Bict 16/17. Straya m8 2.0

It's the time of season for maximum growth. Your plants should already double in size when flowering . Just have a look at how everyone's plants have grown over the last 5weeks.
i dunno if im gonna go into the ground in local bush now or just like double or tripple pot size and leave them on my property down the back of 20 acres
i dunno if im gonna go into the ground in local bush now or just like double or tripple pot size and leave them on my property down the back of 20 acres
I'd leave them in big pots on your property. Pots heat up quicker than plants in the ground so it will promote faster growth.
This rain doesn't know what the fuck it wants to do eh lukey?
Was a nice shower hear last night.

I hope we get a bit more in the next few days and it will save me a trip in to the plot.

Notice how light it is at night atm? Doesnt seem to get dark tll 10pm or somethin.