Do you know we have a chun problem ?


Active Member
We all out of soup !! what we going to do ?

So there never going to let you back in that pub, are they? It's almost xmas, maybe you can give us all an early gift and kill yourself. With soup, if need be...
That could actually make this lame ass thread kinda entertaining

How would you kill yourself with a pack of soup ....using just the soup and or packaging it comes in ??

Hhhmmmmm how would I do it
That could actually make this lame ass thread kinda entertaining

How would you kill yourself with a pack of soup ....using just the soup and or packaging it comes in ??

Hhhmmmmm how would I do it

He could choke on it, smoke the plastic wrapping, liquefy it and inject it while it's boiling, freeze it into an icicle and jam it into his brain, etc.. any of these ways would be mmm, mmm, good. C'mon, you're creative. Help a brotha out...
He could choke on it, smoke the plastic wrapping, liquefy it and inject it while it's boiling. C'mon, you're creative. Help a brotha out...
I'm struggling ....soup makes for a seriously difficult means of suicide ....choking was my first thought or maybe shaping the soup and packaging into a penis shaped object and taking it into a biker bar and slapping the biggest mother fucker i could find on the ass with it .....but that could go another direction
That could actually make this lame ass thread kinda entertaining

How would you kill yourself with a pack of soup ....using just the soup and or packaging it comes in ??

Hhhmmmmm how would I do it
1) Get into orbit.

2) place soup pack in retrograde orbit, preferably a Molniya or Gto or other steep ellipse.

3) Interact with soup package and make Campbell's Cream of Plasma Soup
He could choke on it, smoke the plastic wrapping, liquefy it and inject it while it's boiling, freeze it into an icicle and jam it into his brain, etc.. any of these ways would be mmm, mmm, good. C'mon, you're creative. Help a brotha out...
Simply injecting soup should kill the average brit, mainy is not thr averagebrit so maybe 2 packages.

Most of them limey fucks overdose on flavour before they consume a mass quantitity