts are facts, regardless of what some shitstain regurgitates on the internet. London can try all he wants to convince me what happened. Doesn't change what happened though. I know exactly what happened, I was there. I have no idea what his intent is but I give him props for sticking to it.
I will go by what people are saying and what the paper says. If you say that the paper is lying , why not sue their ass for getting the story wrong. The selling weed is not the problem, its the snitching that went on after you got busted. That sheskunk move was fucked up and still is. You owe this whole site a fucking apology.
I will go by what people are saying and what the paper says. If you say that the paper is lying , why not sue their ass for getting the story wrong. The selling weed is not the problem, its the snitching that went on after you got busted. That sheskunk move was fucked up and still is. You owe this whole site a fucking apology.

Show me on the doll where the bad man hurt you.
I will go by what people are saying and what the paper says. If you say that the paper is lying , why not sue their ass for getting the story wrong. The selling weed is not the problem, its the snitching that went on after you got busted. That sheskunk move was fucked up and still is. You owe this whole site a fucking apology.

They had him convinced he would get something for the snitch; what he didn't know was, they are bigger criminals than even he.

They get to lie- legally.

I didn't expect you would understand.
Lol. Amazing that he can care for himself isn't it?

He's like a half mentally disabled Rob Roy - which would put him at 1/16th normal human capacity. He should be proud.
How Come No One Involved in the Russian Hacking Conspiracy Talked?
December 14, 2016
How Come No One Involved in the Russian Hacking Conspiracy Talked?

Paul Craig Roberts

The claims that the Russian government hacked US voting machines are absurd. Voting machines are not connected to the Internet. To hack a voting machine you have to be physically in proximity to the machine and use a hand held device. The machines can be programmed to throw the vote count to one candidate or the other, and there are other ways to interfere with elections. Possibly if a foreign power had server presence in the US, some precinct reports of results could be intercepted and altered, although a voice check over the telephone is an easy way to verify the electronic transmission. What is clear is that Russia cannot hack the voting machines.

What about the claims that Russia hacked Hillary’s emails and used a network of 200 Internet websites to convince the American people to vote for Trump? Wikileaks, which released the emails, said they were a leak, not a hack, and that they did not come from Russians. The FBI and the Director of National Intelligence do not support the CIA’s claims. Or should we say claims attributed to the CIA as apparently the source of the claims, like the source of PropOrNot, is unknown.

And look at the size of the alleged conspiracy—the Kremlin and 200 websites. Surely someone would have talked!

John McCain says he is sure Russia did something and we need a congressional investigation to find out what.

Why not start with an investigation of PropOrNot and what they are up to? We also need an investigation why Americans living in big cities on the NE and West coasts were immune to Russian fake news, whereas the geographical bulk of the country succumbed to the Russian fake news instead of to the presstitute fake news that conquered the NE and West coasts.

The FBI says that the claims attributed to the CIA would not stand up in court. So what are the claims all about? Who is behind them? Are there elements within the CIA committing treason by working against president-elect Trump? Are there elements in the US Congress committing treason by trying to sway electors with fake news resting on unattributed claims that the Russians, not the American people, elected Trump? Why these claims in the absence of proof?

What we are experiencing in the delegitimization of Donald Trump is an extraordinary rejection of democracy by elements in the government and by the presstitutes.

How Come No One Involved in the Russian Hacking Conspiracy Talked?
December 14, 2016
How Come No One Involved in the Russian Hacking Conspiracy Talked?

Paul Craig Roberts

The claims that the Russian government hacked US voting machines are absurd. Voting machines are not connected to the Internet. To hack a voting machine you have to be physically in proximity to the machine and use a hand held device. The machines can be programmed to throw the vote count to one candidate or the other, and there are other ways to interfere with elections. Possibly if a foreign power had server presence in the US, some precinct reports of results could be intercepted and altered, although a voice check over the telephone is an easy way to verify the electronic transmission. What is clear is that Russia cannot hack the voting machines.

What about the claims that Russia hacked Hillary’s emails and used a network of 200 Internet websites to convince the American people to vote for Trump? Wikileaks, which released the emails, said they were a leak, not a hack, and that they did not come from Russians. The FBI and the Director of National Intelligence do not support the CIA’s claims. Or should we say claims attributed to the CIA as apparently the source of the claims, like the source of PropOrNot, is unknown.

And look at the size of the alleged conspiracy—the Kremlin and 200 websites. Surely someone would have talked!

John McCain says he is sure Russia did something and we need a congressional investigation to find out what.

Why not start with an investigation of PropOrNot and what they are up to? We also need an investigation why Americans living in big cities on the NE and West coasts were immune to Russian fake news, whereas the geographical bulk of the country succumbed to the Russian fake news instead of to the presstitute fake news that conquered the NE and West coasts.

