Cannabis Culture QC raided, Marc Emery Arrested

My unc went into his shop with like 80 bucks asked mark what he could get for that he flicked threw his ash tray to a burnt seed ha ha funny shit
Mayor, responds:

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, speaking in Montreal, said that acting as if marijuana was legal was premature.

"Until we've changed the law, the current laws exist and apply," said Trudeau.

Following the raids, Coderre tweeted that it was "more useful to put your energies on the legislative process for marijuana legalization than an unnecessary stunt. Respect the law."

The federal government has promised to legalize marijuana and this week a task force provided its recommendations on how to do so.

"We will get this done properly and responsibly because that is what Canadians expect us to do," said Trudeau.

He is right...
This is a calculated and brilliant move by Emery, his name is already synonymous with weed and the cause. This is free media for a few grand in lawyer fees. He's likely calculating that the courts will never jail him, some fines at worst case. If he's successful and what he's really fighting for is an open market, he stands to be the king of dispensary meds + rec eventually. If not, he still has a brand associated with weed and can use that in other ways. He really has nothing to lose, the risk of jail time for what he's doing is extremely low if any.

Don't think he's doing all of this for the cause but I do salute him, he has bigger balls than anyone out there when it comes to fighting the man and pushing back against corporate LP wannabee's.
So You have to be charged to apply for bail ? No?

He has most definitely been charged :

MONTREAL - Canada's self-styled "Prince of Pot" is facing drug charges after being arrested at one of his newly-opened cannabis boutiques in Montreal.

Marc Emery appeared in court today via videoconference where he was charged with drug trafficking, possession for purposes of trafficking, and conspiracy.

He was released on $5,000 bail and must respect various conditions, including not communicating with his co-accused and not consuming narcotics in Quebec without a prescription.

He can also not be in a place where narcotics are sold in Quebec.

Emery was one of 10 people arrested Friday night when police raided the stores the day after their grand opening. The other nine people were released earlier on a promise to appear in court.
Huh? Our Charter of Rights states that a law must be justifiable in a free and democratic society. How do you justify enforcing an obsolete law that the government has promised to eliminate? There should have been, at minimum, a period of decriminalization while legalization is implemented.
The god damn irony of it all is that we have the Charter to begin with thanks to his own father
There's a huge sense of entitlement right now. Why do the Emery's feel that they are entitled to break the laws while the rest of us patiently wait. The wheels of government move at a glaciers pace, we all know that. Why should cannabis be different? patients is a virtue. Far as I'm concerned the only thing driving this race is greed. The only thing they care about is the all mighty dollar and media coverage. Soon they will be no bodies. There are thousands of passionate cannabis folk patiently waiting for an opportunity in the industry. I look forward to the future where these attention whores simply fade away, and the real cannabis culture takes over. The Emery's are now simply pot peddlers. My$.02

There's a huge sense of entitlement right now. Why do the Emery's feel that they are entitled to break the laws while the rest of us patiently wait. The wheels of government move at a glaciers pace, we all know that. Why should cannabis be different? patients is a virtue. Far as I'm concerned the only thing driving this race is greed. The only thing they care about is the all mighty dollar and media coverage. Soon they will be no bodies. There are thousands of passionate cannabis folk patiently waiting for an opportunity in the industry. I look forward to the future where these attention whores simply fade away, and the real cannabis culture takes over. The Emery's are now simply pot peddlers. My$.02


Probably because if Terry Parker had never broke the law, we wouldn't be having this discussion right now. Cannabis prohibition is unjust, and was enacted for reasons that had little to nothing to do with public safety, or any scientific evidence. As MLK said, is is the duty of the citizenry to disobey unjust laws. Also if you grow without registering in the ACMPR, you are just as much of a lawbreaker as the Emeries are.

The 'entitlement' I see is people who have never been willing to put themselves in harm's way tut tutting those who have consistently done so. The countless people, many of them minorities and youth who will have lives ruined probably have as much contempt for the 'lol well government is slow' non-arguments as I do. What the Emeries have done is shown how ridiculous the hand-wringing over how to legalize is, and how big the public demand is.

Now, not after laws are entrenched is the time to make it painfully clear to the government what the people want, and what will happen if more unjust laws replace the current ones.
Exactly why we need to fight it,

It looks like their is a campaign at the Cannabis Culture page on Facebook, to make phone calls. I guess the tactic is to make more bother to keep him than it is worth.

Click here to check it out

In regards to the raids of Cannabis Culture dispensaries in Montreal:

Please politely call the Montreal Police and Montreal Mayor and ask them to let our people go. Together we can all end cannabis prohibition just like all of the laws challenged in the past. Thank you!

514-868-5531 - Montreal Mayor
514-280-2222 Montreal Police