Russian MEME thread!!


they're dressed awfully warm for a bunch of folks just searching for bodies on july 18th.
nice meme
I think making up a fake story about Russia hacking without proof to try to influence the electoral college, its pretty dangerous and also I think its sad how the Democrats are not taking the loss in a mentally healthy way. I think there is a lot the democrats could learn from this election to improve, but instead they are focusing on fake hacking and I do not see this as mentally healthy or productive way to handle the situation.
Hmmm, fake story? No proof? Actually there is considerable evidence according to our own country's many intelligence agencies. It seems to me that you are using @Mellowman2112 tactics - just saying that there is no proof despite the proof staring you in the face. Every credible news agency in the world is reporting on it. It just doesn't matter that you found some asshole with a website and a contrary opinion.

There is an actually meaning to the word "proof". It does not include convincing every asshole like you out there.
I think making up a fake story about Russia hacking without proof to try to influence the electoral college, its pretty dangerous and also I think its sad how the Democrats are not taking the loss in a mentally healthy way. I think there is a lot the democrats could learn from this election to improve, but instead they are focusing on fake hacking and I do not see this as mentally healthy or productive way to handle the situation.
This is rich coming from the fake news reporter. What? It wasn't fantastic enough? The CIA, FBI and DNI needed to toss in cannibalism or Iluminati to make the story believable to you?

You Trump supporters are becoming more and more unhinged from reality every day.

Did you know that the Chinese have installed a crystal radio set in one of Benedict Donald's molars so they can listen in on his conversations? They knew he was going to be speaking in Florida and so they moved weapons on the Islands they built near the Phillipines at that time so he would be caught unawares. Oh and they held a meeting with an Illuminati and devoured a human brain with it at the same time.

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