The FBI says that the claims attributed to the CIA would not stand up in court. So what are the claims all about? Who is behind them? Are there elements within the CIA committing treason by working against president-elect Trump? Are there elements in the US Congress committing treason by trying to sway electors with fake news resting on unattributed claims that the Russians, not the American people, elected Trump? Why these claims in the absence of proof?

What we are experiencing in the delegitimization of Donald Trump is an extraordinary rejection of democracy by elements in the government and by the presstitutes.


Mr Obama answered all these questions in yesterday's news conference.

I guess this was a FUD campaign all along? "Leak" information to media and fake news sites, but little actual evidence behind it besides Russia having a "motivation" to do the hack because they want revenge on Hillary.

Electors won’t get intelligence briefing: report
By Mark Hensch - 12/16/16 05:23 PM EST 1,074


© Getty Images
Voters in the Electoral College will not receive an intelligence briefing about Russian meddling in the U.S. presidential election, according to a new report.

Sources told NPR the electors would not receive any national intelligence before they cast ballots this Monday.

Fifty-four of the 232 Democratic electors had signed a letter asking for a briefing before the Electoral College’s vote, according to reports.

The letter asked Director of National Intelligence James Clapper for information on what role, if any, Russia had in helping elect Donald Trump.

“Separate from Mr. Trump’s own denials of Russian involvement in the election, the confirmed communication between Trump’s aides and those associated with the Russian election interference activity raise serious concerns that must be addressed before we cast our votes,” the message reads.

Ten electors originally signed the letter when it was published Monday. The effort was organized by Christine Pelosi, the daughter of House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.).

Subsequent signees have all been Democrats, except for Republican Chris Suprun of Texas.

Suprun has already pledged not to vote for Trump and claimed last week that other GOP electors plan to pick an alternative too. Faithless electors, though, are a rare occurrence in the Electoral College and the overwhelming majority of Republicans are expected to back Trump.

The electors' letter came after reports that the CIA concluded that Russian hackers were trying to help Trump win the election. On Friday, the FBI also said it backed the CIA's conclusions on Russian interference.

Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton’s campaign had also applauded the electors' call for a briefing.

“Despite our protestations, this matter did not receive the attention it deserved by the media in the campaign,” Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta said in a statement Monday about Russian interference. “We now know the CIA has determined Russia’s interference in our election was for the purpose of electing Donald Trump. This should distress every American.”

Trump has fiercely rejected reports Russia boosted his campaign as “ridiculous,” portraying them as “another excuse” from Democrats disappointed by his win.

This story was updated at 5:54 p.m.

I guess this was a FUD campaign all along? "Leak" information to media and fake news sites, but little actual evidence behind it besides Russia having a "motivation" to do the hack because they want revenge on Hillary.

Electors won’t get intelligence briefing: report
By Mark Hensch - 12/16/16 05:23 PM EST 1,074


© Getty Images
Voters in the Electoral College will not receive an intelligence briefing about Russian meddling in the U.S. presidential election, according to a new report.

Sources told NPR the electors would not receive any national intelligence before they cast ballots this Monday.

Fifty-four of the 232 Democratic electors had signed a letter asking for a briefing before the Electoral College’s vote, according to reports.

The letter asked Director of National Intelligence James Clapper for information on what role, if any, Russia had in helping elect Donald Trump.

“Separate from Mr. Trump’s own denials of Russian involvement in the election, the confirmed communication between Trump’s aides and those associated with the Russian election interference activity raise serious concerns that must be addressed before we cast our votes,” the message reads.

Ten electors originally signed the letter when it was published Monday. The effort was organized by Christine Pelosi, the daughter of House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.).

Subsequent signees have all been Democrats, except for Republican Chris Suprun of Texas.

Suprun has already pledged not to vote for Trump and claimed last week that other GOP electors plan to pick an alternative too. Faithless electors, though, are a rare occurrence in the Electoral College and the overwhelming majority of Republicans are expected to back Trump.

The electors' letter came after reports that the CIA concluded that Russian hackers were trying to help Trump win the election. On Friday, the FBI also said it backed the CIA's conclusions on Russian interference.

Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton’s campaign had also applauded the electors' call for a briefing.

“Despite our protestations, this matter did not receive the attention it deserved by the media in the campaign,” Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta said in a statement Monday about Russian interference. “We now know the CIA has determined Russia’s interference in our election was for the purpose of electing Donald Trump. This should distress every American.”

Trump has fiercely rejected reports Russia boosted his campaign as “ridiculous,” portraying them as “another excuse” from Democrats disappointed by his win.

This story was updated at 5:54 p.m.

Go mother Russia, yeah
you are just being an assumptive arrogant POS like everyone else here. Maybe you should step back and give a fellow human being, grower and victim of the police and justice system that everyone here proclaims to hate the benefit of the doubt and a break eh?


Hopefully you get your ass thrown into the street with the cops waiting.

just stop trying. kill yourself.