Your plant is pretty much dead.
Look at the COLOUR?!@??!?!!? of your water...that must be an EC of 8.
You have burned them so badly that they never even got burned, they dead.
Learn from your mistakes. go get an EC meter.
RIP Plant.
My thoughts aswellWhat colour is the water supposed to be then oh yee of such vast knowledge?
Psychic ppm meter in your head to read ppm from a picture? What an awesome power.
What colour is the water supposed to be then oh yee of such vast knowledge?
Psychic ppm meter in your head to read ppm from a picture? What an awesome power.
If you were looking at just water then maybe colour is an indicator of mineral content but nutes add different colours to the water that is in no way indicative of it's EC or mineral content.
A spectrophotometer compares the reflective colours in a sample against a standard for what is being tested for and not something your average home grower has the budget for.
Just saying it's rather presumptuous of you to come to the conclusion you did from a picture that doesn't likely show the real colour in the first place.
Hydroponic nutes. Chemical nutes has a negative connotation much like marijuana does compared to cannabis. Many people confuse them with bad chem like pesticides etc and they are just salts exactly like the ones that organic materials get converted to by the micro-herd that works to feed the plants. Everything comes down to chemistry tho.
At the moment growing in a blend of soil/soilless, all by ProMix and feeding AN nutes and a few supplements. Seems to work better than using just the soilless. Not sure when I will do DWC again as I'd need to come up with something better than single tubs to ramp up production. All stocked up on various bags of mix so will likey do a SoG type grow with multiple plants in pots that can can be bulk watered in a large tray from the bottom.
Think we need to stop hijacking this thread tho.
I'm not a hydro user (yet), but if I look at your roots, they don't seem to be very healthy, no rocket scientist needed here to see that.
These thing I like to be seen journalled.
Hydro will be added soon to the journals. Check out at
Yours in Growing,
Growari Jo